His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1289: 1293

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"Girl doll?"

Liuguang thought his eyes were blooming.

He saw the superior officer looking at him anxiously, full of maternal love, as if he wanted to bear the pain for him at the moment.

It's too late to determine if it's an illusion. He's asleep again under the influence of the medicine.

Streamer lung inflammation is more severe, just hit a fever needle, when sent to the ward, moyize is also sleeping.

Shangguan Xiaoxiao is very clear that pulmonary edema itself is not infectious, and the cause of pulmonary edema is infectious. The cold in the plateau caused by streamer causes pulmonary edema. It is no problem to move to live with muyize, because there is no article here that can make muyize infected with pulmonary edema.

In this case, she can also consider her patient mu Yize, I have to say that she is a very dedicated doctor.

They all stayed here for two days and nights. They couldn't bear it. Linglie ordered them to go back to the palace to rest.

At present, the surroundings are very quiet.

The soft light makes everything more holy.

When the superior officer was sure that mu Yize had no problem for the time being, she moved a chair and sat by the side of the flowing bed. She grabbed his hand without infusion, held it gently and looked at him with eyes.

"Don't they all call you a miracle doctor? How can't you really cure yourself? "

Infatuated eyes, gentle words, sad tone and worried mood, this is her at the moment.

Shangguan helps him pay attention to his temperature from time to time. Finally, she finds that her forehead is sweating. She goes to the bathroom and takes her towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

The nurse came in to remove the atomizer, because this kind of thing, like oxygen, can't be inhaled all the time. According to his situation, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening.

Seeing that the superior officer was holding Liuguang's hand in a spoony way, the nurse asked in surprise, "the superior officer doctor? It turns out that the doctor is your A boyfriend? "

"Well." The superior officer should after a, just think of something wrong, thought back to raise eyes to look at her: "what?"

She didn't actually hear what the nurse said.

But the nurse thought that she had heard and admitted her relationship with the doctor, then asked what was the matter.

Then the nurse opened her mouth and smiled with a sudden realization: "Oh, nothing, ha ha."

This time, Shangguan Xiaoxiao is Luo Liuguang's girlfriend's business, which has spread to the whole military headquarters at the speed of rockets!

Some male doctors who still want to pursue the rank of superior officer can only be regretted.

Shangguan herself didn't know the gossip outside. She stayed quietly in the intensive care unit, taking care of Mu Yize and the streamer.

A nurse came in to infuse Liuguang. The superior officer would personally inject him every time. She also specially equipped Liuguang with an alarm box like moyize.

Leaning to embrace and think about it, she stood at the door of the room and looked inside.

They didn't find Qinglan and her admiring figure. They called and asked before they knew that they had returned to the palace.

Qingrong also wants to go back to the palace, mainly to see how the family is now.

But, think is not at ease streamer, she climbed down from the bosom, knocked on the door.

The superior officer heard the voice and came to open the door: "Your Highness."

The white gown was pulled from the bottom, and the officer looked down. Then she saw and thought. She smiled and thought, "baby, we meet again."

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I want to go in and have a look at the streamer! In a little while! "

The superior officer touched her little head and led her to go: "yes, but he is not well now. You can't wake him up or talk to him. You can only watch."

Take the thought to the bedside, Shangguan saw eye mu Yize again.

Think of an effort to wink at tilt.

"How's my grandfather, Shangguan doctor?"? He's still sleeping? "

"Oh, yes." The superior officer immediately turned his attention and went to the side where he was leaning and following mu Yize. He thought that during this period of time, he would gently press his small hand on the flowing light lung, close his eyes tightly, and input his spiritual power into the flowing light body.

Naturally, she didn't dare to lose too much. If the streamer is all right at once, she may become a baby crying for feeding in an instant. In this way, the upper officials on the scene will be scared to death, and the countenance will cry to death.

So she can only input a little bit to help the streamer lungs to reduce swelling, recover physical strength, and then quickly withdraw her hands.

Over there, I'm still whispering to my superior.

The streamer opened his eyes.

"You wake up!"

The voice of milk and milk came, and the superior officer and the reclining countenance all looked back at the streamer.

But see, the man in bed is really awake.

He opened a pair of amber eyes, stared and thought, raised a hand and touched his small head: "thank you."

Naturally, he could feel that he had expended spiritual power for him.

Moreover, he also understood that he had just begun to cultivate. After all, her ability was limited, so he was grateful that she could achieve this.

Think of the eyes turned, pointed to the opposite side: "when I came, the doctor has been taking care of you, she grabbed your hand, so affectionate look!"

Liuguang was slightly shocked, turned his head and looked at Shangguan.

At the moment, the superior officer was embarrassed to walk by. She nodded to the streamer and said hello. Then she quickly pulled the back of the chair to face the streamer and sat in front of Mu Yize.

Think of the eyes to look back two eyes, ran to reach for the hand to be inclined to embrace: "we go back to the palace, you are not back to the army at noon?"? Go to see them. "

"Good." "My grandfather asked the doctor," she said

He went to the streamer and put his cell phone beside his bed: "if you need it, use my cell phone. The charger is universal. You can ask the doctor to borrow it. The phone numbers of the family are saved. You can watch it and take care of it when you are around."

Take a deep breath of streamer light, and feel that the lung is not so painful.

Gratefully looking at his childish face, he said to his countenance, "I also want to go back to the palace."

He has come back safely from the plateau, and the edema and inflammation in his lungs have gone down a lot. His physical strength has also recovered. As long as he goes back to normal cultivation and conditioning, he can recover himself.

But, he just finished saying, back to his sitting Shangguan suddenly stood up and rushed over, looking at him tearfully: "no! Absolutely not allowed! Why do you always make such a mistake? I wonder if you're stupid. Just after the craniotomy, you'll run to the plateau. Do you want to die? "

She scolded him.

But with a little cry, it seems that he is very angry that he does not cherish his body.

Streamer looked at her sleepily: "girl, you Cried? "

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