His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2765: 2772

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"As expected, this is a world of women chasing men's layering yarn!"

Ni Yajun said with emotion: "it's something Jack doesn't care about now. He just wants to develop his career.

I think it's also very good. It's OK for boys to focus on their career. Besides, Jack is only a teenager now. He can't wait for the beautiful scenery to grow up.

I'd love to see him succeed, and then marry my daughter to let her enjoy the happiness!

In other words, I asked my eldest daughter to meet Jack at the same age, but Jack didn't see her.

My youngest daughter is my lifeblood, not her youngest, but her way of thinking and character, and what she pursues, so much like my grandfather.

So Jack was able to refuse her from the beginning, and then chat with her mobile phone every day. I think the charm of beautiful scenery is still great.

Hahaha! "

Qinglan talks with Ni Yajun for a while and waits for the news.

As a result, Ni Yajun called him the next day and said, "there are no spies or plans.

As the beauty of my family said, our behavior is disgusting.

She said she would never want to turn her elbows out to help us deal with his brother Jack. "

Tilt blue: "poof! You're not a good girl! "

Ni Yajun is about to cry: "who says no?"

Too much uterus.

Rosie has been two and a half months.

He is no longer as he was when he was born. He eats, sleeps and eats again.

He always opens a pair of innocent big eyes, curiously stare at the people around him.

So now I am very happy.

He felt that there was finally interaction between him and his youngest son.

"Xi'er ~"

"Xi'er baby, Xi'er is the most lovely baby in the world ~"

"Daddy's little Xi'er ~"

admires Luo Xi very much.

As long as there is time in the womb, he has been holding the baby, sleeping at night is not willing to let the baby sleep in the crib.

So now Luoxi has developed a bad habit: sleeping only on people.

Once on the bed, Rosie would cry.

All the people in Suo Xing's family dote on him. Even if everyone goes out to do their own work in the daytime, you and Shengning will take turns to hold Luoxi.

Tiantian and Qianyu will also hold Luoxi.

And tilt feather to look at Luo Xi's eyebrow eye, can guess own baby future is born what appearance.

Sometimes, lojeb is envious and admiring. He always dominates lojeb and doesn't let their baby.

So lojeb will ask for the trouble of admiring: "the emperor's grandson is a boy and an heir. Be strict. Don't hold him like this all the time. Put him down and let him go!"

In fact, what he thought in his heart was that as long as he admired to put down the child, he immediately rushed up to pick up the child!

But the admiration is not satisfied: "who stipulates that the successor must endure hardship, be strict, and grow up in a fixed mold?

I will spoil him and I will be used to him. I just want you to know that the heirs of Luo family are not spoiled.

I want you to understand that the children I love and grow up with will also know how to love others and become excellent successors. "

Shen Xinyi looks at her husband's love for her little son. She is also happy in her heart.

In private, she told adoration.

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They are all too bitter.

Although they are looking at the glory now, their past is really too bitter.

Looking back to the past generations, it seems that none of the heirs of Luo family has escaped from the disaster.

Since the generations have come out in this way, can God open his eyes and let their Xi'er live happily all his life?

Shen Xinyi is very much in favor of admiring the education of her youngest son.

Happy education, to give him love, let him know love, in the future to the people of Ningguo, as well as the relatives around.

Sometimes, when lojeb can't hold him, he quarrels with adoration.

Adore at this time, will pick up eyebrow way: "this is my son, Grandpa Huang wants to hold, hold own son, who also can't stop!"

In a word, the angry lojeb almost froth: "you are not my good grandson any more. They all say next generation relatives. How can you be directly related?"

Adoration blurted out: "because this is the lifeblood of my beloved woman who has worked hard for me for ten months!"

There is one thing about lojeb's character that is different from all the lojeb boys: the dark side.

When he couldn't get it and wanted it, he began to play tricks.

With Jin Rong to his evaluation is: furtive.

In private, he stealthily pulls you and says, "you go to your father and say that you are jealous. He holds the third child all day and doesn't hold you!"

You look at him inexplicably on your face: "Grandpa, dad should hold the little three!"

Rojeb: but you're not jealous

"Why am I jealous? Junior three is our treasure, which should be loved and hurt! " You are serious: "if my mother has a younger brother or younger sister in the future, I believe that the youngest brother or younger sister will be loved as much as we do."

Rojeb frowned.

He felt that you and your realm could not be reached by ordinary people.

So he went again and took Sheng Ning: "one by one, be good.

You see, how much did your father like to hold you, now? All day long, I'm holding my little three! "

Suning sighed and shook his head at rojeb: "Grandpa, daddy said that if grandpa came here to stir up a quarrel, I must not be cheated.

As soon as daddy finished, grandpa came.

Daddy is really a god operator! "

Rojeb: "..."

The grandfathers and grandsons fought for wisdom and bravery. They wanted to hold the war of the next generation of little God and ended up with the failure of lojeb.

Lojeb lost his expression.

He dragged his awkward and stiff body back to his suite step by step.

But found that Ni Xiyue sat in front of the floating window, holding Luo Xi in his arms, was teasing.

Lojeb rushed forward with a happy face: "Xi'er?"

Ni Xiyue looked up and smiled: "I admire those who just came here. He said that Xi'er will sleep with us tonight."

Lojeb was so happy that he immediately put out his hand to hold loxi in his arms: "the old ancestor's sweetheart! Xi'er, Ni Xiyue suddenly said with emotion, "by the way, she called at night and said that she had a tumor in her brain in the physical examination the other day.

Because I was not sure before, I didn't dare to tell us that I was afraid we were worried.

But today it's brain cancer. "

Lojeb looked up at her. "What?"

Ni Xiyue sighed and said: "Liuguang and his wife have both been to Qiao's house and have been seen by the night.

However, both of them said that it was better not to operate because the success rate was not high.

Yeer also said on the phone that she was very lucky. In her lifetime, she had no regrets when she saw her children's achievements, marriage and children

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