His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1627: 1631

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Gu Bai was surprised that the second highness didn't go out in the palace car.

But it's also a great honor to be able to take the second highness once. He smiled and said, "yes."

Ji's family and Gu Bai have been there, because Ji's family and Qiao's family are related. When Ji's family moved, Qiao's family also sent many things to them, all of which were made by Gu Bai himself.

Twenty minutes by car, Gubai sent Qinglan to Ji's house.

When he rang the doorbell for Qinglan, the housekeeper came out. When he saw Qinglan, he greeted him with a smile: "welcome, the little princess and your highness are all in it. They are just using dinner. If your highness hasn't eaten, let's go together!"

Tilt Blue's expression is very tired, smell speech behind expressionless place a head: "well, I come to look for snow Hao to drink with eldest brother."

Seeing that he had gone in, he drove back to Yueya Lake.

The car in their palace is in the b-head of the palace. This is the unique number of the prince's car. Zhuoren told all the palace doors tonight that the palace of the Qiao family is allowed to enter the palace for dinner.

As soon as his car pulled back to its original position, he saw that the dinner party by the lake had begun not far away.

Everyone's atmosphere is very good. It seems that there is no influence due to the departure of the second highness.

On the table -

there is no one but sits quietly beside Junpeng and eats.

She really didn't dare to say that she broke up with Qinglan. She also lied that there was something wrong with Qinglan's going out, something temporary, so she told her to come back later.

Junpeng naturally believes.

Because tilt blue just in the lake, hands on the shoulders of the scene of speech, let everyone feel that their feelings are very good. In addition, it is obvious to all that how adored the blue before, so it can't be changed in an afternoon.

Linglie and his wife know each other well, but they pretend to be greeting Junpeng without knowing anything.

In addition, the atmosphere was really lively with the three Qiao family's father and son.

Ji Jia -

Qinglan suddenly appears as a single person, which is unexpected to all of you.

Think about getting up and saying to the maid, "add a chair and a pair of chopsticks!"

She even went over and smiled and pulled Qinglan over: "sit down, sit with your eldest brother and Xuehao, I sit with Qingyu."

Ji Qingchen and his wife, Qingrong and Xuehao can see that Qinglan's mood is very negative, but they try to bear it. Especially, other eyes are red. After seeing the big brother, it seems that they can cry at any time.

But everyone tried not to tear it down, trying to save face for him.

And the news of Junpeng's coming is full of wind and rain. The whole world is guessing that XiMao and Ningguo may be getting married. Qinglan comes here

Pour to allow in the heart suddenly a ache!

This second brother has no friends in his daily life. He always looks for admirers. Now he has gone to visit mountains and rivers. If Qinglan is wronged or something happens, he has no one to talk to. He must have no place to go if he can come to Jijia to find them.

"Sit down," tilted his face to greet him tenderly, said: "first eat something to cushion your stomach, and then I will go up with you to drink with Xuehao."

Blue deep breath, try not to let tears fall.

His head was buried low, and he was afraid of being seen by the elders of Ji family.

When he saw this, he was in a hurry: "second brother! Who bullied you? You say... "

"Qing Yu, this corn brand was made after discussing with Ashi. Try it and see what's different from Ashi's?" Xuehaodang immediately took a triangle of corn and branded it to her, and whispered in her ear: "my parents are all there, leave some face for your second brother, and after a while, we will go up to the next few generations, and say whatever we want in the room."

Then he grabbed the dessert, took a bite and said, "well, it's crispy. Tasty. "

Ji Qingchen laughs and says: "that's good! At first, the cook complained that the taste was not right. Later, he asked a Shi to know that she didn't use eggs at all, but goose eggs! So the taste will be different! This trick is what Nuo told Ashi! "

"Ha ha, no wonder!"

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"Yes, I can't eat it. Is there any difference between goose eggs and eggs?"

"Hahaha! Some people are sensitive to taste and can eat it! "

"So I'm too slow?"



For a while, the restaurant was full of laughter, as if no one was concerned about the loss of Dao Qinglan.

Tilt blue tight want to put down a little bit, silently buried in eating.

Waiting for the dinner to be half eaten, Ji Qingchen and his wife looked at each other knowingly, then got up and said: "second highness, we are too old to eat too much dinner like you children, so we went out and took a walk in the yard. You children eat slowly. "

Tilt blue to stand up immediately, politely place head way: "good good, thank you for your hospitality."

In fact, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Qingchen have some appreciation for Qinglan, because no matter how qualified he is, there should be some education. From his words and deeds, as well as the elegant movements during the meal, etc., he is a well-educated child, who is unlucky and always bumps on the love road.

Ji Qingchen and his wife smiled and left hand in hand.

Qinglan looks at the back of their departure, which is called holding the hand of the son and growing up with him. Every time he falls in love, he works hard with such faith, and every time he does.

But why can't we always get good results in the end?

The tears that he had been holding back came to his eyes at this moment. There were only his sisters left in the restaurant. He knew that he didn't need to worry about anything.

"Big brother!"

He howled like a desperate child!

Simple two words, like coquetry, like complaining, like full of grievances, like endless sorrow!

And then head into the arms of tilt!

I'm scared. Hold him!

Think of standing up immediately, walking to the door of the restaurant and facing the housekeeper: "it's OK, go down! Don't come out and walk around! "

There is a door in the dining room. Just think about it and close the heavy sliding door.

Xuehao silently recited a secret, and his fingertips condensed into a relatively independent border to separate the whole world.

Qing Yu is so worried. Looking at Qing Lan, she really wants to help but can't help her. I don't know what happened to him!

Previously, it was also reported on the TV news that Qinglan was a very good young entrepreneur, and she was very caring. When she saw the TV, she also showed off to Xuehao: "look, how powerful my second brother is!"

How can it be like this in a blink of an eye?

Except for what?

Why does Qing Yu hate that he doesn't have the ability to read mind skill before tonight!

The cry of Qinglan really felt that the mountains and rivers had broken. After he recovered, he stayed in Qingrong's arms and refused to come out, saying: "I broke up with matchless. I've already thought about it. I'll never fall in love or get married again. I really think about it! Anyway, a person's whole life will pass in a blink of an eye! "

"Tilt feather frightened to cry quickly:" two emperor elder brother, you are not want to open

What do you mean it's gone in a blink of an eye?

Xuehao immediately grabbed her and said, "even if it's only a few decades in a hurry, it's still a long time. No one can be sure about the future. Second highness, don't despair. There is always truth in the world. "

"I know matchless is sincere to me, but her sincerity makes me afraid. Did Lord Nalan just marry a wife and ruin three generations? I'm the prince, and I can't make such a mistake. "

As Qinglan was sad, she said all kinds of things she had to do with matchless. When she talked about the lost child, her eyes were red again. When she talked about everything today, including the fiefdom, the sisters all understood.

Understand why he is determined to break up, understand his pain.

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