His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2447: 2454

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The officials of the two departments did not speak.

They all stared at Zhuoshi in their computer screens, trying to hear what Zhuoshi said.

Because when confronted with a serious matter, your Majesty's confidant is always more able to guess the holy will.

And the zhuoran brothers are all guests of his Majesty's new year's palace.

Zhuoshi thought a little, and looked at the admiration and said seriously: "the safest way is actually the stupidest way: deal with it according to law.

According to the provisions of the criminal procedure law, as long as a person is in prison or is detained in a detention center, he or she must notify his or her family members.

If it's a terminal illness. Bail is available.

Since he committed suicide, he must inform his family members according to the law.

I'm going to negotiate with the arab authorities on this matter.

Let the palace security office give me a video of haizhezi's normal life in prison without being abused.

And the video before and after he hit the wall and committed suicide, and the video of him lying in the hospital bed now.

It's better for the hospital to issue a first aid report to record his physical condition in detail.

These days before dawn, I will finish the work and give it to me. I will communicate with Arab officials. "

Adore nodded and looked at Yunxuan. "Write it down."

Yunxuan: "yes."

Yunxuan never dare to neglect.

What he learned from his parents was to use a recording pen with a very large memory to record during the meeting or discussion between the master and his son.

This will not miss any work.

And he was recording and texting big hair.

While admiring and looking at the Department of public information, he said: "the news of haizhesi's injury before the imperial court has been officially blocked.

But let's hold still and let minister Zhuoshi negotiate.

If they are unreasonable, you must prepare the press release immediately, and use words, tone, and be rigorous and serious!

The dignity of the emperor is inviolable!

The publicity department should cooperate with the Department of public information to create public opinion, and give priority to guiding the direction of public opinion when launching news.

The propaganda focuses on the prosperity of Ningguo and the propaganda of the monarch and the people.

In addition, you should guard against the mischief of third party villains, and create public opinions that undermine the unity of the country and the image of the royal family.

After we have a meeting, you work overtime all night. Do it now! "

"Yes!" the three ministers said in unison

Adore: "farewell!"

Ning's time is four hours faster than that of Arabia.

Zhuoshi sorted out all the information received, and began to prepare the negotiation draft with the Arab official seriously.

There are several pages of paper in front of me. I write every word carefully.

Write and draw, then rearrange the sentences on several pieces of paper, and give them to the Secretary to print them out by computer according to his marked serial number.

I was busy until six in the morning.

As soon as linglie got up, Zhuoshi called the Arab official.

This is a phone call between the ministers of the two countries. During the call, Zhuoshi constantly sent videos to each other. The two discussed the situation of haizhezi while discussing.

"The prince of your country has not only a tendency to be violent towards foreigners, but also towards himself," chuoshi said in a broken voice.

Such a suspect is a headache to us.

Although his status is noble, in our country, everyone is equal before the law.

The crime was committed in our country. Please respect the law of our country.

And it is also noted in international laws and regulations that all overseas duties shall be determined in accordance with local laws, which is to do as the Romans do.

Therefore, your Highness's self mutilation will not only make us compromise, but also make our majesty unhappy. "

Zhuoshi made an international call for an hour and a half.

And linglie comes out of the suite and hears Zhuo ran talk about it.

When he was stunned, he was going to have a meeting to deal with it. Zhuo ran smiled and told Ling lie about the way Zhuo adored and what Zhuo Xi was calling.

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Linglie felt that he had done nothing wrong in admiring them.

Because if you change to him, it's the same way.


The admiration is still a little tender, because he ignores the way that Arabs may bow to Haizhe at this moment, and turn their faces mercilessly after greeting Haizhe.

After all, this time it's embarrassing for them. How can they give up?

At that time, people will suffer.

Linglie went downstairs to eat normally.

Because the lojebs are getting older, so are the children.

Some of the troubles in the outside world are rarely mentioned in the restaurant by linglie and his son.

After waiting for breakfast, he cried and admired the past.

And asked Joe Yekang to come along.

When Ling lie was in the Royal study, he said to Qiao Yekang, "you and Xi discuss a peace treaty.

Clearly point out the future military friendship and mutual assistance between the two countries.

It's like the signing of Ningguo and XiMao at the beginning. "

With a peace treaty or a declaration of diplomatic relations recognized by international law, the two countries will not cause anything because of trivial matters for a certain period of time.

Linglie wanted to wake up his admiration. By the way, he taught him that no matter at any time, he should imagine the safety of his people and properly handle the national defense issue.

But don't want to, adore directly called night Kang: "little uncle, don't go!"

Yekang and linglie are stunned.

Admiring them, he said worriedly, "I thought last night of the possibility that Arabs would settle accounts after autumn.

But we can't be afraid.

If we hand in the alliance agreement before reaching an agreement with them, they will surely think that we are afraid of their armed forces.

Indeed, the terrorists over there are more rampant.

But we are not afraid!

Our Ningguo armed forces have been able to catch missile information in time and intercept the extent of air bombing in time in the airspace of the whole national territory.

We have this ability!

What are we afraid of?

He is rich, but we are not afraid, because he is good no matter how rich, their most powerful weapon, we can intercept!

Ningguo's comprehensive national defense force is also among the top five in the world.

Arab is the same, but the first and second place in the world is Israel and the United States. It has nothing to do with Arab and us.

Why should we be afraid of an opponent with the same strength as us?

We must not offer to sign a military alliance contract at this time! "

Yekang did not expect that the way of thinking he admired was like this.

It's very novel.

But it's a little risky.

Linglie said in a cold voice: "I am the emperor, listen to me! Kangkang, do it! "

Admiring the cold voice: "no!"

Linglie: "go to do it!"

Adore: "no way!"

Linglie: "go to do it!"

Adore: "no way!"

So the father and son quarreled in the office.

Qiao Yekang looked at them and finally turned to go out.

Because linglie is his majesty after all. He is the emperor who wants to be loyal.

Yekang just wanted to go out, admiring after him scolded: "you go!

When you go, tell the Arabs and the world that the national defense of Ningguo has been in the hands of Qiaojia army kings of all generations, but in your hands, it has become a cowardly generation! "

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