His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 156: 156

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Mu Tianxing didn't expect linglie to be jealous of such things!

She can cook noodles. What can I say about this?

Besides, it's not a long time for her and linglie to know each other. Although they love each other, it's normal for them not to know something.

"Uncle, what do you like to eat?"

Mu Tianxing looked at him and said seriously, "I can only make one kind of noodles with pickled vegetables and shredded pork. I can't do anything else!"

She was a little nervous.

To cook for lojeb is because she wants to go away for a while and give them a chance to get along with each other alone. Besides, it doesn't matter if she doesn't play well. She can see that lojeb is fawning on linglie at the moment, so she won't dislike her cooking.

However, cooking for linglie is not the case.

Linglie's taste buds, in addition to qushiwen, who else can put it flat?

Linglie looked at her, smiling tenderly: "I don't like other noodles. I like shredded pork noodles best!"

Mu Tianxing's mouth is just about to open. He listens to the humanity on the opposite sofa: "me too! I don't like any other noodles. I like noodles with shredded pork and pickled mustard most! "

Hu ~

Mu Tianxing takes a long breath: "OK, two masters, I'll cook noodles, two masters are waiting!"

She pushed the wheelchair over to the sofa, facing lojeb.

Take out two bottles of sour jujube juice from the fridge, walk to them, in the hands of the eldest and youngest, one bottle for each person, it's treated them, turn around, the little girl rushed to the kitchen.

Linglie didn't look at anyone. He unscrewed the bottle cap and opened his mouth. He was used to it.

The whole movement is flowing. I feel it's too elegant to look at it. It's like his mother!

Lojeb really likes this son more and more. It seems that linglie is like a pig. All over his body is treasure!

From entering the door to now, he really didn't see linglie's shortcomings!

Linglie drinks a small half bottle of sour jujube juice, screws on the lid, puts a pile on the tea table, closes the eyes, raises the spirit!

Some people, for him, the eye is not a net!

Lojeb looked at him with his eyes closed, his eyes more burning and unrestrained.

When he was a child, he never thought how handsome his father Luo Tianling was. He probably saw it every day, so he was tired of aesthetic appreciation.

Now looking at this face, he really thinks it's handsome!

Look at the bottle in your hand.


It's written in Chinese. He can see the two characters of jujube juice, but he didn't understand the sour character for the time being.

Unscrewed, he learned from his son's appearance, raised his chin gracefully, Gulu Gulu and poured down!

"Cough, cough, cough ~!"

The tragedy is that lojeb was afraid of sour food since he was a child. He never touched dumplings with vinegar, sweet and sour ribs, red bayberry, sour orange and so on.

As soon as the sour and sweet taste came into his throat, he coughed uncontrollably!

It's easy to close your hands quickly. It doesn't make you everywhere.

He put down the bottle of things, took a tissue and wiped his mouth. Suddenly, he remembered the words he said to Nuo, "I'm looking for abuse, and I like being abused by my son!"

He thought about it and laughed.

In this way, I coughed and laughed again, and successfully attracted the attention of the man in the opposite wheelchair.

A dark pupil, like a deep pool, looked at lojeb in a quiet way: "I didn't expect your majesty to play with these sensational things, disrespectful!"

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"No, I didn't mean to. I just can't drink acid!"

Lojeb looked at him, with a sincere face and a wide open eyes, as if he was not afraid to look at him.

And this moment, linglie is really close, seriously see the face of rojeb.

It's still a little different from what you see on TV.

When he entered his house with such a low attitude, he should have expected to think how he would not like to see him!

But he still came!

Ling lie stares at his face, meanwhile, his brain is thinking.

For a long time, Mu Tianxing came with two trays.

She put the two bowls of noodles in front of them and set the tableware. Seeing all kinds of small dishes prepared by Qu Shiwen in the kitchen, she also filled them with small dishes and brought them up.

Standing up, she naturally sat down beside Ling lie.

"Well, we can eat."

Lojeb knows about Mu Tianxing. Her family is from Qingcheng to take root in M city. She is also a wealthy family. I didn't expect that she would cook noodles.

Moreover, from the moment she came out, the smell of shredded meat had already filled the whole hall.

Picking up the chopsticks, lojeb felt mixed feelings.

This is the noodles cooked by his daughter-in-law!

After a taste, he looked surprised!

In my heart, I've done a good job in the early morning. No matter how hard the little girl makes it, I'll try my best to praise it to the end. However, the bowl of noodles in front of me is really delicious!

"Miss mu, you only need this bowl of noodles to start a business."

He is generous in his praise and sincere in his heart.

Mu Tianxing was stunned for a while, obviously he was flattered. When I see the sincere eyes of the other party, I feel a little proud.

But I dare not boast about it, because linglie hasn't even got chopsticks!

Linglie took a look at her. Seeing her elated appearance, she also made up her mind. Even if the little girl mixed salt and sugar and treated soy sauce as vinegar, he would also eat up the noodles without leaving a drop.

What he cherished was not the face, but the friendship she had for the first time cooked.

However, in one mouthful, linglie tasted it elegantly, then swallowed it, and after sipping her lips, looked up at her tenderly.

Mu Tianxing carefully mentions the liver and nervously asks, "no, it's not delicious."

Linglie smiled, took her small hand with his left hand, tightly clenched it in his palm, and held chopsticks with his right hand. Before taking a bite, he said, "I didn't expect you to have such a good craftsmanship. I really found the treasure!"

"Haha ~" she was a little embarrassed: "you like it, I will do it for you every day!"



The old man and the young man answered in unison. After the answer, they both froze, looked at each other and ate their own.

Lojeb took two more bites, stopped chopsticks and put them aside. He pushed the bowl of noodles in front of him a little. He didn't want to eat any more. He looked up at the clock on the wall.

He looked at Mu Tianxing and said, "is there a heat preservation barrel?"

"What?" I don't understand Mu Tianxing.

But he said, "I want to take it back and taste it for crescent."

After all, it's the skill of my daughter-in-law. If you want to come, Yueya must also want to have a taste.

As Yueya said, at nine o'clock in the evening, let the special bus pick her up. If he returns to the hotel from Ziwei Palace at the moment, he can eat for her just in time for Yueya to return to the hotel!

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