His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1218: 1222

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The venerable one gave Ji Xuehao a sword that can cut iron like mud. It's called "Bixiao sword".

Ji Xuehao has never learned swordsmanship or understood swordsmanship very well, but he felt the swordsmanship and loved it.

Tilt feather close to look, think this sword whole body is like Jasper general, after scabbard is silver again shine, beautiful, hurried way: "I also want to give my whip a good name!"

Otherwise, a whip made of the skin of a three headed snake is too long to call.

Ji Xuehao smiled and said, "OK, I'll help you think later. Learn first. "

So, for the rest of their time, they followed the venerable to learn ancient martial arts. When leaning feather to learn whip, Ji Xuehao looked at it carefully. When Ji Xuehao learned sword, he hid away and practiced the whip technique seriously.

Snow mountain night will come later than other places.

When the gorgeous clouds are splashed out in the form of oil paintings, they are both tired and sweaty.

However, with the new weapon in hand, he is full of fighting spirit and excited. He will continue every time he takes a rest.


A coquettish call broke the teaching time of three people.

Looking up, Jinzhu changed into a gorgeous national costume and smiled at Ji Xuehao not far away expectantly.

The venerable smiled lightly: "what should be solved should always be solved. I'll go back to my room and have a rest. "

Ji Xuehao and Qing Yu immediately said to the venerable, "master, slow down."

The venerable left in the opposite direction.

For the first time, when she saw the white snow under her feet, she was also colored by the sunset glow. She put away her whip and said, "I've come to see the elder martial brother!"

She thought, let them make it clear.

Stay and watch, as long as they are close, she will feel sad, and she doesn't like gold beads at all, it's better to leave.

Anyway, she believes that Ji Xuehao won't do anything sorry to her.

And when the elder martial brother was taking medicine in the afternoon, she was not there, and I didn't know if he was better.

Tilt feather to the direction of red Qi's room, just take two steps, small waist a tight, people have been Ji Xuehao's arm income bosom: "do not go!"

She frowned: "I'm just going to see the elder martial brother!"

He said, "no! It'll be dinner in a moment. You can see it. "

She: "..."

Anxiously glanced at the golden bead, and then he thought of the picture of himself being kicked down the cliff again. He turned back angrily and ignored it.

And Jinzhu has come.

Looking at Qianyu's back to herself, she naively thought that she was going to serve her husband tonight, so Qianyu was quarreling with him.

I thought I was generous: "husband, what's wrong with sister yu'er? Are you not happy to see me? Also, yu'er's younger sister, who has been doting on her for so many days, suddenly wants to adapt to my wife. She is afraid that she is not used to it. However, it's the same for us to serve together... "

"All right."

Ji Xuehao interrupts her words, frowns and looks at her: "things are ready?"

Jin Zhu understood that he was talking about history books, so he nodded: "well, put it! I do business, my husband is at ease! "

In this way, Ji Xuehao sighed and said to her: "in fact, you've been wrong for a long time. I'm not a red unicorn. "

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It's not that hard to say that, because he doesn't want to misunderstand and and go on, which makes Qingyu unhappy.

But the golden bead is pulled to pull the corner of the mouth, does not believe: "what does the husband say?"? How could you not be red Qi? You are my brother Hongqi, you are the general! "

Ji Xuehao knows that if she wants to accept it, there must be a process, during which she must say more mistakes.

He didn't want to talk to her more. His face was no longer beautiful. He held up his fingers and pointed to a room that looked fresh and elegant not far away: "red Qi is there. Go and have a look. Naturally everything is clear. I'm red Qi's younger martial brother, so I have short hair like him. That day I was in a coma at the gate, and red Qi had an accident again, so I'll be mistaken by you. "

Gold bead is shedding tears, crying way: "husband!"! I did everything for you to steal the imperial mausoleum historical records, but you... "

Before she had finished speaking, Ji Xuehao flew away from where she was with Qing Yu in his arms.

Looking at their graceful figures sliding out of a beautiful arc in the wind, the golden bead didn't say anything, especially in response: "you don't want me like this? Sobbing to sobbing "

standing alone in the snow, she shed tears.

After waiting for a long time, Ji Xuehao did not see them coming back. She looked at the house not far away, bit her lips, and approached step by step.

When we got to the window, the light blue sky could light up everything in the room.

When she saw the mask on the stake, her heart leaped!

Can she not recognize it? This is the mask of general Hongqi!

Around half the room, she found the main door. She took a deep breath and shouted angrily, "who lives in it!"

Soon, red Qi yelled at her, "don't make me sleep!"

Yes Red Qi's voice!

After listening to her for so many years, would she be wrong?

She always thought that Ji Xuehao's voice had changed, because he wore a mask all the year round, and the voice of people wearing a mask must be different from that of people without a mask!

But now she knows that Ji Xuehao's voice change is not a mask!

Then she stepped back in fear. She raised her hand and covered her heart: "general? Wuwu ~ it's not true, brother Qi. Are you brother Qi? It must be that bitch yu'er asked you to collude with brother Qi to cheat me, didn't it? "

She complained in tears!

In a moment, the sound of someone moving around in the room came.

The wooden door was opened with a squeak.

Red Qi stood behind the door in a red robe and looked at her quietly: "I almost forgot that it was you who kicked my little martial sister off the cliff, wasn't it?"

The voice, the height, the figure, the feeling of opening the door and speaking

The golden pearl covered her lips and was completely ignorant: "are you really a red unicorn? That one just now, isn't it? "

Red Qi narrowed his eyes and said, "I've been captured by moye for the sake of the North moon. You not only don't send soldiers to save me, but also recognize my younger martial brother and force him to marry you! He has told you more than once that he is not a red Qi, and no one of you is willing to believe him! If it wasn't for this time, could I have come back? "

Jinzhu: "Wuwu ~ Wuwu"

red Qi suddenly reached out and clapped her on the shoulder!

The sound of broken bones!


The voice of the Golden Pearl!

However, he closed the door and said, "this is the interest of your plot against my younger martial sister! Go back and tell your father, I red Qi won't work for him any more! "

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