His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1788: 1792

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She really didn't miscarry on purpose.

Later, she went to Beiyue. After thinking about it, she sincerely hoped that matchless could have a baby for Qinglan, but matchless children didn't stay!

"Wuwu ~ I beg you, can you not count on me? I didn't mean to do it. He did it himself! Why should it be on me? "

Qingya kneels on the ground, choking!

"That's your sin," said the ethereal voiceless voice. "It's not someone else!"

Elegant efforts to open their eyes, but around a piece of cold, nothing to see!

She was extremely afraid in her heart, but she tried to kneel down and kowtow to longevity sincerely!

"Don't kneel me!"

"Don't kneel me!"

"Don't kneel me!"

"I will not accept your kneeling! No! "

The voice or anxiety, or anger, or high voice, elegant listening, all the hairs are up!

She is like a person walking in a chaotic world, who can never go out.

But she kowtowed her head firmly and said, "please bless Luo Qinglan, the second prince of Ningguo, for his whole life!"

From the place where I was kneeling and crying just now, I don't know if I can walk to the edge of the cliff or what the next step is!

She can't see the world clearly, simply can't!

I don't know how many roads I have walked, how many heads I have kowtowed and how much I have moved forward.

I can't breathe because of the pain all over my body. Some parts are damaged, some parts are bleeding, some parts are numb, some parts are soaked with blood water.

Qingya doesn't know when the end will come: "please bless luoqinglan, the second prince of Ningguo, for a lifetime of health and safety!"

Voice, also finally completely dumb.

She felt like a long century.

She felt like she couldn't get out again.

She felt like she was going to die in less than a minute.

Finally, in the air, there comes a graceful and clear voice, which is hard to distinguish between male and female. It seems that it comes from the ancient times and from another illusory world.

"Yun Qingya, you want to have Luo Qinglan I in good health. What can you exchange with me?"

When Qingya heard this, she thought it was an illusion. She didn't dare to confirm until she heard the meaning of the sentence clearly!

She knelt there, prostrate on the ground, hoarse way: "what do you want me to change with you?"

Qingyin said, "your life!"

"My life?" Elegant tears fell down: "but what about the people of Beiyue?"

"One life for another, in line with heaven and human relations! You should know that you are different from all living beings. You bear sin, you despise life, and your immortal head cannot be the same as all living beings! "

Qingya is completely silent.

That backward and foolish North moon, in her governance a little bit to the bright!

Her people are waiting for her to take them forward!

She has not seen the day when the North moon is prosperous and powerful. Junpeng is covetous to the North moon. Once she falls down, the North moon will suffer from internal and external troubles!

Do you really want to give up all this for a Luo Qinglan?

So many foreign enterprises that she has been planning to bring to Beiyue are all contracts signed with her in person to drive the labor and employment force of Beiyue, increase economic construction and let the people live and work in peace and contentment!

As soon as she left, who will take care of the contracts she signed?

How innocent the people are!

"I can't! I can't trade my life for Luo Qinglan's! I can't! "

After Qingya shouted, she said, "I'll promise you anything except this!"

Qingyin again: "just this!"

”My parents have lost a son. If they lose me again, they will not be able to bear it! My grandparents are old. They are coming to Beiyue soon! I can't let them take the white hair and send the black hair again! "

"As long as you live!"


"As long as your life, for the life of Luo Qinglan!"


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"Do you want to change it?"

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an ran took the soldiers to the foot of the mausoleum, saw the driver kneeling and holding his head, crying!

He rushed up and grabbed the driver's collar. "What about your majesty? Did not you follow his majesty? "

"There was an avalanche just now. Wuwu ~ your Majesty was buried! Buried! Whoops! "

Cried the driver!

Ann ran and the soldiers were shocked!

A strong flashlight started to fight, and a light shovel was in his hand. While Anran asked the fire department to come to support him, he led the soldiers to the snow mountain!

He took the driver's collar and asked, "where was your majesty buried? Say it quickly! Where is it! "

"No, I don't know. I can't see clearly at night! As soon as I look back, his majesty has been buried in the snow! "

"Damn you!"

Anran kicked him down!

He tensed and said, "look! Find a place that looks like new snow just piled up! Hurry up! Spread out and dig! "

Soon, the fire department came quickly!

Military dogs, search and rescue dogs, also out!

An ran blocked the news of his Majesty's possible death. The whole imperial mausoleum was surrounded by armed police officers and soldiers, cutting off all news!

Seeing that the sky is going to be bright, the snow shoveled out is dark blue in the night, but it is not less elegant figure. Anran and the soldiers are all scared, and dare not slack off!

Suddenly -

a golden light rises from the top of the mountain!

And when they looked, they saw the sunrise as if it had risen from the top of the mountain!

Anran didn't know why. He had such a bad feeling. He threw away his shovel and went to the top of the mountain recklessly!

He knows about Luo's kidney failure!

Does your majesty do anything stupid for Luo Qinglan?

When he finally arrived at the top of the mountain, he saw a half red and half white figure falling in the desolate snow!

An ran trembled and looked up, knelt down and cried out, "your majesty!"

On this day, the nearest air force general hospital to the North moon mausoleum mountain was completely cordoned off!

No one knows who is going to see a doctor, but it must be a very valuable person.

After a series of rescue, Qingya finally opened her eyes in the ward.

The body has been scrubbed and cleaned by the medical staff, and the clean clothes have been returned. Every tiny wound has been carefully bandaged.

Ann ran looked at her wearily and opened her eyes.

It's like looking at a delicate Barbie doll and accidentally breaking it!

"Your Majesty, are you awake? Would you like some hot porridge? "

He asked.

The medical staff rushed to help Qingya do the routine examination.

After confirming that there was no problem with her consciousness, the doctor smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you'd better have some hot porridge to warm your stomach."

Qingya nodded, but looked at Anran: "didn't you get the news out? What I said to your mother is that I will go abroad for a week. "

An ran red eyes: "No. All messages are blocked. "

Qingya breathed a sigh of relief, looked around again, and said: "you go to have a rest and let the palace maid come to take care of me. This little wound will be discharged in a few days. "

Anran, clenched his fist, retreated silently and called two maids of Qingya to come in.

The doctor also said with a smile, "Your Majesty Hong fuqitian, you will be discharged in a few days!"

They have been carefully examined. These are all skin injuries, nothing serious.

After taking hot porridge, Qingya asked the palace maid to take her mobile phone, lie in the quilt and watch the news, and then rest.

An ran came to see her once, saw her well, guarded her for a while, and retired.

He closed the door on his front foot and opened his eyes on his back.

She knew that Anran was sincere to herself.

Touch the mobile phone, open the document quietly, with a little precipitation of thoughts, and type two words: will.

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