His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1483: 1487

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The sun is pouring on the roof of Taiyu.

Liuguang and Xuehao stand quietly and look at each other.

Xuehao tells Liuguang what she thinks. The youth's face is clear and moist with a bit of childishness, but the whole body's luxury reflects a convincing manner.

Streamer from the beginning to the end are very serious to listen to, face tight to the extreme.

At last, he bit his teeth and said, "no! This is no solution! "

"But you can save your majesty! God knows when the particle bug will climb to the important part of his Majesty's brain. At that time, it's too late! " Xuehao said, sighing: "Your Majesty is a common man. He has no immortal body. He dare not take such a risk."

Streamer was silent, and said, "gather the princes and discuss!"

Xuehao pursed his lower lip and said, "let's wait for Qingyu to finish school."

Xuehao feels that this matter will finally fall on Qingyu, who is extremely reluctant. However, if a child can see his father's health and safety, he must be willing to suffer more.

Xuehao dare not think about the state of Qianyu when he suffered.

But he must be honest with her and not hide it from her. No matter what decision she wants to make after she knows about it, Xuehao respects her opinion.

Liuguang shook his head and said, "I don't know anything else, but the three princes will never let their sisters..."

Xue Hao interrupts him with some heartache, and his tone is rather cherished: "Qing Yu has a body of immortality, but they don't!"

Liuguang pinches his fist. He has never felt so incompetent. After thinking and thinking, he struggles in his heart. The insects in linglie's brain have grown bigger and bigger, and they will move. If they get to the important part of the brain, as Xuehao said, the immortal Darrow will not be saved!

"I'll tell your highness first!"

"All right."

Xuehao accompanied him downstairs.

Adoration just came out of the suite. Seeing them coming down the stairs on the third floor, I knew what they had talked about on the roof.

He strode forward: "how is it?"

Last night, Liuguang went to see Xuehao today.

Xuehao nodded his head: "I can see it moving to the smallest extent that my mind can see it."

Take a breath of cool!

Four times saw an eye, he hurriedly way: "let's go to the room that inclines feather to say!"

Qing Yu is not at home at the moment. No one goes there. It's safest.

However, after two steps, Liu Guang and Xue Hao stop her.

He looked at them in amazement, "what's the matter?"

Xue Hao pursed his lips and whispered, "I have a bold idea to take the insects out of your Majesty's brain, but I need to discuss with the three princes. We need to discuss with you. "

As soon as this is said, the atmosphere is wrong.

Admiring his eyes, he stared at Xuehao and asked in a low voice, "do you want to lead the child Gu from the father's brain to our brain? So let's talk about who to choose? "

Xuehao didn't expect to admire such cleverness.

He nodded his head and looked at him helplessly: "Your Highness, this is the best way I can think of at present. Because of craniotomy, it's impossible. The smallest forceps can't hold it up. It's too small to be seen by the naked eye! "

Liuguang saw that they were talking all the time, so he set up a boundary in the early morning where they were talking.

Therefore, their conversation will not be heard in the whole womb.

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My heart sank with admiration!

There are risks in craniotomy. We can't find it after craniotomy. This way doesn't work!

And that thing in the brain drilling, for linglie's life is a very dangerous bomb!

It must be the basis and necessary conditions for Xuehao to introduce Zigu to the princes. Although he doesn't know much about it, he fully trusts Xuehao!

Admiring the brain's rapid operation -

tilt tolerance, he has been separated from everyone since he was young. He has been raised by Mo Shan for two years, living a headache like split day. He has experienced a love of life and death, just reaped happiness, which is absolutely impossible!

Tilt blue, absolutely not!

Tilt feather, also absolutely not!

"I come!" he said! Lead to me! This is an order! "

Xuehao stares at him with no expression, and can feel that the streamer has formed a border, so his voice is louder, and he says seriously: "Your Highness, Qing Yu has an immortal body. The most suitable parasite of this insect is Qing Yu, who leads it to Qing Yu. Her pain is temporary. When the heart and stomach are destroyed, we will lead it out and kill it! However, no matter who you lead to, you will be in danger of life, except for tipping feathers! "

"You are the most loved one. How can you say such a thing!" "I'm the prince brother of Qingyu!" he said coldly! I'm supposed to protect her and her family! That's it! Come on, tell me the specific plan and the basis of your idea! "

"Your Highness!"

"I don't have to look for any more candidates! Tell me what your idea is based on, what is the principle of this matter, and how to cooperate with you! "

"Your Highness!"

"Shut up! I'm not going to die either! I will not die! So shut up, all of you! "

Adore left several times, there is a transparent wall in front of him, the streamer immediately removed the border, and adore took one by one hand, and then pulled them to the room of Qianyu.

As soon as the door was closed, Xuehao chopped on the back of her adored neck!

Close your eyes!

Liu Guang, surprised, comes up to him and holds his admiring body. He looks at Xuehao and says, "what are you doing?"

"Help him to the bed, and I will erase the memory just now. One by one, it's not the full moon yet. How can I lead Zi Gu to him? If Qing Yu knows about it, he has to make trouble with me. "

Xuehao said, carrying his admiration with Liuguang, and went to the bedside.

The green ghost ring on the adoration pinkie suddenly blooms with a dark blue light, forming a huge net, just like a border, enveloping the adoration in it!

Xuehao was opened by the net. In the air, he heard many children singing Sanskrit.

He was surprised. "What's the matter?"

Liuguang sighed: "anyone who wants to hurt the prince's highness must ask this 99 Yin soldier. If you want to eliminate his Highness's memory, you will wipe out a part of his body. In his unknown situation, 99 Yin soldier will not let you do this."

Xuehao looked at the dark blue border, listened to the sound of Sanskrit, and felt what was really incredible.

Adoration soon woke up.

The faint blue light was automatically absorbed into his ring when he woke up.

Supporting his back neck, he sat up and looked at Xuehao with his eyebrows fixed: "it's a good technique."

Xuehao is embarrassed, but his admiration doesn't concern him. He knows that everything about Xuehao comes from his unwillingness to let him take risks.

Adoration is just a little helpless, saying: "tell me, what's the principle of your idea, maybe I can come up with a better way based on this principle, right? Just because you can't think of it doesn't mean I can't! "

In this way, Xuehao said: "this insect should be a very small egg, which becomes a larva half a year after hatching in his Majesty's stomach, and goes to the brain little by little. Before that, his majesty didn't feel it, because it eats the food in his Majesty's stomach, which is parasitic like a parasite. Now it goes to the brain, where there is no food, the only food is his Majesty's body. Therefore, the time for his majesty to have a headache is the same as the time for him to eat every day. He is biting his Majesty's nerves, skin, or bones. Every bite, his majesty will be unable to support his pain! "

Adore to understand: "it eats father's brain, so eat habits, change other host taste is not right, then can't lead it out, so you will say, we must these princes!"

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