His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2389: 2396

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The superior officer was so excited that he talked a lot.

However, she soon realized that gynecology is not her own specialty.

She also made up a lot of this knowledge after she was pregnant.

She smiled shyly and was glad to help think of the sextuple.

"However, I have never supplemented my knowledge of sextuples.

Because I always worried that I would have several babies, so I checked the twins and triplets.

Later I knew that it was the mother's domination, so I was relieved. "

Shangguan said, standing up and looking at them: "now it is certain that it is the development of human fetus.

So you'd better take this list with you and show it to a professional gynecologist.

As for how to mend later, how to maintain the body and so on, it's better to listen to their opinions. "

They are already very happy.

Ji Qingchen and his wife even ordered the kitchen to prepare lunch, leaving Gong and his wife down for dinner.

And you and Shengning are back to kindergarten.

This time, tilt looks like really mature a lot, see the child is gone, chase a phone call to Bella, get Bella's exact reply to just feel at ease.

And tilt to allow also is happy, return a phone to chase to Ling lie there, hey hey giggle.

"Father! Just now Princess Gongde came to help me think about the ultrasound. It's six babies!

But Princess Gongde is not a gynaecologist, so she suggested that we go to the hospital.

I haven't been a father, and I don't know which hospital has a good gynecology department! "

Linglie listened to Lingrong's silly words, and the corners of her mouth immediately followed.

The tall figure rose directly from the desk, surprised: "sextuple?"

Zhuo Ran has just returned to work.

Because adoration is now liberated, I stay in Chunlei's house every day and follow Fang Muchuang to fight for him.

Zhuo ran just came in to help Ling lie renew his tea. Hearing this, his eyes almost fell down.

Sextuple? Who, so fierce!

Linglie's hearty laughter soon hit: "hahaha, let the gynecologists in the palace hospital have a look.

Think about it. A lot of gynecological tests, not just ultrasound. "

Be sure to think about human beings. It's easy to talk about inspection.

Moreover, linglie had accompanied Mu Tianxing in the pregnancy test before, and knew that the Department of gynecology had to check leucorrhea and so on, which was quite complicated.

But it's inconvenient for him to say these things to Qingrong: "let the driver drive slowly. I'll let red Qi let you go."

About two days in the afternoon.

Think about the pregnancy test.

When the doctor thinks about it, he will listen with him.

The doctor said: "it seems that the pregnant women and the fetus are very healthy now, but I still suggest that we should do the operation of reducing the fetus.

Because there are many fetuses, but only two gestational sac, it is likely to split into more gestational sac later.

And there will be more umbilical cords connecting six children.

With more children, there will be more hands and feet, more activities and more umbilical cord around the neck.

By the end of the day, the children were huddled in a small room, unable to stretch in all aspects, and they didn't grow much.

Such a sextuple is expected to weigh about 3 Jin after birth, and the survival rate is not high.

And it's very risky for pregnant women.

I suggest reducing it to quadruplets, not more, otherwise the risk is too high.

Pregnant women's stomachs must not be eaten in the end. "

The doctor is also honest.

Because if you are in an ordinary hospital, an ordinary family, and the doctor finds out such a situation, he will also be advised to have a reduction operation.

Although science and technology are developed now, there are still risks in the birth of a single child. Women are also equivalent to stepping on the devil's gate with one foot.

There are a lot of cases of massive bleeding due to the birth of a child and accidental termination of pregnancy in the second trimester.

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Not to mention sextuplets.

Moreover, think about the princess. Since she was here for the first time, she may have given birth in the bedroom like Qingya.

In this way, doctors have more responsibility.

Mu Tianxing gave birth to Xiao Wu, Qing Ya gave birth to Du Du. They gave birth to them, but they were sure of that.

Well, I'm not sure.

Think about it, I'm more scared.

Hurriedly took the hand of Qian Rong and said: "honey, help!

Let's reduce the birth!

I think it's very good to have a dragon and a Phoenix. It's really good to have a son and a daughter. "

When the doctor heard the words, he immediately said, "yes, yes, the princess has a point.

The most important thing is mother and child safety!

Moreover, the princess and the prince are so young that they think they have too few children and can be reborn in the future. "

Think of holding the arm of tilt volume, shaking and shaking: "my husband ~ I need to have a reduction operation."

Because she was afraid before she thought about it, but she didn't express her fear of it, and now she wants to reduce the fetus after the doctor finished.

So I feel that this is encouraged by the doctor!

He was so angry that he almost didn't jump up and pointed to the doctor and said: "shouldn't your doctor respect life and help the wounded and the dead!

You even let pregnant women lose their babies. Your behavior is just too bad!

If you are not good at medicine, you should advise pregnant women to reduce their pregnancy!

If there are patients with stomachache, you do not rule by law, is it necessary to cut the stomach?

If a patient has a headache and you don't have the rule of law, do you want the patient to have his head cut? "

The doctor said repeatedly: "my Lord, it's really not that. We really stand on the good point of view of both mother and son, and suggest to have the operation of reducing the fetus."

Obliging to ignore her, she turned and opened the door, facing the outer Corridor: "Luo linglie! Someone's going to murder your grandchildren! "

The doctor's heart shook with fear.

Looking at the door, Zhuo ran came to the gallery and stood respectfully by the door.

Next, linglie's handsome and tall figure is standing by the door.

Such as ink's thick eyebrows gently pick, come in, face expressionless scan a circle.

Before he spoke, he was already aggressive.

The doctor was so scared that he got up and said to linglie, "your majesty!"

Linglie asked, "what's the matter?"

Just as the doctor was about to open his mouth, he looked like a child seeking to rely on him. He came up and held Ling lie's hand.


She said to think about health!

She said the children were in good health!

But she wants to think about reducing the fetus, saying that we should not have more than four children at most!

Father, good children, no disease, no disaster, think about the body is good, why can't you live? "

Linglie's eyes sank, and he said to the doctor, "is what Xiaoxian Wang said true?"

The doctor tried to calm down and explain: "at the moment, everything looks good.

But the risk of six births is too high.

So I'm just saying that it's recommended that the princess have a birth reduction operation. "

Linglie nodded and looked at tilted countenance reproachfully: "how old are you? Still yelling?

The doctor just says advice, not orders.

Does she dare to order you?

She suggested that you don't like it and can't accept it!

Live! No less! "

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