His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 1962: 1966

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Fang Muchuang's fingers slightly moved, holding the food box, and said with a smile, "I'm Fang, surnamed Muchuang. Like the spring breeze, the orange juice. "

"You are Fang Muye's child!" she said

Fang Muchuang laughed again, admiring her Agility: "yes."

In particular, his father left home when he was very young, and he has been wandering around, and he dare not marry and have children. It's also an accident to meet his mother. He didn't dare to start a family until he was in his forties. After he got married, he felt uneasy. He just wanted his mother and son to live a safe life.

The world can only remember that Fang Qinye is the chief steward of Jinrong Lord in Baoqin's mansion. Who can remember that there is another Fang Muye in the world?

Also because of her memory, Fang Mu orange once again took a deep look at her, and her eyes were filled with warm gratitude.

The pupils of lajiwen's eyes were also hot for a while. She stepped forward and grasped Fang Muchuang's other hand: "your father is a hero! It is the pride of all the people of Ningguo! I firmly believe that one day his name will be engraved on the monument to the heroes of the National Guard, just like the great achievements of Lord nalander, for the world to admire! "

Fangmu orange listen, eyelashes suddenly all wet!

Gwangjiwen immediately let go of his hand: "sorry, no offense."

Fang Muchuang looks at her step back, blinks and breaks the weak wet feeling, smiles and says, "it doesn't matter."

They just walked all the way to the depth of the palace. They didn't talk much, but they didn't feel embarrassed.

Arrived at the main building hall, Fang Muchuang sent people in with food boxes.

When he turned and walked out, he remembered that he didn't know the girl's name yet!

His family background is well known by her, but her surname is still unknown to him!

Gwangjiwen will give the cake, and she will pay a visit with other brothers tomorrow to help the host.

I'm glad to hear that.

Although tilt blue even if tomorrow doesn't come, he also understands, after all elegant can't see.

However, tilt blue can put down Yaya temporarily and come to join in his housewarming. The whole family gets together, which makes tilt Rong more moved.

He said with a smile, "you wait. When I went to XiMao, the king of ximiaotai gave me two sets of jewelry, one for my princess and the other for your princess. I'll get it for you. "

After listening, gwangjiwen asked in surprise, "prince, why didn't you give it to the crown princess? I'll go back to the palace and send it by the way. "

Leaning forward, he looked back at her and smiled awkwardly: "admiration is the store of the king. I'm afraid that the general gift can't be seen.

The innocent prince said that he would prepare it for adoration. Next time, next time. "

Although Guan Jiwen thought there should be something strange in it, she didn't talk much. She said with a smile, "OK, OK!"

When lajiwen left from the main building, he could not help but ask qianrong, "you haven't explained to Jun Wuxie about the bombing of XiMao Navy last time? It's nothing to admire! "

"I didn't explain it, but the innocent Prince didn't give me a chance to explain it," she said

Think about it: "..."

With gifts in her hands, she walked under the cherry tree in the palace for a hundred years.

It's said that this was the love tree planted by Prince Ling for the princess. She raised her face and looked at it more.

Dappled sunshine fell on her little face, she walked lightly, and the light and shadow on her face also changed with the uncertainty.

"In another two months, you can see the cherry blossom rain full of brilliant trees, like clouds and clouds."

Guan Jiwen thought, do you want to suggest that the Royal Palace of Kang Xian plant any fragrant trees?

When she came out of the shadow, she ran into a wall of meat.

She went back a step, looking at Fang Muchuang: "master Fang, what can I do for you?"

Fang Mu's orange eyes looked at her with a smile, and Wen said: "I dare not to teach you, but I was almost fooled by you. Now I think of it. I'm so regretful. I'll make up for it immediately. "

Guan Jiwen smiled a little heartily: "where is it? The little girl is blind. She has gone the wrong way. The Housekeeper will give her away."

She smiled humbly, and bent around him.

He stretched out his hand, but she turned a few circles like a ballet dancer at the same time, and at a time, she came out of the range that his arm could reach.

Fang Mucheng immediately became interested: "it's a good thing to practice. I'm also offended."

He pushed her step by step. She didn't want to do it, but she had to protect herself.

Because she still held the gift that the innocent prince gave to her Princess in her hand, she was restricted everywhere, but she also had more than ten moves under Fang Mucheng's hands, which was captured by him!

At present, ~

there is no romantic Cherry Blossom rain, only a cold breeze blowing on his face, mixed with his slightly hot breath.

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The box of gifts was held by Fang Muchuang with one hand, and the other hand clamped two small hands of Guan Jiwen and pressed her on the cherry tree!

In addition to his hands, the other part of his body that held her was his waist and abdomen.

The waist and belly pressed her hard against the trunk, and she couldn't break free.

Gwangjiwen looked at him angrily: "the son of the hero, should not be the one who bullies the weak woman!"

What's more, what's their current posture?

The smile in Fang Mu's orange's eyes did not change. He asked gently, "name."

She closed her eyes and said, "fruit!"

The princess gave her name, and she did not lie.

Fang Muchuang slightly slanted his head and smiled at her Yapi. He raised the gift box of his hand on her head.

"Hello! What are you doing! "

"Don't move. The box falls. The treasures in it are broken, but you are responsible!"

"Hello! Fang Mu orange! "

"I'm here!"

A big hand touched her slender waist and felt for a while, but there was nothing.

He fumbled for her neck again.


"I found it."

His fingertips crossed her neck and picked out a brown rope with a piece of emerald green on it.

"Arjen." Fang Muchuang smiled: "I guess you are the son of the royal family. Since you don't say it, I'll see your jade spy!

It turned out to be a descendant of the emperor. "

He pulled it lightly and the rope broke.

The emerald she wore from childhood came into her palm.

"That's the year I was born, from the emperor!" she cried! Give it to me! "

He took away the jade plate and stepped back.

She immediately hugged the box on her head, and he turned around, but in a flash, he came back and put the jade pendant on her again. The jade pendant was put into her Neckline: "return you!"

Gwangjiwen gnashed her teeth: "you!"

"I've seen your sister coco before, but it's hard to imagine you're sisters. You're so bad." Fang Muchuang reached out to take the box in her hand and led the way with a smile: "it's heavy. I'll take it for you."

"Have you met my sister?" She followed him step by step towards the gate of the palace.

Fang Muchuang nodded: "yes. She is lovely. I also asked if I could call my brother Muchuang. I should

Gwangjiwen is thoughtful.

Fang Muchuang smiled: "fortunately. It turned out to be your sister. "

Gwangjiwen looked more serious and stopped talking to him.

When she arrived at the gate of the palace, she reached for the gift box. Fang Muchuang opened the door for her and asked with a smile, "are you still coming tomorrow?"

She said coldly, "no! Where birds don't shit, what's good for you! "

She reached out to close the door and told the driver to drive quickly.

On the way back, I remembered that he also picked his jade plate. It was so hot!

The jade pendants of the royal family are all given by the present majesty since they were born. Every jade pendants are embedded with electronic chips!

She took it out uneasily and looked.

See if it's broken.

That man is too strong. If he breaks it, it will be over!

Eh, no, why is this black rope?

Is it too dark in the car?

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