His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1350: 1354

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In a twinkling of an eye, there are still ten days left, which is the new year of Ningguo.

I admire that they spent the western new year in New York with Shen's family and Jinrong's family. They also stood on the Fifth Avenue in New York the night before New Year's day, counting down the new year with the local people.

He also visited New York's places of interest with Bella, took many sweet and precious photos, and sent them to the back of the building without exception.

On this day, adore from Luo Jinrong's company back, people have not entered the Shen's yard, cloud Xuan received a message.

"Your Highness, something happened to the villa behind," he said with heavy admiration

So -

a large sunset has tasted the sky with a swallowing gesture, but the admiration is to take a direct detour from the front of Shen's villa to the villa behind.

His people have surrounded this place.

But in the villa, admiring went to see it in person, but there was no figure of the man and his subordinates up and down.


There is no underground hole, all the windows and doors are watched 24 hours, and even the sniper watch!

However, I have been looking up and down for three times. As reported by Yunxuan, the villa is empty!

Admiring the fire, cold face asked: "you let me over, is to tell me, these people are playing the magic of big change, so it has nothing to do with you?"

After a word, the soldiers knelt down in fear in front of him: "Your Highness, forgive me! Your highness, please punish me! "

I admire you!

But, ask him how to return a responsibility, his so clever head, all can't think of!

The result of the geological monitor clearly shows that there is no underground derived chamber!

There is no secret chamber derived from the underground. They can't escape from the house any more, but there is no one in the house!

Yunxuan also didn't expect such a thing to happen. He hung his head and admired: "soldiers come here every day to send food and daily necessities, and they receive them every day. It's this afternoon. It's estimated that the man's medicine should be finished, so he went to open a delivery. At that time, he rang the doorbell again. No one has opened the door. So later, when the soldiers thought it strange and were afraid of something, they burst out of the door. There was no one in the house

"How many of them?" Admiring eyes, sharp from the face of the soldiers one by one, and from the roof, stairway and other side corners one by one!

Secret chamber missing case!

It's really He's pissed off!

"Seventeen in all." Yun Xuan answered.

"Adore smile:" from the man was detained to now, how many days

Cloud Xuan Leng for a while, the soldier has a person to calculate: "seventeen, days!"

Adore sneer: "run one a day, 17 days, all run! But you didn't find it until you ran out of them! "

Hearing the words, Yunxuan also got scared to kneel down: "Your Highness, please punish!"

Adoration went without expression.

He went back to Shen's house in front of him with a gloomy face. When he saw Bella standing in the yard looking forward to her, his heart tightened and he rushed forward to hold her!

After 20 days of raising at her mother's home in New York, the girl grows more and more intelligent and looks better and better.

White round small chin, but also a layer, the body in the arms, soft to the extreme.

Admiring for four eyes, hurriedly led her hand into the room: "it's so cold outside, how come out to wait for me? I just go to work and I'll be back from work. "

"Just when the housekeeper said you were back, I would wait for you to come in and come out."

Bella smiled and pasted her head on his shoulder: "what's the matter? I see you come from behind the wall, and you don't look well. "

Adore holding her face, silent for a while, said: "nothing to go out as little as possible."

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Because the man ran away, and loved Bella, and had a heart attack. He was afraid that he would not live long.

What a dying man wants to do most is to do all the things he has never done in his life.

The man likes Bella. If he fails to rob people, he will rob again before he dies.

The more I admire you, the more strange it is. No matter whether it's the palace tunnel or New York City, how much does this man like Bella? Why do I have to stare at her?

In particular, Bella has been wandering in China for so long before, and it is impossible to get to know such a person after returning!

Men's love for Bella seems to exceed the depth of their imagination, but where does this love come from?

Shen and his wife came down from the upstairs and laughed: "come back, then have dinner!"

The mouth of adoration shows a trace. I don't want to bring unpleasant things to my family and make them worry.

Today's dinner is a Thai dish carefully cooked by the Shen family cook. Because the taste of Thai food is sour and spicy, it is very suitable for Bella's appetite. Recently, she has such a taste that she seldom has pregnant vomiting.

After eating for a while, Yunxuan came and sat down beside Tiantian.

"Your Highness, the back is clear. The fingerprint collection is finished."

Yunxuan picked up the chopsticks and said to adore.

Admiring silence, he seemed to be thinking about something. Suddenly, he looked up at Yunxuan and said, "ask about the black market of organ transplantation around the world, and check if anyone has recently bought a healthy right heart at a high price!"

Yunxuan hears the words, and her eyes are bright!

Yes, this man can't run away at all. He's going to die soon. If you want to live, you must inquire about the news of right heart from all channels!

In this world, the right heart is almost one out of ten thousand. It's too hard to find. At this time, people with such needs can basically be judged to be this man!


Yunxuan just picked up the chopsticks and put them down, admiring: "eat first, finish eating and do it!"

Adore in the heart also afraid, afraid this man dies!

I don't know why, he always has the feeling that this man can't die, not only can't die, but also the feeling that this man may be a member of the royal family.

I hope all this is his illusion!

At the end of the dinner, Shen Di Chen smiled a little, and looked at the eyes of adoration with a smile. His tone seemed light: "Your Highness is looking for the right person?"

Admiring and nodding, he gathered in front of Shen and whispered: "these days, I will accompany Shen Xinyi and won't let her go out. The man ran away. "

"Shen Di Chen hears speech to be startled:" is not someone 24 hours to guard, is not to say a fly all cannot fly out

"The chamber is missing." There is a sense of frustration in adoration: "I underestimated the intelligence of each other."

And how the other party fled, he wants to understand now!

Shen immediately became nervous. He grabbed one of his admiring arms and asked, "what does that have to do with right heart?"

Admiring that his mother-in-law had gone to the sofa with Bella, he whispered: "the man, who has a congenital heart disease, can't live, must find a healthy right heart transplant as soon as possible, otherwise, he will undoubtedly die."

"God!" Shen's face is white!

The hand that he holds admiring arm is also stiff, cannot loosen!

Light sweat spilled from his forehead, his lips trembled, and then he said with fear, "Your Highness, I know why he wants to catch Bella."

Admire the sight!

Shen Dichen let go and kept calm. "Your Highness, follow me," he said

Step by step, he went upstairs, and his admiring eyes grew with him. He raised his eyebrows and immediately followed Shen's steps.

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