His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 252: 253

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After reviewing what Snow told him just now, Lingyun always thought it was impossible to be so simple.

What kind of goods are those sons of his younger brother? He is clear in his heart.

For Lingyun International's future successor, his younger brother also asked his opinion privately, and Lingyun always avoided answering. Because in Lingyun's heart, the current situation is not a battle of beasts, but a desperate situation. The high palace wall can't hold him.

He got up and went back to his bedroom. He quietly entered the monitoring blind area. A phone call directly called his brother in M city.

He does not allow any possibility of deterioration until the goal is achieved.

When Lingyuan answered the phone, his voice was flattering: "brother!"

"Well." Lingyun answered coldly.

His carefree fingers brushed the desk made of cherry tree in front of him, which his father had made for his mother.

The dark gray pupil flashed a streamer, and he snapped, "your third brother went to the child this morning. You'd better ask clearly what he did. Don't fool others and help others count money!"

Lingyuan was stunned and said, "the third one has found the fourth one? Impossible? Even if I go, there won't be anything. The fourth child is mute. What can I do? Besides, the children of Ni's family should have lived there before they left. He was assassinated last time. Now the armed police are all deployed in the vicinity of Ziwei palace. I'm afraid there will be another accident there. Even if the third one went to see the fourth child, he probably wanted to meet the Ni family's children. Let's have a lesbian relationship. "

Lingyuan said everything, but Lingyun obviously couldn't hear it.

He said in a low, gnashing voice, "can't you put your brain on your neck? Be careful to sail for thousands of years. Don't take everything for granted by your own imagination! Let you find out, and you will go! "

"OK! I see. " Lingyuan seems to be a little unhappy: "I'll ask him right now, brother, don't be angry. By the way, when the stock market closed last Friday, I was shocked. I fell a dozen points overnight. Brother, did you pay attention? "

"That was done on purpose." Lingyun closed his eyes and said, "you've been spoiled by your mother since you were a child, so you know you can't learn! If you could have half of me, I wouldn't have worked so hard! "

"Brother ~!"

"All right, no more. You check it quickly and tell me when it's finished. "

After the phone call, Lingyun stood alone beside the bed thinking and thinking, how can not understand.

Before luojiebu, Mingming had been eagerly looking forward to Ni Yajun's succession. Does it mean that he already knew that he still had a child in exile?

Think about Ni Yajun's living with the child. Think about the relationship between Luo jiebu and Ni Yajun. Lingyun is not sure.

In particular, Zhuo ran Zhuo Xi followed the child as a child. Naturally, he was his confidant. Now Ni Yajun is entangled with Zhuo Ran's younger sister, and there is another lime with Zhuo Xi, which is not a good form.

On the surface, linglie's helpers are just those children, but in fact, those children symbolize different backgrounds of influence.

Although the lime just came out, her grandfather, Qiao zhandong, was in charge of the whole Ningguo army with general Qiao ou.

Lingyun narrowed her eyes slightly and was afraid for a while!

He seemed to see the situation before Lingyu, grandfather, took over the river and mountain decades ago: Tianling dominated the business world, Qiao Ou dominated the military world, Tianqi dominated the political world, and the whole Luo family completely elevated Ningguo and seized it under Lingyu's order!

-- I am the dividing line after four young hearts gather --

in the bed with the fragrance of crape myrtle.

You are reading story His Little Kiss-addicted Wife at novel35.com

Linglie gently embraces Mu Tianxing, and tells her a little about his childhood with zhuoran.

Over the past few years, of course, it's impossible to finish it in one breath.

He mainly talked about the love between zhuoran and his wife, and how Qu poetry won over Zhuang Xue.

The big hand rubs gently on her soft stomach, she lies in his arms, squinting like a kitten, wanting to sleep.

For mu Tianxing, the life of these days is really too stable and beautiful. The pleasant voice of uncle is more moving than that of brother Zhixin in the radio station. Every word rings in her ear. She only takes the things in his mouth as a fairy tale to listen to, and her heart is very quiet.

The streamer passed in a trance. From time to time, the moment when she raised her eyes, or the moment when he lowered his head, seemed to be so emotional.

After a while, he took the cup and drank, then put it down, and said, "what else do you want to hear?"

She nestled in his arms and smiled: "uncle, do you think we are so happy now, will God envy us?"

"You feel happy?"

He looked at her eyes carefully as if every word she uttered was a Bible to him.


She nodded her head forcefully, with clear big eyes, sincere and moving.

Linglie holds her whole son in her arms and whispers: "as long as it's something you feel happy about, I'll try my best to help you keep it. Darling, I like to make you happy. My mother gave me career, I will do them from one to ten, there is no great sense of achievement, but every time you smile because of me, and feel happy, I will have a great sense of achievement. Thank you, little darling. You are so easy to satisfy, which makes me feel great. "

Mu Tianxing smiled and circled his waist: "it can make you feel great, I also have a sense of achievement, and I feel great myself!"

Holding her tall body suddenly turned over and pressed her under!

She was surprised and sweet for a while. She thought that he just wanted to kiss himself, but he didn't want to. His handsome face was buried between her two towering groups for a second. He rubbed and rubbed with nostalgia, which made her panic to the extreme. He reached out and slapped him on the shoulder.

"You! You go down! Stop it! "

His face was red, and he didn't give up to beat him too hard, for fear of hurting him.

Linglie suddenly raised her head and looked at her vaguely: "little darling, I hate it. Why do women need to have a holiday? I don't care. After these days, you have to make up for me!"

His expression was like that of a child, as if she dared not say a word, and he would immediately cry and die.

This man, has been hungry to this extent?

Mu Tianxing blushed and his eyes began to blink: "you When you do, be light. "

He suddenly thought of something and pecked her on the lips: "well, I try my best."

Don't want to cheat her, just say "try".

If you want to cheat her, just say "yes".

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