His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1456: 1460

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As soon as he returned from the snow mountain, linglie called him to the house of Lords for a meeting.

The reason is: The Empress of Beiyue asked for high price to buy the most advanced armed equipment of Ningguo to enhance the armed strength of Beiyue. In an official letter written by linglie, Qingya said that she intended to be peaceful, only to enhance her own strength, not aggressive.

This time, linglie was a little surprised.

The economic capacity of Beiyue has always been weak, and there is no other economic source except for the wild mountain treasures.

Even if it is tourism, because of the local feudal and backward cultural ideas, it is repudiated by the modern people. High entertainment places and modern facilities cannot develop in the local area.

But now, Qingya says, she gives Ning yuan, and it's cash!

In Qingya's list of advanced weapons, any one item is worth more than 100 million yuan.

Where did she get so much money?

And Qingya seems to see through linglie's doubt, adding: as long as linglie emperor is willing to sign the purchase agreement, she can send the money first, and then slowly wait for Ningguo to deliver the goods. She believed in linglie's character.

Linglie can't cry or laugh.

At this time, she believed in his character. What's the use of his character?

Gently lean back to the seat back, linglie said leisurely: "now, this is the case. Show your hands!"

There are 15 senior officials in the house of Lords, including his majesty and the crown prince. There are 17 in all.

Zhuo ran was ready to count, and nalanting raised his hand and said, "I'm neutral!"

Linglie nodded her head to show her understanding.

Then he looked at the others.

Others were silent, even whispering to each other, and linglie leaned on his head with one hand, slightly closed his eyes and waited for the result.

At this time, his majesty closed his eyes, and most people turned their eyes to the prince.

And adoration is to take the crape myrtle tea in front of you, drink it casually, and don't rush to make a statement.

During this period of time, the means of admiring the vigorous and resolute behavior scared everyone. Everyone was afraid of provoking the evil spirit. One of them smiled and said, "what's your Highness's opinion?"

Adore silently put down the cup, and gently tap his fingertips on the conference table twice: "in modern international relations, countries that can trade high-end modern weapons with each other are bound to be close allies. But the recent relationship between Ningguo and Beiyue is not so good. If we rush to sell our weapons to Beiyue, they think Beiyue is allied with us! "

He stopped tapping his fingers, turned his face, and looked at Nalan Court: "prime minister Nalan, I heard that Yun Qingzhi, the elder brother of the empress, is now the prince of Beiyue. It's better for prime minister Nalan to ask him privately if we don't want to make an alliance with Beiyue, or let the world misunderstand us, or if we don't want to make an alliance with Beiyue, what kind of money they have Can we be persuaded to sell the weapons they listed? "

Naranting was silent for two seconds and said: "some of our new weapons are better than others, we can not sell them. However, there are some in many countries, but the North moon is not because of years of backward military development. We can sell them. After all, they give us cash. If we don't sell such weapons, others will sell them. "

Admiring him, silent.

Nalanting was so admired and stared at his head, and said: "in this way, the best thing we can do is not to give them, only to others, but not to them. You can see that our relationship with Beiyue is not so close, but to sell weapons only for the benefit."

"Well." "Adore a head, the corner of the mouth raises radian to come:" so say, often keep neutral person at the beginning, in fact already had the best answer in the heart

Naranting: "..."

"I support Lord Nalan's proposal!" he said

So the Lords raised their hands -

"I support Lord Naran's proposal!"

"I also support Lord Naran's proposal!"

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Nalan court's idea, which was approved by all votes, was a sharp corner of his mouth and a big stroke of his pen. In the reply to Qingya's official letter, he wrote the following sentence: "we respect Prime Minister Nalan's proposal and only sell some weapons to the North moon."

Then, he gave the letter to Qiao Xinxian. Qiao Xinxian glanced at it and quickly drew a circle around it. What nalanting said was that other countries had weapons, but Beiyue had weapons because of its backwardness, and other unique high-end weapons of Ningguo had forks removed.

"This letter will be faxed to the North moon lady as soon as possible." Linglie smiled and looked at Nalan court, saying: "prime minister Nalan is indeed the pillar of the country. We all have a headache. He has solved it so easily."

Nalanting was sitting there with a thin sweat on his back.

I don't know if my granddaughter, who is far away in Beiyue, will scold him secretly when she sees the fax.

He really took the crown prince's highness, just like the little fox!

After waiting for no more than 20 minutes, Beiyue's fax came with the empress's autograph on it.

Linglie has seen it and admired it.

I admired him and gave him the envy: "general Qiao, since it's the North moon who asked us for the purchase, such a large number of purchase agreements in the military fog must be signed in Ningguo, which shows sincerity.". Let their prince run! Master Nalan is proficient in the northern moon language. Let him accompany the little uncle to sign! "

Qiao Yekang has been in an important position in the military department. If the military transaction determined by his majesty is assigned to Qiao Yekang for handling, his signature is legal and valid.

Nalan court still sighed a moment ago, but at this moment, he was almost in tears and thanked: "I will help general Qiao to do this!"

How many years, I haven't seen my grandson!

Linglie white admires.

This little fox, a thief and a thief, first uses others. He is giving them a sweet date. He is the way of using people for the monarch. He is only 18 years old and has learned how to play!

"Break up!" Linglie got up and waved to adore Qiao Xin and went back to the imperial study.

They were sitting on a long sofa.

Looking at Qiao Xin admiringly and suspiciously, "I haven't seen Yun Qingya show her face in the public opening recently. It seems that she has been photographed once, but there are not many pictures. Is her eyes OK?"

Sharp lips.

He thought of going with adoration: Beiyue suddenly had so much money, just like she came out of the ground all of a sudden, but she gave her eyes and opened the underground treasure with curse?

Qiao Xin envies to wonder how admiration can ask so, and next second, admiration explained the thing of the charm.

Smell speech, Qiao Xin envy is to last time take a wife to kneel to beg Ling lie matter to feel guilty unceasingly.

Linglie reminds me that the road is her own. I can't blame anyone!

He thought about it carefully and said, "her eyes are black, they are always black. I'm looking for the latest news."

I searched for half a day with my mobile phone. There was a recent news video of the day before yesterday. On the screen, Yun Qingya was still riding with his brother in a riding suit. The picture gave him three seconds, but the eyes were dark and bright, and there was no problem.

Adore close look: "is this beautiful pupil? Unlike ah, isn't the beautiful pupil bigger than this black eye? "

"Qiao Xin envies hesitantly way:" otherwise, I send the video to the Security Bureau to look for the secret service expert? They may see it. "

Adore nodded a head: "good."

Therefore, Qiao Xin envies to operate on the mobile phone.

Linglie closed her eyes and didn't speak. The whole person seemed to be asleep.

Admiring him, I don't think it's right. After so many days of rest, my father slept early last night.

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