His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1611: 1615

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After listening to the words of Fengxuan, he turned blue and looked peerless. "Is that ok?"

The implication is whether she would like to go out with him.

With a sweet smile, Wushuang directly put his small hand on Qinglan's arm. As soon as he was about to open his mouth, Fengxuan said: "well, your majesty still has an explanation. After all, the second highness of Ningguo and the West tiny princess are not engaged yet. So, at present, they go down together in the name of good friends, and Wushuang princess will appear at the back. This is also for the reputation of the unparalleled princess. It's the same thing when you announce your engagement at the end of a year. And... "

Feng Xuan came up and said to Qinglan, "Your Majesty said that since there is no one to follow, we must ensure her safety. It is not clear who did it last time, but it is very important to strengthen the prevention. It is announced that she also came to Beiyue, so if she had any accidents during Beiyue, the empress would be the first to be responsible. Therefore, the empress sent officials to receive her this time. General Deng was the first to do so, which should be the reason. "

Tilt blue point a head, side over body to matchless way: "listen to father's."

Matchless little face has some gloom, but still smile way: "good!"

Lift the steps down, take a look at them first, and then check them outside. After walking the steps once, you can see the blue.

Countless flash lights aimed at him. He stood on the steps and smiled gracefully. His eyes were dyed light gold in the sun, which made the whole person warm and moist. At one moment, everyone was surprised to think that it was the prince's admiration!

But on closer inspection, the thin figure is obviously thinner than adoration.

It turns out that the second highness and the prince are really alike!

In the past, Qinglan rarely appeared in the public's vision, while his highness, Qingrong, has recently appeared in military magazines and newspapers.

The curiosity of the outside world to the second highness is the most important!

Tilt blue smiled at the media for about four or five seconds, specially cooperated with the camera, and then slowly came down the steps.

After he came down, general Deng (Deng Kai's father) immediately greeted him, shook hands with him, and warmly welcomed him.

The wind porch follows the tilt blue down, matchless also followed down.

"This is my good friend, the unparalleled Princess of XiMao country," Qinglan said to general Deng

At the crucial time, there were still some manners. After all, she was a child growing up in the court. She smiled calmly, shook hands with each other gracefully, and let go properly.

Leaning over blue, general Deng asked him to leave the red carpet.

The sound of royal music and rites sounded, and the media took photos one after another, but the red hat army of Beiyue stopped them from visiting.

Qinglan and Fengxuan followed general Deng to get on the bus, which was unparalleled and followed by sweeping figures, but they sat in the last row.

Along the way, general Deng said: "the empress praised the second highness more than once in the court as the most kind-hearted, honest and reliable person she had ever met. So this time, the second highness is willing to cooperate with NATO to build our northwest region together, which is a great good thing for our NATO people! Whether it's blue mushroom or labor force, we must offer the best to the second highness! "

Qinglan talks with him all the way. Although he is young, he talks elegantly, calmly and steadily, without any stage fright or resistance. This free and easy and natural performance makes him more and more obsessed, and makes general Deng feel dauntless.

The original route was to take a two-hour train to a small city in the northwest, but it has been on the highway.

Tilt blue surprised, asked the reason.

Deng Kai said: "the original route was to take the train, but today the empress specifically told me to let the old minister and the second highness take the same car, to protect the safety of the second highness all the way, to ensure that there is no risk! After all, the railway station has a complex staff and a large number of people. The empress is still afraid of being out of control! "

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Tilt blue and nodded clearly: "OK! Just get there. "

"Hahaha, the area where the factory is located is currently the Development Zone in Northwest China. The small city is called Rava city. The biggest hotel in the city is three-star. Recently, knowing that the second highness is coming, the media all over the world have already lived in that small hotel. It's just ordinary people. The conditions will be more difficult. There are also reporters staying in, or they can go straight I'll build a tent nearby and rent a car to sleep in. "

"I know that the empress has said that there is no water or electricity in the Northwest after Rava. In order to support my factory, she has also specially built waterways and circuits. This project is not small. Your government has spent money."

"Where to repair water and electricity for the people is what the government should do. Now we should not only attract foreign businessmen, but also attract Confucian businessmen like the second highness! "

They talked all the way.

Unparalleled in the back, pulled the clothes of the shadow.

"What's the matter?" glanced at her

Wushuang asked in a low voice: "does blue blue often contact with Qing ya? Why haven't I seen them call? "

"Hi, it's all business, really! And every time the wind Pavilion is there! "


Peerless head down, still a little depressed.

All the way high-speed, the road is still stable, after three hours of continuous driving, finally arrived at a state-owned hotel in lava city.

This hotel has no star rating. Generally speaking, it seldom entertains foreigners. If we really talk about star rating, there are also standards from three stars to four stars.

For those who are used to staying in Qixing Hotel, Qinglan here is really a little humble, but for the local people, it's beyond their reach.

General Deng said: "the empress moved some materials in the palace specially to entertain the second highness and the unparalleled princess. Today's cook also came from the palace. He arrived last night. Second, your highness, please have dinner first. "

The party dined in a state-owned hotel and went to their respective rooms.

This is a hotel without suites, so Qinglan and Wushuang each have one.

Unparalleled looking at tilt blue, aggrieved to shed tears.

When general Deng left in the middle of the way, Qinglan said in her ear: "three days, OK, and I'm tired. Let's have a good rest and restore our capital. Then we can have a long time. You are good!"

"Then come to me in the evening." Peerless look at him, expression firm: "I don't care, you want to come!"

Tilt blue to look at her like this, is really crying and laughing.

Suddenly, someone at the door exclaimed, "Your Majesty the empress!"

Qinglan and Wushuang are stunned for a moment. Qi Qi looks at the corridor and comes to see the gorgeous women in ethnic costumes. Who is not Qingya?

Her hair was very long, and her high ponytail stuck in the back of her head, only showing a beautiful face.

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