His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1863: 1867

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"The only standard I can forgive or not is whether my second brother is happy or not.

She is good to my second brother, I like her, she is not good to my second brother, I hate her!

When she was blind, I thought she deserved it, because she hurt my second brother so badly, this is her retribution!

But she gave her life to my second brother, and I felt that she was really pitiful!

She makes me feel sorry and angry! "

Xuehao understands that the girl who has distinct love and hate in his poems is just like her frankness and sincerity.

Knowing that they are coming back, they rush to the tarmac in the dark and wait.

Qinglan pinches the empty bottle in the palm of his hand and says, "thank you. It's good to drink. Let's go back to the palace! "

Yekang and Hongqi say goodbye because they are going back to Qiao's house.

And tilt to allow also to night Kang way: "immediately daybreak, tonight aunt pregnant again, you rest at home.".

Ximiao and Beiyue, I'll report to the father and the emperor. You can come back after you have a rest. The same is true! "

Night Kang smiled: "good!"

Let alone, he really miss tonight!

Red Qi is also very excited. When he stands at the door of the banquet hall and looks at Qingya's courtship, the picture makes him wish he could hold Xuebao in his arms immediately!

His Tigress, his goblin, his sweetheart!

And think about it is already into the arms of tilt!

From when he left to when she came back, her heart was all tied to him!

Now hold your beloved husband, think about putting your arms around his neck and kissing him!

After a short time of response, Qingrong's bloody body was agitated by her, so she quickly pulled her back and whispered, "OK, stop making trouble, and the younger brothers and sisters are watching!"

Xuehao and they all couldn't help laughing.

Everyone gets on the bus and heads back to the palace at dawn.

When we arrived at taiwomb from the airport, the blue in the sky had completely disappeared, and the orange sun was set off by the colorful sunlight. Everything on the earth was full of life and prosperity.

Adore accompany Ling lie morning exercise.

Under the tall crape myrtle tree, running in circles against the wind.

Lojeb is holding xiaoyueya's hand, walking slowly along Ziwei Avenue together.

Under the tree, one by one ran around laughing. Yunxuan accompanied her to play hide and seek.

She hid behind the tree. In order to make her have a sense of achievement, Yunxuan saw her shadow on the ground, but she still turned around and shouted: "eh, where is our lovely little princess? Why can't I find it? "

Sometimes, one by one, after hiding behind the tree for a long time, she deliberately extended a fat little hand.

Yunxuan jumped in front of her: "ah, I found you!"

One by one, cover his mouth and smile happily, as if laughing at his stupidity. Laughing, he still found himself according to the clues he gave him.

When the car came back, we just saw the warm and childlike picture through the crystal clear window.

Tilt and wait to get out of the car.

Linglie and adore also gradually stopped and looked towards the car.

The children all gathered in front of linglie, and the luojeb and his wife also came here. They also rode on Yunxuan's shoulders one by one and greeted everyone happily: "Maoning!"

She has a long doughnut like curly hair, one on the left and one on the right with a cute little braid.

A pair of eyes are big and bright, smiling.

She is wearing a tailored pink thin one-piece down jacket, and the whole person is like a lovely silkworm baby.

Tilt blue to look at her, thought of Dudu.

Can't help but reach out to her: "two uncle hug!"

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One by one, she reaches out to tilt blue and takes her little body to him. She hangs on him like a koala.

Linglie is afraid of leaning blue. After all, this little girl is as heavy as a small meatball.

When I bathed her last night, there were several deep folds on her arms and thighs!

He smiled and said, "go, go back!"

Qingyu takes linglie's hand, shakes and shakes it, and asks, "how about sister?"

Mu Tianxing didn't come down to do morning exercises. Qing Yu could understand that she was a pregnant woman after all. She was easy to catch a cold when she went out in the morning in the middle of winter.

Linglie looked at the adoration with joy and pride, and thought that the adored Prince and concubine were very competitive.

He said to Qianyu, "Bella said that in the morning, she is reciting ancient poetry in the room now. She said that she would recite it after reading it several times and understanding the meaning."

Tilt your feathers and spit out your tongue.

Whether it's idioms or poems, it seems that she can't learn them.

They went back to the hall. Linglie and others went back to the room to take a bath and change their clothes. They agreed to come down and have breakfast in half an hour.

Tilt blue know.

Last night, the whole world knew what happened. There's no reason why linglie didn't know.

But not only linglie, but also lojeb and their admirers didn't talk about him, blame him, doubt him or lose their temper.

Linglie went back to the room to take a shower and change clothes. When he came out again, he saw Qinglan end standing upright in the study waiting for him.

The youth under the light has faded away, and the rudiments of men have been highlighted.

Linglie looks at his face that looks like adoration, thinking that Mu Tianxing tells him over and over how Qing Lan takes care of him every day in India. Even when he passed the crocodile lake, he left on his own initiative and asked Mu Tianxing to take his adoration with him.

Every time linglie thought about it, he thought that Qinglan at that time had a lot of ideas and would take on it.

When Qingrong comes back, because of a kite, because of trivial matters, Qinglan always rushes up to beat Qingrong in order to maintain her admiration.

Qinglan has never been a timid and weak boy, never.

After he fell in love with Qingya, the decisive and domineering Qinglan seemed to disappear.

Because a elegant, blue lost themselves, become indecisive, change forward-looking, change to let everyone worry!

All say good love will make each other better and better.

At that time, when Qinglan meets the elegant love, it should be a bad fate!

But now, I want to see him find his own linglie. I thought that after ten years and eight years, I would see my brave and resolute son in the mall.

But don't want to, and because of elegant, the best blue back.

In yesterday's live broadcast, the performance of tilt blue made linglie watch it over and over again. She was filled with emotion, heartache and joy.

National system and dignity are certainly the areas to be considered, but for linglie, if he chooses between his wife and the throne one day, he will not hesitate to choose his wife; if he chooses between his son and the throne, he will not hesitate to choose his son.

He never felt that the throne was the most important thing.

He only knows that if he is in this position, then people and his family are the most important!

Because ten crowns are not equal to Xiaoguai's smile or his children's health and safety.

He himself put his love and children first, and why should Qinglan put secular constraints in front of Qinglan's love and children?

"Father, son confessed to the empress yesterday, he said, let me come back to ask my mother." Qinglan smiled and looked at him: "father, son remember, when son woke up, you said that it was Qingya kowtow, right?"

Linglie nodded his head and said softly, "yes, she did. We all had some accidents. "

Tilt blue also with smile way: "father emperor, son's bracelet sent out.".

But now, she is living a very bad life, bear too much, the son tries hard to know her secret, but she is like a hedgehog that can't be approached by her son.

Father, there is a crystal ball on the elegant wrist, which has soil and seeds.

Last night, her son saw her stick ten silver needles into her fingertips and irrigate the seeds with ten finger blood

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