His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1385: 1389

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Several cars set out from the palace in tandem.

Qiao Yekang sent them to the hospital first, so he took them back to Qiao's house with red Qi.

By the time they arrived at the hospital, Bella had enough to eat and drink, and fell asleep with admiration.

She believed that Qing Yu would be OK.

Otherwise, linglie and qianrong will not be guarding her in the hospital for such a long time.

Linglie and his wife, Qingrong and adoration are all talking on the sofa. There is heating in the room. Bella listens to everyone's conversation. She has a special sense of security. She puts her hands on her stomach and bends her mouth when she falls asleep.

Yunxuan knocks on the door, then probes his head and comes in with a fresh smile. In a small voice, he says, "Your Highness, they are all here."

Hearing this, everyone on the sofa got up.

Mr. and Mrs. Luo jiebu, Mr. and Mrs. Shen Dichen, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Qingchen, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Xuehao, and Mr. Qing Yu came in one by one.

It's a VIP room. It's big enough. Everyone came in and watched Bella fall asleep steadily. They dare not speak.

The sight of her bulging stomach was a real relief.

Leaning feather looked at her, obviously there was no memory, but looking at Bella's face, there was no blood color, and her tears could not help falling.

Slowly, she walked up to the bed and stared at Bella's face.

On the way here, lojeb showed her a video.

She was still in her infancy when she was in exile in China. In the video, Bella held a man's leg, cried that the milk powder was gone, and was kicked out a long way with her hair.

Bella's shrill cry haunted her heart. She could not even imagine how she was raised by her sister.

She kissed Bella on the forehead.

She really felt that her sister's face was familiar, as if Grandpa Huang had just not shown her the video, and she could also have a natural sense of dependence on Bella.

I don't want to leave at all.

She holds Bella's small hand, which is warm. When she feels relaxed, she raises her eyes and looks at Bella's curled eyelashes. She whispers, "sister!"

Lost the memory of the tilt feather, at the moment tired of Bella, like a long-term exiled children, tired of their mother.

She nestled beside Bella as if she and Bella should have been so close.

Mu Tianxing is envious and knows that Bella deserves it, because Bella has paid for tilt feather. She holds Ling lie's waist and wipes tears silently, hoping that tilt feather can also rely on herself in her lifetime.

Linglie holds her shoulder and knows what she is thinking.

Goulabuan smiled and said, "we still have one."

In any case, we will never let 11 fall into danger again, and we will certainly let 11 come out safely.

Shen Di Chen and his wife watched their daughter fall asleep peacefully, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

The mink climbed out of her arms and climbed directly up Xuehao's trouser tubes, then was picked up by Xuehao and held in her hands.

Xuehao looked at her carefully and chuckled, "how small is it?"

The mink gave him a white look, but he jumped to his shoulder and raised his tender little claw to touch Xuehao's cheek.

Her brother.

It is also the lifeblood of parents.

It's nice to be back.

Xuehao looks at it carefully, makes the back frown and thinks about it. His fingertips are gently pressed between mink's eyebrows. He remembers Liuguang saying that there are three Dantian for people, and the upper Dantian is under the skin between the eyebrows.

He tried to give the mink some power.

Mink squinted comfortably in the palm of his younger brother's hand, with his mouth curled up. His body was silvery and obviously big.

Xuehao smiled and said, "I've found the trick. I'll help you practice after I get home."

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"Haw! Haw! " Mink nodded happily.

Ji Qingchen and his wife wept with joy and pulled Xue Hao to say: "we have moved to a new house. Considering that you will marry your highness in the future, the decoration style and materials are the best, but the whole third floor and the villa backyard are empty, because you want to leave some space for your own decoration, or you can keep it, just stay with us in the second floor The third floor is for your children in the future. "

Ji Xuehao smiles.

He's with chuiyu's kid?

Qing Yu is still a child.

I don't know why. It's very warm.

He put Mink on his shoulder and put out his arms to hug his parents: "Dad, mom, sister, Xuehao worries you this time. Xuehao will never leave you again. "

Ji Qingchen and his wife were moved to tears, and the joy of family reunion filled their hearts. They were almost happy.

And Xuehao suddenly thought of something, let them go, and said, "by the way, I forgot to tell you something."

All the people looked at him.

Even the plumage on Bella's shoulder looked up at him.

But when he smiled and looked at the crowd, his voice was melodious and clear: "when I was in the ancient North moon, I entered the legendary marrow washing pool and experienced a rebirth, so my kidney disease gene has been completely eliminated, and AGA will not worry about my sudden kidney disease in the future."

Wen Yan, Ji Qingchen and his wife instantly opened their eyes and looked at Ji Xuehao in surprise: "that's great! That's really great! "

Mu Tianxing covers his heart and recites amitabha in silence.

It can be seen that even if her daughter lost her memory, she also adored and relied on Ji Xuehao. Now Ji Xuehao will not like thinking about it, which is great news!

Even rojeb and they were very happy.

There was also a happy smile on his adored face, as if all the anxieties and fears of the day had been overwhelmed by the good news.

As a result of the engagement of the wedding banquet, the luojiebu and linglie returned to the palace in advance, and many guests still need to be entertained.

But Shen and Ji left behind.

The more they talked, the more secure Bella slept.

In the afternoon, when the nurse came to give Bella a birth insurance injection, she was in a hurry: "can you delay it? She is sleeping soundly now, only two hours. "

He couldn't bear to wake her up.

Looking at her sleeping face, it seems that the lifelong wish is to protect her sweet dream.

The nurse said, "this is the doctor's order. It's delayed. In case of anything in the fetus..."

"Shut up!" Tilt feather fierce a, coagulate eyebrow to nurse way: "say again unlucky words, cut your tongue!"

The nurse took a step back in fright.

Ji Xuehao hurriedly pressed Qianyu's shoulder and whispered in her ear: "darling, you can't kill people or use death penalty here."

"I am a princess!" Tilt feather not to accept!

Ji Xuehao added: "that's not good. Now it's a society ruled by law. I'll tell you later. In a word, the emperor's son is guilty of the same crime as the common people. "

Leaning feather bit his lips and looked at Ji Xuehao. Some didn't understand: "well, I killed so many people two days ago. Some of them have their heads cut off by me. Am I going to be punished now?"

The nurse was so frightened that she knelt down and said, "spare your life, Princess!"

With a smile, I knew that it was my sister who did it when she finally overthrew the patriarchal society in Gubei month.

He patted his shoulder and said: "I believe that even if he really wants to kill people, he is kind-hearted in nature, and only when he is forced to do so. So, I'll take care of you if you want to kill people! "

The implication is that the emperor's crime against the law and the common people's crime is a special case for Qianyu. It's air and nothing!

"Before that, what happened to the moon in the ancient north?" he said happily

"That doesn't count." Adoring and doting smile.

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