His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1377: 1381

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When I ordered the wedding banquet just now, there was also a total solar eclipse!

Now I can let my adoration leave her behind, and my father and Emperor leave their mother behind, so I run away recklessly. What else can I do except for the things of Qingyu?

Bella's heart leaped!

The national guard behind him was protecting, and Mu Tianxing chased out. He looked at the father and son who had disappeared in the distance, puzzled, and said to Bella, "let's go back. Bella, you need something to eat. Today's dinner is at the state banquet level! "

And now, where else is Bella meddling with this?

Adore thought with Bella explained, she will stay obediently!

Shen and Luo are both entertaining guests in the banquet hall. When they watch Bella and adore leave, they will naturally feel that Bella and adore are the safest together.

So now, Bella took Mu Tianxing's hand and said: "just a total solar eclipse! Queen mother, tilt feather is the total solar eclipse left! Now adoration and father are running away, it must be Qianyu back! After mother, tilt feather to come back! "

Mu Tianxing hears the words and surprises come to her heart!

But look, it's the path to Yueya bay!

"Bella, you go back to dinner, I'll see!" Mu Tianxing can no longer control her missing for her daughter, while Bella's love for Qing Yu is more than Mu Tianxing!

She watched Mu Tianxing run towards there with her skirt raised, and she also ran towards there with her skirt raised!

Some members of the muyingdui know Bella is pregnant. They are scared and stop one after another: "Princess! You can't run! Will you walk by slowly, and we will accompany you? Or, let's go back and have some food and wait for the news, shall we? "

Team members stopped her one after another, Bella looked at Mu Tianxing's figure more and more far away, only biting her teeth: "go!"

With a big stomach and skirt, Bella's steps are really going to be windy!

The team members continued to comfort: "slow down, princess, slow down."

But Bella is struggling to trot forward and walk, saying nothing!

The path to Yueya Bay is short cut, but there is no room for cars!

Qiao Yekang is also anxious at the moment, but he has to be responsible for the safety of the banquet hall. The direction of the dormitory can only be given to tilt Rong.

After the banquet began, he went to the bedside and talked to tilt face with Bluetooth headset: "how about that? How are things now? "

"I'm back. I'm in a coma. I've got a dagger in my heart. Experts say it's more dangerous than good."

Qiao Yekang is shocked!

The small partial hall on the second floor of the dormitory has been packed into a temporary operating room. All the equipment and tools needed in the operation have been moved here.

Now, he lies quietly on the operating table and feeds her five life sustaining pills in a single breath. Xuehao sits at the head of tilt feather's bed and kisses her forehead and hair, her face. He grabs one of her small hands and continuously loses his true Qi to her to continue her life.

On the back of the other hand of tilt feather, there is a needle, and the blood belonging to her blood type is slowly pouring into her body.

On the arm is a manometer, on the wrist is a heart rate meter, and on the nose and mouth is an oxygen mask. On the top of her head are several silver needles which are pierced by streamers to consolidate her soul and soul!

And tilt feather has done general anesthesia, snow Hao does not dare to look up, dare not see those scalpels in her body.

The red Qi is waiting outside. Only the doctor and Xuehao, Liuguang and Zun are inside.

Surgeons did not dare to pull out the knife for the moment, but observed the wound. According to many years of clinical experience, they are sure that the heart is in the right position of being stabbed by a sharp blade!

Can't help, one after another surprised!

"Transplant it. The heart won't work."

"Did he sleep?"

"I'm asleep."

"What did the boy do?"

"Poisoning the school canteen killed twenty-three students and sentenced them to death."

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"What a fool!"

"Stop it, hurry up!"

Experts found that tilt feather's heart can no longer be used. To save her, they can only try to do a heart transplant, but this operation may not be successful. It depends on fate.

The young prisoner who was ready had already gone to sleep under general anesthesia.

Xuehao dare not look!

He can't take someone to dig out the heart of the woman he loves!

I can't take it!

"Tilt feather, hold on, don't die, Wuwu ~ I beg you, hold on, you are dead, what can I do, what can I do, Wuwu ~"

Ji Xuehao's current state is basically collapsed.

On the long corridor outside, adoration and linglie gasped for breath and finally ran over!

As soon as Xuebao saw them, he narrowed his eyes vigilantly and leaned into his face and choked: "father! Adore! Sobbing "

it's a disgraceful thing to cry even if you look down.

As soon as Xuebao saw that they knew each other, he took back his sight and continued to guard at the door of the operating room, which meant that there was no way to open the door.

Looking at the beast in front of her, Ling lie and her adoration think of the documents in the secret history of the ancient North moon.

"How is it?" she asked

"Listen, Xuehao is crying inside. Her chest is full of blood. Her clothes are full of blood. The knife is in her heart! Sobbing "

linglie's legs are too soft to stand.

He stepped forward slightly and touched the doorplate gently with his big hand. At the moment, he was only separated from the daughter he was thinking about. Their father and daughter are now wandering between life and death!

Linglie stood rigidly in place, with one eye, as if looking through the autumn water!

Adore clenched his fist and waited anxiously.

He glanced at the young man in the ancient general's armor and asked, "are you a red unicorn? The son of Princess Kaixin? "

When he was just admiring, red Qi's eyes were full of unprecedented surprise.

At the moment, I can't believe it: "Your Royal Highness? Xuehao and Qingyu always want to come back to save you, but are you all right? "

This sentence, let admire the heart is moving!

When they all arrived in a different world, they were still thinking about detoxifying him: "OK."

Red Qi still thinks that people here wear strange clothes, have short hair styles, and have strange furnishings in the house. He has not seen many equipment.

However, he knows the etiquette: "I'm red Qi! It's the son of Princess Kaixin. I've seen your majesty and the prince! "

I adored and looked at the red Unicorn carefully, no more words!

When doctors cut the clothes of tilted feathers, they need to prepare for pulling out the knife. At this time, the heart cord on the original ECG monitor suddenly returns to calm!

The doctors were startled, and immediately made a stage of cardiac resuscitation to tilt feather, but the heart cord on the instrument was still straight, and there was no response!

The venerable cried out with heartache, beating his chest and choking: "yu'er! My feather! "

"Wuwuwu ~ Qingyu, you are not here. What's the use of my eternal life?" Ji Xuehao raised his head, looked at her pale face, and looked at the doctors in front of him: "operation, operation!"

"Yes, your highness Gone. " The doctors had no choice but to answer.

Xuehao suddenly went mad. He knelt down in front of the bed and shouted: "ah ~! Ah! My plumage, my plumage! "

On the corridor separated by one door, everyone heard the words inside and wept!

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