His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1712: 1716

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Qiao Xin envied that he was busy with interrogation recently and seldom came back for dinner.

Cool night understood this very well. She sat on the sofa and chatted with the girls, waited for Yekang to come back, and then went downstairs together for dinner.

He ah, is still to come back to accompany tonight's dinner.

After a chat, yewei came.

He stood by the door in a suit and shoes, raised his hand, and knocked on the door commercially. It was very official: "Ms. liangye! Please have a talk in your study! "

Cold night saw him, I don't know why, suddenly headache.

She raised her hand to press her temple and said, "let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm a little hungry now. I can't think about many things clearly."

Yewei looked at a stack of cakes on the tea table, without saying a word, went out with a plate in front of him and said, "I'm waiting for you in the study!"

Cool night: "..."

When she passed, the boy spread out on the sofa, took the cake and put it in his mouth.

I don't know whether she is hungry or he is.

Cool night sighed a little, for three childe's mind is very clear: "envy is useless, people's time and place are favorable, you still need several checkpoints here!"

Yewei ignored and said, "I'll do it myself. What can I do for you? The second brother also said that in the world, only the mother is good, and the mother's children are like treasure! In the yard at night, I asked you for help with him, but I came to you first in the daytime. Do you have to work first and then? "

Cool night also picked up a piece of cake, but turned to his desk and sat down, sighed: "third, first come first, that's the standard for roughly the same situation. When the law of development of things is beyond the simple degree, it should follow the rules from simplicity to complexity! First solve the simple, then the difficult! "

"Good!" Night Wei a clap thigh, way: "two elder brother's problem solved, also turn to me?"

Cold night eat a cake, think about it, ask: "what do you want to give the results now? That young man of that family is only 12 years old. You can't pull out time to go together even if you are pulling out young people to encourage them. "

Night Wei immediately stood up, went to the desk, hands on the table, said: "I also want hardware!"

Cool night headache again: "bought two sets, this evening with small butterfly a person took away, there is no extra. Besides, it will hurt to wear such a small seedling. "

Yewei argued: "Miao is not small, not important. Surround Miao quickly near the water. It's the most important! When it grows into a delicate flower in the future, it is also the flower in my garden. The famous flower has its owner! Just surround it first, I have patience to wait for it to bloom! "

"Ah, it's too hard for you to go to heaven! Son! "

"Are you my mother? Linlin's business is more difficult than Lele's! "



When it comes to taboo figures, mother and son temporarily stopped communicating.

Cool night closed his eyes, but it was clear in a flash: indeed, it is easier for yewei and Yilin than yewei and LeLe.

With Lele, that's the dead end.

With Yi Lin, it's just that it's hard to walk, not necessarily no way.

"Let me think about how to tell Yi Qing, OK?" Cool night looked at him and said seriously: "if you really make up your mind to chase Linlin and really want to, then Mommy can help you. But if Linlin doesn't want to, and Yi Qing's husband and wife don't want to, Mommy can't hurt the love with Yi Qing's family for one of you! At that time, please move out. I'm sorry that Yi Qingzhi, who saved money, is looking at you! "

"I really picked up the grass!" Yewei is speechless.

"Who makes you have to be late every time?" Cold night is also very collapse!

"I don't has the final say in my emotional life." Night Wei two hands a spread.

"That means you're born to be careless!" In the cool night, the eyebrows and the heart jump.

Finally, Liang Ye agrees to yewei. Tonight, he will go to the couple of Yi Qing to have a talk. So, a heart of yewei is also raised. It's seven up and eight down. I just hope that I can pass through the couple of Yiqing successfully!

Too much uterus.

After Qiao's marriage, after several days of precipitation, Luo's family also left one after another.

The couple moved back to taiwomb and lived in taiwomb. The family was old, small and happy.

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Because 11 has been able to walk on their own, so everyone can't wait to hold a lottery ceremony for her, because everyone is afraid to wait for 11 to be really one year old, can race with the dog!

On the floor of the living room, a pink carpet was spread on the floor, and people put all the carefully selected items on the blanket.

There are a variety of things on the ground.

Bella holds her daughter and whispers in her ear, "my dear, you look at so many things on the ground. Would you climb over and pick one and hold it in your hand?"

One of the eyes, staring at the things on the ground, looking constantly.

Linglie also squatted down and encouraged: "baby! Sonning baby, pick a thing, darling

Qingrong and Qinglan start to video with their mobile phones, zhuoran starts to take photos with a professional camera, whether it's shooting 11, as long as the owners have good expressions and shapes, they will take photos.

Lojeb pointed to the small gold medal of a big box that he made for 11 with a smile and said: "Shengning, come here, this is good! This box is full of gold! Gold can make a wish! "

Everyone smells the words and laughs with a puff!

It's just that there's never been anything new about the gift from rojeb. It's always a little gold medal.

"Here, baby, look at my aunt here!" he said excitedly! The pills my aunt gave you! "

Xuehao quickly took a bottle of pills from the ground and put them away: "don't make any trouble, don't always give children pills!"

Tilt feather to turn his mouth, snatch the pill back from him, and put it on himself: "if you don't give it, you won't give it, I will take it!"

When Mu Tianxing saw that everyone was around Shengning's thoughts, he could not help laughing and said: "ha ha, stop talking, don't disturb her, let Shengning choose what she likes!"

Bella gently let go of her daughter's hand.

One by one he stood steadily on the ground.

She cried twice excitedly, "ah! Ha! "

The crowd followed her and laughed happily.

This little guy with curly doughnut hair, delicate facial features like a doll, wearing a big red baby suit, really makes people can't help liking him.

She stepped forward, went to this front, took it up, looked, smelled and lost it; went to that front, took it up, looked, bit and lost it!

The look of looking for the treasure was so serious that everyone closed their mouths quietly and waited patiently for a result.

Suddenly, her eyes were attracted by a pen on the ground.

That is linglie's pen.

It is the pen used by the emperors of Ningguo from generation to generation.

She walked forward excitedly and grabbed the pen at once!

Everyone take a breath!

Bella was so scared that her forehead was sweating. She wanted to put it down quickly, but she couldn't speak in front of the crowd!

Obviously, I like this pen very much. I look at it again and again, and hold it in my hands. Step by step, steadily, firmly, I don't want to look at the objects around me any more, and I come to the front of my admiration.

Then she raised her head and handed the pen to her admirer: "ah! Oh, ah! "

It means she wants to hold it.

Admiring and silent, she smiled twice excitedly and turned back.

There was a small abacus made of pure gold on the ground. She bent down and picked it up. Then she walked steadily towards the blue and held out her small white hand to him: "Hello! Hello, Hello! "

Chuckled and reached for it.

She's back.

She sent all the things on the ground to the people around her, even Yunxuan and Tiantian.

At last, linglie came to her and wiped her sweat: "honey, you give us everything. How about yourself?"

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