His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2071: 2077

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Yunxuan and others will make peace with their adoration. Not only are they happy, but also the soldiers of the Moying team.

Because they know that Tiantian can get the true biography of qushiwen and can make all kinds of delicious things.

Bella's face turned red and pretended to be breathing: "Oh, I've stewed bird eggs and mushroom soup for you these two days, wronged you?"

The soldiers were familiar with her, and they all laughed when they knew she was approachable.

Still don't say, sweet came, at noon in the dish, just wild vegetables and mushrooms, sweet changed the way to do seven or eight, the taste is not the same!

Yunxuan drinks wolf broth, and only thinks it tastes as delicious as mutton.

After the meal, he asked, "Your Highness, when shall we go back? For the sake of Her Highness, the queen has been separated from her majesty! "

Adoration obviously had some accidents. After a while of silence, I decided to take out my mobile phone first and open it.

Take a look at what is said in the e-mail sent to you and see if there is any hint in the short message about who has called you.

To be honest, he is going to take his wife and children to Egypt in a few days. He recently told Bella the love story of the Egyptian Pharaoh, told you the grand pyramid, and the endless soft desert of Shengning. They all wanted to see what he said.

Even the soldiers on the edge, listening to the words of adoration, also want to see.

When the mobile phone was turned on, I found that there were several messages sent by Jinrong.

No exception is the call reminder.

Admiration immediately replied to Jinrong by phone. Just after receiving the call, Jinrong replied, "you are resurrected. I thought you forgot your grandpa Jinrong."

That sad voice, with coquetry, listen to the adoration of not crying.

He looked at the beautiful scenery of the lake and said, "I'll forget who, and I'll never forget grandpa Jinrong. What does grandpa Jinrong want from me?"

"Nothing." Jin Rong never mentions that he left home.

On the contrary, she spoke of a person who made her adoration very strange: "Guan Jiwen, this girl followed the daughter-in-law of the second house before, and then went to the big house to follow the daughter-in-law of the big house.

Grandpa just wanted to ask you to protect the girl. "

Admiring, smelling and startling: "fruit?"

If there is no mistake, Fang Muchuang's success several times is the girl's stupid tip off!

Speaking of being on the emperor Island, she killed so many people in a car and admired them a little. However, Fang Mu, who was confused by love, began to resist her admiration instinct.

Jin Rong said, "yes, take good care of her. There's nothing else. Let's get together again when your highness Xiao Wu has a hundred day banquet. "

After the call, adore stood by the lake and pondered for a long time.

Qiqin palace.

Su Yi is so happy that she takes a bath with peach blossom petals at night, eats the flower cake made of peach blossom petals during the day, and can swing under the peach blossom tree.

Mom and dad are very busy, busy greeting the emperor's family.

Only Fang Mucheng, the elder brother, accompanied him to play in the yard.

He swings on the swing and looks at brother Mu orange under the tree. But he sees brother Mu orange leaning lightly on the edge of a tree, holding a knife in one hand and a block of wood in the other hand, carving something.

This is the fourth one since morning.

Su Yi's little short leg lightly jumps off the swing, squats on the ground and looks at the three wooden gadgets that have been arranged.

"Brother Muchuang, what is this?"

"Safe card."

"It's beautiful. There are patterns and words on it."


"Like a charm."


"Give me a play!"

"Ha ha, I can't do this. I'll do it for you later."

"Brother Muchuang."


"What's this for?"

"Mahogany can ward off evil spirits. Do it in advance, or you won't have a chance in the future."

"Peach wood against evil?"

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Su Yi put several wood brands in his palm and looked at them one by one. The simple peach wood was carved by Fang Mu orange. It was polished very smooth. There was no place for barbs. Even if it was worn by children, it would not cut the skin.

He looked up at the one in Fangmu orange's hand and asked, "four? You're going to give it to four very important people? "


"Who is it?"


"Well, brother Muchuang, I'm very loyal. Don't worry. I'll keep it secret for you when you do this."

"Thank you."

I admire the email sent by Qingrong after reading it by the lake.

After the e-mail was opened, the three characters of "letter of repentance" were placed in the middle.

The mood of adoration is much better than a few days ago, but the children's death is still haunted. After reading the letter from the beginning to the end, there is no redundant expression on their faces.

Bella is watching quietly.

Even she didn't know what adoration was thinking.

Listen to Yunxuan, linglie will teach him to stay in the bedroom until midnight, and even he needs to wait for the call. Even though he has always been a gentle admirer of Tianxing, he has also thought about criticism and education for a long time.

Bella is not afraid of anything else. She is afraid that because of these things, her brother who adores them will be hurt.

"Finished?" Bella said with a smile when she saw adore put away her mobile phone.

Admiring her, he pretended to be serious and said, "what do you want to know? Test what? It turns out that my crown princess is a smart little ghost, and quite suitable for intelligence work. "

Bella smiled sheepishly.

She took him by the arm and said, "look, I've been fighting night and night for the spring exam, so many days, so hard.

I can't give up in order to go to Egypt. Besides, the pyramids and Pharaoh's tombs, as well as the Sphinx are there. Even if I go after the test, it is there.

But wait to go to Egypt and come back, the spring exam must be delayed, this delay down, my youth can not afford to hurt

She pulled open her admiring hand and tried to drill into his arms: "admiring! My good admiration ~! You see, I was 19 years old in the college entrance examination, talking about the past. Can delay another year, 20-year-old college entrance examination, too ugly! "Yes!"

A breath of admiration.

Looking around, the soldiers one by one chuckled and immediately looked away from them.

"Adore helplessly push open her forehead:" a lot of people look at it

Bella: just look

Adore heart move, suddenly turn over body, tall back will cover Bella whole person, he bent to kiss her red lips, sweet kiss.

It's been a whole week since the baby's accident.

Adoration has been abstinent for a week.

But deep in my heart for the children's thoughts and self blame, love and wrists, but it is forbidden.

Adoration sent a message to Qinglan: "take care of Guan Jiwen."

No matter how good Fang Muchuang is, Grandpa Jinrong orders, and he does his best, but he is not in the palace now, and Qinglan's message is sent, saying that he is waiting in the palace for Qingmu to go back, so Qingmu can only come from Qinglan.

Admiring the empty lake, I suddenly think of your wish.

Think of this is originally the place where you live with your parents. All of their families have experienced the thunderstorm here.

He looked at you and said, "how about building a water palace for you, right here, on the lake?"

You heard your words, a smile of joy: "wait a moment."

He ran away.

He looked at Shengning and asked, "do you like it here? Shall we build a home on the lake?"

Shengning happily clapped her hands: "OK!"

You are very excited, turn around and run.

Sheng Ning thought thoughtfully: when Xun can grows up, let's live together with Xun can!

Adoration was waiting for him by the lake. Soon, seeing him coming back happily, he nodded: "mm-hmm, mm-hmm, it's going to be here, it's going to be a water palace!"

"Where did you go just now?" he asked curiously

You you ear root a red: "pee go, just can't hold, hurriedly went."

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