His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1808: 1812

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Su Yi closes the door.

Also successfully blocked the wake up where to continue to move forward.

Wake up to put the stick aside, turn around and walk in the direction of Jun Wuxie and his daughter.

What a worry!

Looking at the two people who were holding each other together and said they didn't want to be separated, he woke up and said: "OK! Face the reality! Do you want to go to the hospital and have a DNA test to see how similar you are? "

Su Qi cried: "Wuwuwuwu ~ you know our relationship, let us test what! Wuwu "

I really didn't think before. How can I suddenly realize that I like someone? It's like giving my life at all?

No matter the big reason or the small reason, where can su Qi listen now?

How can we make her stay with you and never be separated?

"Yes, do you know it's still interesting?" Wake up fan sneers: "or do you have to elope, be caught back, be abducted by guanshangximiaozi from the small princess of Ningguo, be abandoned by Junpeng, and push you out to accept punishment? Yes, it's your turn to be punished! "

In the room, wofan's wife also hid.

Because wofan didn't let her out, wofan also said that when he sent Jun to the airport, let his wife come out to comfort her daughter, and her daughter will be sad at a certain time.

There was no servant in the whole villa.

It seems to have been sent clean by wofan for a long time.

The air is filled with the aroma of coffee and bread, but no one is in the mood to eat.

Awaking fan holds his forehead: "my daughter, she is not yet an adult! Jun Wuxie, what do you want? What do you want to do to hold my daughter so majestically in front of me? "

You have no evil looking at the villain in your arms.

Let him let go, is no doubt to his life, especially after su Qi said don't separate from himself!

However, he and Suqi have also done parent-child identification, and the similarity between them is more than 20%.

"I don't care! I'll be with him! "Yes!" You have no evil side choking, while saying childish words, provoked to wake up all cry and laugh!

This is really a pair of children who want to be killed. They can't beat or scold, and they don't speak sense at all!

Su Qi also looked at fan: "Grandpa and grandma are cousins! It turns out, daddy, you're not retarded! Aunts are not missing an arm or a leg! "

"How do you speak!" Wake up and try to separate them.

But they made a circle and tried to avoid the devil's claws, saying that they would not separate!

In particular, Su Qi's words make you feel as if you have found a lighthouse in the boundless wilderness: "Qi'er, would you like to have a baby with me?"

Is that what it means?

He didn't hear me wrong, did he?

"Enough!" Wake up and roar: "Su Qi is not yet an adult!"

He came forward and forced them to separate!

Jun Wuxie and Su Qi both know kung fu, but the Kung Fu of waking up is obviously better!

After separating them, he woke up and said angrily, "you are innocent! Even if you ask to marry my daughter, you can come to propose marriage when she is 18 years old! Take the marriage route! work in just ways! If your majesty agrees, I will marry you. If your majesty does not, you will die! My daughter, definitely will not go to the future without hope! I hope you know how to treat her well! "

Su Qi said angrily, "don't you mean to embarrass us?"

Her relationship with Jun Wuxie must be known by Ling lie. How could she agree to marry him?

"Are you reasonable?" Wake up fan board to face, said: "you two children, said heavy hurt feelings hurt self-esteem, said light and no effect, what do you want to do? When your parents raised you so big, they taught you how to distinguish right from wrong and black from white. "

Su Qi said again, "you have kept me for ten years! I have been raised by innocence for five years! One third of me are raised by Innocence, and two thirds of you are! "


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A slap in the face of Suqi!

Su Qi covered her face with tears.

Awaking is also a face of heartache to look at her: "all people, can not be above the law! We should not trample on ethics! The only difference between human and animal is human nature! Do you have a little sense of right and wrong

Su Qi cries helplessly!

She doesn't want to disappoint her family, but she really can't do without Jun Wuxie!

Thinking that he actually chased him to Auckland Airport from XiMao, accompanied him back by plane, thought that he would rather abandon the world than abandon her, thought of his deep feelings and vows, how would she let go?

Jun Wuxie looks at her and comes forward with heartache: "Qi'er! Don't cry! "

Wake up all cold face to stop him: "enough!"

The world is completely quiet.

After waking up, fan yelled, tangled and said angrily, "you two are so stubborn! Jun Wuxie, my own daughter's own education, I warn you, if you don't go back by plane today, I will tell Jun Peng immediately that you stay in my house! If something goes wrong in our province, we will be more responsible! "

"Good!" You have no evil anger!

He stares to wake up fan, is this man hit his beloved girl!

He immediately took out his mobile phone, removed the flight mode for everyone to find their own, and then broadcast a number directly!

Wake up where only when he is a child temper, did not stop.

But listen to his righteous words: "father! I want to get married! I'm going to marry Luo Suqi, the little princess of Ningguo Prince's mansion! "

Su Qi is shocked!

Mouth opened into a big O-shape!

Awaking all also by this telephone shock's outside Jiao in Nen's: "bastard!"

Jun Wuxie ends the conversation and looks at fan with a crooked handsome face: "it's my whereabouts that you want to tell my father. But what I want to tell my father is my heart! You are also right. Be aboveboard and marry openly. Don't sneak around without a future. OK, do it according to the rules! "

Wake up and move on!

Su Qi was so scared that she immediately grabbed his arm: "Daddy!"

She's really afraid of waking up and beating you up!

She knew it was a big deal, and immediately looked at Jun Wuxie: "stop talking! Stop talking! It's impossible for us to get married. Our relationship is nothing but death! If you do that again, my father will only be more angry! "

Jun's innocent eyes fell on Su Qi's face coldly!

The fingerprints were so rooted that they were like a sharp knife in his heart!

He carefully guarded the baby for five years. He didn't want to touch her. Even when he knew his sister had been replaced, he didn't slap her in the face in anger!

But today

But let her father because of his relationship, hit her!

Seeing that she was so anxious, Jun Wuhai stepped back and said, "I won't say that. Don't worry."

Wake up to all speechless way: "you don't say? What else can't you say? You have nothing to say! "

All the phone calls, Junpeng all know, what else is he didn't say?

Jun Wuhai opened his eyes wrongly and said: "my mother gave birth to me in those days. It is said that I was born dead, but later the doctor cleaned my body of dirt and lived again. A minister knelt down and exclaimed, "come back from the dead, and the sky will be auspicious.". In addition, I am the son of the queen, so I was conferred the crown prince at the hundred day banquet! "

"What do you say and do all of a sudden!" Awake fan frown, carefully looked at him.

Jun Wuhai also looked at him sideways: "do you think I'm a three-year-old? So easy to bluff? Luoxingfan, you'd better say everything frankly, or I won't leave! You should understand that you brought me here. It's easy for God to send him away! "

Awake fan: "I have nothing to say! Get out of here! "

Jun Wuyue: "it's been several days. You took me to climb the mountain and ride to see the stars. You also went to the top of Tianqi mountain. What's the relationship between me and them? "

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