His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1495: 1499

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Tilt to allow to stand in front of the entrance of the cave, face inside way: "medicine doctor adult!"! Come out! "

Liuguang sits in the cave and opens his eyes.

He has heard everything outside the cave clearly, because he has internal power, but through such a thick stone gate, Jun luoshang can't hear it clearly.

Suddenly, he glanced around the hole, then gave a smile.

Qianrong couple, Yekang and tonight are all sitting in front of the stone bed in the outer room, looking at everything in the cave, but the streamer smiles in the dark environment, then disappears like Jun luoshang, and passes through the partition wall, standing beside them.

Tilt your face to the corner of your mouth.

If it wasn't for Liuguang to see him grow up, and they were too familiar with each other, qianrong would be scared to death by him!

"It's OK for you to come from the door, and suddenly disappear, my little heart!" Tilt your face and clap your hands.

Liuguang smiled, and the clear and moist face flashed past the rare mischievous, joking with some intentional tone: "before you fell, don't you scare us like this? This kind of thing can be accepted by people who are familiar with it, but it will be very frightening to put it on opponents and enemies. I just want you to taste it! "

Tilt to allow to go out, personally opened the cave gate, then a flash turned around and ran back to the room.

The huge LCD screen in front of us is divided into two different pictures.

On the left is the scene of a dim, dead cave; on the right is the scene of the tunnel floor covered with white flour.

"It's a tough fight. Let's get up to speed!" Tilt volume keeps in touch with soldiers through Bluetooth headset.

Jun luoshang must know this is a situation, but he has no choice!

Night Kang is also carefully staring at: "he will come out sooner or later, but it may also be consumed, thinking of the soldiers outside are consumed into ice sculptures!"

Tilt to allow to smile to shake head: "no, the soldiers all pasted the warm baby, moreover, one by one wears thick!"! Jun luoshang has only worn one or two layers. It's estimated that they are all frozen inside! "

Therefore, I'm sure that Jun luoshang will come out soon!

In the womb of Taigong -

Xuehao, Qingmu and Beira fight against the landlord. One of the cribs is beside them. Members of Yunxuan and muyingdui also strengthen their vigilance.

In order to make Bella feel nothing different, adore the whole performance is very relaxed, as if hurriedly called Xuehao, just to accompany her to play cards.

Bella has had a lot of children now.

Originally, the sharpened chin was mellow, even the complexion was white and red. They adored sleeping with her at night, and suffered from suffering. Strictly speaking, they had not really enjoyed the wonderful experience brought by the happiness of husband and wife, but he had to take into account her body, waiting for her to recover as soon as possible.

"At noon, second brother called me and said Qingya had called him in person."

He sighed helplessly: "the second brother can tell me that his heart is down. It's just that the issue of Qingya is related to tonight. It's related to the national system. In order to avoid suspicion, he thinks it's necessary for him to talk to me. "

"What happened to the family surnamed Yun?" Xue Hao said with a smile: "otherwise, let the second highness change his cell phone number?"

"Ha ha ~" he admires the laughter and delights. Obviously, he thinks about the change of cell phone number forced by Yunqing. He thinks it's ridiculous: "I'll get in touch with Lord Nalan sometime later and ask about the situation. If the second brother receives the harassment call from Qingya, I'll let Lord Nalan discipline his descendants."

"Enough! Don't forget, Qin Fang is not dead! " Xuehao shrugs and looks distrustful.

Bella didn't know who Qin Fang was or the details of what happened outside these days. She just thought about it and then said, "that day, you were not there, so my mother and grandmother accompanied me to take care of them one by one. The mother and grandma also talked about elegant things!"

Xuehao looks up at her with admiring Qi Qi, and says with one voice: "what did you say?"

Bella shakes her head, obviously because of the bad mood: "it's said that the young lady has been saved, and that they have thought in their mind that the young lady will come back with Qingya and make a serious apology to Qingyu, or because they want to redeem the sins of their ancestors, they will return the jade seals of the northern moon country to Qingyu. Of course, grandma Huang also said that she just thought about it like this, but none of our Luo family would really covet that North moon. However, grandma Huang felt that she thought too much, and no one else apologized! Kneeling in front of the father is not really to thank him, but to want him to treat the eyes with elegance! "

Two young men smell speech, Leng for a while, and coincidentally laugh out loud.

Xuehao said: "Qingyu doesn't care about their apology at all. Because he doesn't care about them at all. "

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Admiring and praising: "in fact, if the cloud family knew how to be grateful, the second brother and Qingya would not have come to this step. Don't forget that when you know that Qingya is married to yundanxi, the first reaction of the second emperor brother is to call me like crazy to start a teacher's inquiry. However, their family, how to say it, are not good at being human. "

Adoration can't help but think of tonight.

How can we help restore taste this evening?

Snow Mountain -

we waited attentively, and finally, forty minutes after the gate opened, there was movement at the tunnel entrance!

Two sled like marks suddenly appeared at the entrance of the tunnel. Then, there were no footprints, only two straight lines which were always parallel and passed through the tunnel rapidly!

The soldiers were startled!

Tonight is also a surprise!

One shot an anaesthetic needle at the scratch, but the needle fell to the ground. The other shot it closely and fell to the ground again!

Yekang and qianrong look at the strange picture in the monitoring. They rush out of the stone room immediately!

They rushed to the end of the tunnel in one breath, took out the gun from their pocket and aimed!

However, it was found that the two scratches ended at the end of the tunnel, but the soldiers at the entrance of the tunnel fired hard. No blood fell from the white flour and the snow!

What does this mean?

This shows that Jun luoshang is not hurt at all!

Tonight with streamer also rushed past, two scratches quietly presented at the end of the tunnel, see no one!

There is no footprint in the tunnel!

There is no snow in the tunnel entrance either!

"Ah!" The big roar of pour capacity gas: "gentleman falls to mourn!"! You bastard! You come out! "

Not far away in the sky, there comes a happy voice from Jun luoshang: "ha ha! We'll see you later! "

Everyone looked down at the sound. There were only a lot of recklessness between the heaven and the earth, precipitous cliffs, goose feathers and flying snow. There was nothing to see!

Yekang and Qingrong immediately take people to find!

Liuguang, tonight and mink go out to look for it!

In the half hillside jungle, two boards and two thick quilts were abandoned there.

The footprints around have long been covered by the flying snow and can not be found everywhere.

Liu Guang squatted down to look at his eyes and said: "the ground inside the cave is uneven. This is the batten for Wushuang mattress under the haystack and the quilt for Wushuang bed. He thought of escaping in this way early in the morning, so that he could make the best use of everything so quickly! "

At this moment, everyone was extremely upset and breathless.

The fist of Qirong smashes hard on the branch of the hillside, and the heavy snow falls on the branch!

Streamer tightly pursed his lips, and his face was taut. He did not dare to think about the consequences of the escape of Jun luoshang.

And this moment, the world is very quiet, static can hear each other's heartbeat.

A questioning look, all cast to tonight, seems to want her to give an explanation.

Tonight I frowned, silent, cold eyes: "I can only say that the way is one foot high, the devil is one foot high, and Jun luoshang is really smart, and has some skills. I have nothing else to say! "

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