His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2726: 2733

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For Qianyu, it has suffered a lot in recent days.

It's not easy to see Xuehao escape from death and lose her husband for a while. Now her father-in-law has gone, and the princess mansion of Yuci's wedding has only lived for a few hours.

Suddenly she broke down and cried, "whoops" ~

the world can't find a bride as unlucky as me!

Wuwu "

when Shengning heard this, she immediately took her hand and comforted:" Auntie, don't cry!

As long as you have a good birth, give birth to children and practice, you will be reunited with Shifu.

Your separation is temporary, but there are many people in the world who don't even have the chance to see each other in the future. "

Mu Tianxing hugs Qianyu and coaxes him softly: "darling, don't cry, can you go back to the palace with your mother now?

I can understand that you stay here and want to be filial to Xuehao, but now elder brother Ji has left.

You go back to the palace, we all take care of you, accompany you, and watch the baby's birth together, OK? "

It's sad to think about it. I'm standing with my mouth covered and crying.

Qian Rong is still at work. She didn't call him.

Because he is still working, when he left in the morning, he said with a smile that he should be very busy today.

It's Mu Tianxing who called Qing Rong, so he's fighting for his life to go upstairs.

Rushed upstairs and looked at the scene. He was confused.

I'm going to hug you and ask you something, but I don't dare to ask you.

His eyes were dazed at Fang Mu orange by the door.

Fang Muchuang said with a smile, "the old ancestor told me in advance and took them with him."

In this way, I understand.

He immediately patted his shoulder to comfort him: "this is a good thing, not to cry, this is a good thing."

Mu Tianxing also holds Qianyu and looks at Fang Muchuang: "is there any medicine?"

Fang Muchuang raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile, "yes, but there are designated places."

In other words, it's not just who wants it.

"Mu Tianxing asked:" how many

Fang Muchuang: "empress, I'm sorry, it's not convenient to disclose."

Mu Tianxing tightens her lips, no more words.

After this, he finally agreed to move back to the palace.

Because she also realized the impermanence of the world. Maybe one day, she told her daughter to leave, leaving her mother and her family to miss her bitterly. They were upset that they didn't get along well with each other when she was here.

Mu Tianxing helps his daughter to pack things.

Think about it because of her mood. Let her have a good rest in the room.

He stayed at Mu Tianxing's side and helped her pack things together.

Mu Tianxing asked, "Qing Rong, when did brother Ji and his ancestors meet?"

This friendship is inexplicable. Mu Tianxing can't understand it.

"How do I know? I've never seen such a blessing! "

Mu Tianxing no longer asked.

She'd better go back and ask about her admiration.

Because tilt feather is pregnant, so Shengning stays all the time, waiting for them to pack up and take them back to the palace together.

Qing Yu lives in the original bedroom.

Just like thinking about it, she is in a bad mood now, so she lies in bed to rest.

Linglie comes back to see her daughter at noon.

He also ordered Qu Shiwen to take his lunch to his daughter's room on the second floor. He and Mu Tianxing were eating upstairs with his daughter.

Although the atmosphere is warm, but looking at the present appearance of Qingyu, as a parent, it is still painful.

Bella wants to come over and admire them or not.

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Even because Bella had the idea of going to the palace in the morning, she aroused admiration and was not happy all the time.

She knew it was wrong. Even when she heard that she had come back, she didn't dare to come to the bedroom from Taiyu. Instead, after lunch, she tried to make a video call with her.

She is only looking forward to the early ripening and giving birth to the child.

Fate is so wonderful.

You can never guess what's going to happen next, and even if you had expected it, it would have caught you by surprise.

Linglie and his wife finally left their daughter's room.

Mu Tianxing suddenly pulls Ling lie back to the room, closes the door, and directly penetrates into his arms.

His arms went over his solid waist, and he did not let go, his face buried in it, and he did not speak.

Linglie is quite satisfied with her dependence.

She smiled and stroked her long hair: "do you miss me?"

Mu Tianxing looks up at him, ponders for two seconds, and says: "uncle, when my mother talked to me on the phone, she said that my father is not in good health recently.

Although Qinglan now spends most of his time in the palace, staying with them.

However, the birth, aging and death of the matter, or by us around

Linglie gave her a kiss on the forehead: "little darling, everyone in the world has to experience this."

"We want it in the future?" She asked with a wink, a little playful.

Linglie rubbed her hair and said with a smile: "we It shouldn't be. After all, it's blessed by our ancestors. "

This is the truth.

So they should be luckier than ordinary people.

However, he was careful and didn't dare to make mistakes. He had to avoid the world to get such medicine.

Because this is the blessing that the ancestors of the Luo family exchanged with their flesh and blood, with their noble moral character, with their strong willpower, and a touching and sobbing story.

That is, to have, to cherish, not to abuse arrogance.

Mu Tianxing looked at him with tears in his eyes and doubts: "although my parents are my adoptive parents, they are also the Queen's parents.

Think of their parents and grandparents, they have not even met once.

Why should ancestors protect them?

My parents don't have such precious pills, but they do. This

Obviously I can't say it! "

Linglie laughs, pulls her to sit down on the sofa, looks at her: "little darling, you need to understand, this is the meaning of the ancestors, not my meaning.

Besides, the ancestor is the ancestor. How do they choose and decide? Do they have to explain with us and ask for the consent of the younger generation?

Brother Ji, they naturally have their charisma.

There are many people in the world who have never met but admire and appreciate each other

Mu Tianxing bit his teeth and asked boldly, "how many are there in Fang Muchuang's hand, can you let him give two to my parents?

I know the seriousness of this and the importance of avoiding the world.

When they eat, I will let them go to the bamboo forest to live in seclusion for a while, and then send them to another world to survive. How about that? "

Linglie releases the hand of Mu Tianxing.

He stood up expressionless and went to his desk. "How do you know there's anything else in Muchuang?"

"I asked, he told me himself."

Mu Tianxing sees mu Yize in the video. He is really sick and looks very bad.

"When I was a child, they loved me in every way. Now they are suffering from illness. How can I feel safe?

Uncle, otherwise, I gave my father that medicine! "

Linglie is silent.

Mu Tianxing is in a hurry: "uncle, I've never asked for anything since I've been married for many years.

If Fang Muchuang doesn't have one, it's OK.

Why can't he give it? "

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