His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1800: 1804

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When Jun Wuxie saw that she was being scolded, he immediately put down the tableware and took the paper towel to wipe her tears.

He also said to Xingfan, "Lord, I'm really sorry. I'm the one who made Qi'er sad."

"It's none of your business." Awake fan smiled and looked at him: "eat, eat, I'll show you around the manor. Do you like riding? I have a racecourse here. Qi Qi was very good at riding when she was ten years old. Let's go riding together later. "

Jun Wuhai points her head, and Su Qi quickly adjusts her mood and takes a bowl to eat.

After dinner, the family wakes up to take Jun Wuxie for a walk.

Su Yi is young and can't walk. She takes the hand of awaking fan and shouts to hug him!

Su Qi looked at him speechlessly: "how old are you this year? Do you want to hold it? "

Su Yi ignores her and looks at Jun Wuxie: "Prince uncle, my sister is so fierce. What do you like about her?"

Su Qi: "..."

Wofan and his wife: "..."

Under the moonlight, Jun Wuyi squatted down naturally and kindly on his face and said to Su Yi, "I like her ferocity! I like her crying, laughing, ferocity, whatever! "

The soft words seemed to be singing, which was very pleasant to hear. They drifted into Suqi's heart accidentally.

The wind around her suddenly became hot, which made her pretty face red.

It's the night. The street lamp in the manor is warm yellow. It's not easy to expose the red cheek!

Jun Wuxie squats down with his back to Su Yi and taps his shoulder: "come on!"

Su Yi climbed on him with a smile!

Su Qi hurried to pull, but was stopped by wofan with a smile. Wofan said, "ha ha, let them be close."

Su Yi quickly lies on Jun's back. Jun stands up and rushes forward with a smile. Su Yi's hearty and happy laughter floats in the air, just like the sound of nature.

They are far away.

Through the moonlight and street lights, you can see their happy appearance of stopping and fighting on the grass.

Suqi is about to catch up, but is stopped by the wofan couple.

Dad: "Qi Qi, the innocent heart is hard enough. You don't need to add any more vinegar. Tonight, it's cooking for him, and it's tears. The more you do this, the more bitter his heart will be! If you can do little for him, don't make him suffer any more! "

Mommy: "Qi Qi, innocence is a good child, but he needs to grow up. Boys grow up on the road, there is no smooth sailing, he is very talented, also very ambitious, and in a high position, the future will be a good emperor no less than admiration, you do not bother him! "

Su Qi looked at them inexplicably: "what did you say? I said it. I didn't mean to cry!"

She strode forward!

Ran to the side of Jun Wuyi and Su Yi, Jun Wuyi when the eagle, Su Qi spread out her arms to protect Su Yi, naturally playing the game of the eagle catching chickens.

Wofan and his wife hold hands and walk slowly towards them.

When they came to the stables, they each added a riding suit. After selecting the horses, Suqi got on the horse first, and then turned around and smiled at Jun innocently and mischievously, "I'll go first, Prince and uncle!"

She threw a whip, clamped the horse's stomach, and shouted, "drive!"

The horse is like a brave guard, rushing forward!

Jun Wuxie smiled lightly, and followed the horse, moving in her direction.

In the night, wofan and his wife stood with a horse in each hand.

Wofan smiled at his wife: "do you want me to give you a ride, and then we can ride together?"

Without waiting for his wife to speak, there was a little bit more between them.

Su Yi held up his hands and said to him, "Daddy! Embrace! Hold high! Take a ride! Daddy's holding me! "

Su Yi's mother chuckled and looked at her husband's disdainful eyes. She took the lead in straddling on the horse's back and said, "drive!"

Awaking all looked at the wife's heroic figure, sighed lightly.

Bend down to pick up the little one in front of you and ride on the horse with him.

We spent more than two hours in the racecourse, and the night deepened a little bit. Watching Su Qi yawn, you Wuxie first suggested, "come here today, and have a rest earlier."

So they did not return to the stable.

Wake up where to call to let the staff of the stables come, take the horses back, and let the driver drive to pick them up and go back to the villa together.

Because of riding a horse, Jun Wuxie and Su Qi, who had already bathed, were sweating again, so they had to take a bath again.

They said good night on the porch and went back to their rooms.

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Su Qi took a shower, changed into pajamas, and suddenly thought of the clothes hanging on Jun's innocent balcony.

She immediately stepped on the slippers and walked towards Jun's innocent suite.

It's late at night and the family is asleep.

This is Suqi's first night home. She should sleep soundly or chat with her mother in her mother's bed all night.

But the cruel reality is that Su Qi is not used to it.

Even though she was born and grew up here to the age of ten, she has not come back for five years. In these five years, the one who really accompanies her and cares for her is Jun Wuxie.

Inexplicably, she has a sense of his place, which is home.

But she dare not say, she is afraid to make her parents sad, and also afraid to make Jun innocent more sad.

Standing at the suite door, she opened the door gently.

The door is unlocked.

She went in, went to the bedroom door, and heard the sound of water.

She knew that it must be Jun Wuhai washing clothes again.

Shaking her head and sighing, she rushed to the door with a little hatred of iron and steel. She didn't say a word, didn't have any omen, and opened the door with a crash!

Jun Wuxie's body is standing under the shower, with white shampoo bubbles on his head, taking a shower!

When he heard the voice, he wiped his eyes alert and opened them!

At the door of the bathroom, the little girl stared at him like a fool Cough!

Jun Wuhai turns around with a red face: "Hello! Why don't you knock? "

But thought in my heart: Fortunately, it's her!

If you are seen by others, you will lose a lot!

Suqi, close the door and leave!

While walking, I scolded myself as a pig brain.

When she came to the living room, she remembered that her original intention was not to let him wash clothes, so she paused and took a deep breath.

Anyway, I've seen it. It's nothing to see it again!

So, she turned around in the spirit of heroism, strode back to the bathroom!

The bathroom door opened again, and Jun Wuhai was scared to have a heart attack by her!

Covering the key parts with his hands, he turned around and said, "Qi'er! Stop it! "

This time, Suqi tries not to look at him. She aims at the clothes off the shelf, holds her head in her arms and runs away!

You have no evil immediately understand her meaning!

The girl must not be willing to let him wash his own clothes: "Qi'er! I don't like strangers touching my clothes! Take it back and I'll wash it myself! "

But she's far away!

His voice is penetrating across Suki's heart!

She took the pile of clothes he took off and went back to her room. She stuffed the clothes into the basin again.

Patting her little chest, she kept breathing deeply.

It's really It's exciting!

"All right! Since you have taken care of me for five years, and you are unwilling to let strangers touch your clothes, Miss Ben will be merciful today and help you wash your clothes once! "

Su Qi said, turning to find the shower gel.

She remembers who said that shower gel does not hurt the skin when washing clothes.

And she has also washed things, such as washing an apple by herself, washing her favorite handkerchief. She has done all these simple things!

But, the idea is beautiful, the reality is bone feeling.

When she prepared all the tools, she found that the top half of the clothes in that basin seemed to be your innocent underwear!

Close your eyes!

Su Qi regrets. How can I do this!

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