His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1452: 1456

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Xuehao accompanies Qingyu to eat in the restaurant.

The little girl stared at him plaintively, thinking about going up to save her thoughts from domestic violence.

Snow Hao is a turn, asked: "I see you are more and more greedy recently."

How can they feel hungry when they have become immortal?

It's just that this girl will come down for dinner as soon as she arrives at the meal point. When she was in the ancient North moon, the venerable man carefully adjusted her body. When she had the regular leave, her body also developed. After entering the marrow washing pool and coming out, she was even more exquisite.

Moreover, the person who cultivates the immortal body is equal to the immortal. When he attains the Tao, his appearance will stay still.

In other words, as long as the sun and the moon do not go out and the world does not go out, she will always be the girl she is now, and Xuehao will always be the boy she is now.

"What's the matter? I don't think I'm married, so I don't think I'll eat too much food at home."

Mainly, Ji's family is from China. As a child, he grew up in China with his sister. Although he always eats leftovers, he is more used to Chinese food.

Although the herbal food in Ziwei palace is good and delicious, it is still fragrant when you eat the small stir fried dishes of the kitchen of Ji family.

In particular, these two days, the cooks have opened and hung up. They are fed with Cantonese, Sichuan and Huainan dishes one by one. They all feel that Chinese food is enough to kill all the world's delicious food.

Xuehao listened to her words and smiled helplessly: "what's in your family? Aren't we all from one family? You can eat as much as you want, and make sure you have enough! "

He chatted with Qing Yu without any help, and soon turned the little girl's attention away from the matter of their accommodation.

After lunch, he took her directly to the amusement park to play. When can she think of it after saving time, and then kill it to save it.

In the evening -

think of being tired like a pool of water. The whole person can't move when he falls on the bed.

When Qing Rong came back with a bath, he left her on the bed and pasted it up, saying, "wife, let's have another time, and then let's go down for dinner."

As soon as this remark came out, the charming and enchanting woman suddenly turned into a cute little ferret with her eyes closed. She looked at him plaintively with red pupils, but could not hide her pride.

As if to say: I am a marten now, you have the ability to go up!

In fact, she didn't want to be tired, especially for the first time.

Men don't need to eat meat for this kind of thing. Once they do, they want to eat and drink enough.

Just gave her a bath, he was not easy to calm the desire to rise again, thinking of another time, but she turned back to mink.

I hate my teeth.

This woman!

When she has a need, she pesters him. She cries, fights and hangs. Now she is satisfied, and she doesn't care about him!

Pull the quilt and cover it completely. If you don't see it, you will be clean!

She leans to her feet, opens the refrigerator in the room, takes the cake, milk and so on, eats and drinks with a big mouth, replenishes some physical strength, goes to the bedside, opens the quilt, and holds the mink in her arms: "good, eat something, don't be hungry."

He loves it all the time.

Tear up a piece of cheese and put it in front of him. He opened his mouth and bit it. It tasted delicious.

For a moment, when night fell, he was tired of leaning and thinking. He took off the sheet and threw it on the floor, then changed it into a clean one and went to bed.

Under the cover of the bedside lamp, a mink sleeps soundly and warmly.

Adoration came back to the hospital at dinner.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard the sound of crying one by one.

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Nervously, I didn't have time to say hello to Bella. I smiled excitedly and said, "ah, we are all back one by one, coming out of the incubator, Dad hugging!"

I've been thinking about it today. I'm thinking about my daughter coming out of the incubator. I don't know what it's like to hold her in my arms. As he said, he looked at Bella's bedside. When Bella smiled at him, he also gave Bella a wink.

Everyone can see that I am very happy today.

Because one by one, the whole Luo family is very happy.

Linglie quickly and skillfully washed the milk powder one by one. Mu Tianxing went to fetch warm water with a small basin. Mrs. Shen was ready to pee, and was robbed by Shen.

Ni Xiyue has untied one by one of the diapers. Seeing the golden yellow glow inside, he chuckles: "ha ha! Our gold is ten thousand Liang! Yes, the last time I had a green baby, it turned yellow now! "

Admire a look, everyone trained to take care of 11, he stood there seemed to be at a loss, worried: "I come to feed it!"

Nobody paid attention to him.

He looked at Shen: "let me put her on wet!"

Shen didn't hear.

He watched Ni Xiyue wipe his butts with a wet tissue. He said quickly, "I'll do it!"

Ni Xiyue ignores her.

Mu Tianxing comes over with a small towel and a small basin and says with a smile, "let's wash our butts one by one!"

"I'll wash her!" Adore reaches out to end, Mu Tianxing nimbly avoids, does not look at him, only looks at one's small buttocks and says: "you get out of the way, get in the way!"

Soon, one by one of the diapers was put on again. First of all, lojeb picked up the little girl from the bed and looked at her crying. He said with heartache, "ouch, we are hungry one by one. Hurry, where is the milk? We are all hungry! "

Linglie a look, will milk bottle to adore the palm of a plug, adore overjoyed!

Linglie steps forward and steals one by one from lojeb's arms. He is so excited that he reaches out to hold him. Linglie sits beside him and grabs the bottle in his hand. He is about to put the pacifier into one small mouth.

The little guy cried one second and made the earth shake. The next second made him suck his dinner with all his strength.

I sat there with a depressed face and waited for a while, saying, "let me hug you!"

No one paid attention to him!

Waiting to drink one by one, eyes closed contentedly, the little pink tongue was still licking on the mouth, the curly hair was like a special perm in the hair salon, surrounded by a small face with perfect facial features, and looked cute and dead.

The sound of even breathing came, and she fell asleep.

"I hug!" Adore once again extended his hand, and was robbed by rojeb: "I will hold!"

"Adore urgent:" let me hug

Rojeb ignored: "no way!"

Then, after lojeb's holding, Ni Xiyue's holding, Ni Xiyue's holding, Mu Tianxing's holding, Shen Dichen's couple also holding, even Bella's holding, and then Bella looked at the pitiful look and said: "honey, you come to hold!"

The adoration is so happy that I just want to reach for it and spit out a mouthful of milk one by one.

Everyone hurriedly wiped them out. Mu Tianxing hurriedly put them in the small bed and said seriously: "hold and shake, she vomited. The baby's stomach is flat, different from that of adults. No one is allowed to hold now! Let her have a good rest! "

As soon as the queen spoke, everyone obeyed.

Pitiful adoration is guarding the small window, Lala daughter's small hand, looking at her crazily.

Too uterus sent dinner, we had a hot and noisy meal, and we called adoration to teach him how to make milk powder, change urine, and so on. Adoration wrote down everything carefully, and said: "I remember, just when you do it, I can see clearly."

So the elders left safely.

As soon as the door was closed, the admirer took a long breath and directly rushed to one: "baby! Daddy comes to hug you! "

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