His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 2942: 2949

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The heart of Saint Ning jumps!

The messenger in front of her had seen before, but she never knelt down to her.

The surrounding environment suddenly gave birth to a lot of sense of urgency, which made Shengning have a bad premonition: "what happened?"

The man wept with grief, and even crawled to salute Shengning: "Princess!

I won't say it, but I'm hurt. He He is all for the sake of the princess. Please go to see him quickly! "

Shengning's face was flustered, and in an instant, it moved to Shengquan.

However, she used to come and go freely and holy spring came many times, but this time she was isolated by a strong border!

She comes from the power of Che!

Sheng Ning cried in panic: "Che! Che! You let me in, why are you so isolated from me! "

She's stupid. She shouldn't have distrusted him.

Mother said right, if you want him to come to him, in case there is a misunderstanding missed love, it is not a pity?

"Wuwu ~ Che! You let me in and see you! " Shengning shouts loudly. She knows that Che may not be able to hear in the border, but she doesn't know what to do now. She wants to go in and help him and treat him: "Che! Che! "Ah!"

She suddenly clenched her fists, releasing her spiritual power and pounding against the clear border!

But how can her little power be a pure opponent?

She is following the reflection of energy, and her body is suddenly rebounded out!

Several Dharma protectors under Che's seat arrived together, and together they protected sanning and pulled back her body wrapped in bubbles.

Sheng Ning cried bitterly: "Che! Che! Wuwu ~ let me see you. How are you now? "

The Dharma protectors kneel behind her!

The first humanitarian: "princess, your majesty said that if he can't come out of the sea for a while, there are major affairs in the sea area, which will be handled by the princess."

Where can sunning hear so much now?

Her hands gently touched the outer wall of the border, and her palms were burning hot. She suddenly responded: "last year, Che also had injuries, many injuries, not like new ones, but why can't he recover from soaking in the holy spring?"

She remembers that Che said that the holy spring is the marrow washing pool of the fairyland and only works for the fairies.

At that time, Che said that he quarreled with the emperor of heaven, so he was punished. This kind of injury can't go away.

But Shengning is just a fairy who has become a monk. She doesn't understand too much about the rules of fairyland and the affairs of immortals.

Is Che afraid of her worry, so lie to her?

She suddenly turned around, rushed forward and waved her little wooden sword, aiming at the throat of the first Dharma protector!

Everyone was shocked: "Princess!"

Shengning stands like a pine bamboo, its face is like frost, and its voice is like ice edge: "say! What's the matter, exactly! "

Everyone was silent.

Shengning's eyes sank, and he entered the small wooden sword. The man's throat was bleeding, but he recovered quickly.

Immortal body has the function of healing.

Unless sanning is determined to kill them, this kind of minor injury will not hurt them at all.

Shengning is angry: "say it quickly! You don't say, how can we save him? How can I help him? You can't watch him hurt again and again, but you can't help it! "

The leader said sadly, "princess, please don't let me tell you, please don't let me tell you for the rest of your life!"

"Little Ning'er."

Behind him, a clear voice suddenly came out.

Shengning put down the small wooden sword and turned around, but saw nothing in front of her.

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Che's voice came out across the border: "Xiao Ning'er, I'm ok. You go back first, I'll adjust for a few days, and then I'll propose the marriage! "

Shengning cries!

Her angry hands hit the border, crying: "asshole! Wuwu ~ you bastard ~ you let me in. If you don't let me in, can you believe that I'll remarry today? "

The Dharma protector was shocked: "Princess! Only widowed women can remarry! My family is still here! "

Sheng Ning turned around and said angrily, "get out!"

The Dharma protectors are relieved. The pens and rabbits run fast one by one. They are afraid that Shengning will ask again!

Knowing that Che could hear it, Sheng Ning shouted, "if you don't let me in, I will never marry you in my life! Che, I'll do what I say! Never break your promise! "

There was a long silence around.

"I'm afraid to frighten you. My present shape is really......"

Sheng Ning said sadly, "you're all hurt, and you're still in shape? As long as you have one breath left, I think you are the most handsome! "

What she wants to do now is to look at the extent of his injury and quickly heal him!

Shengning touched the ring and thought about what other medicines could be taken out for emergency use.

He was silent for a long time.

Shengning is in a hurry: "I count to three. If you don't let me in, I'll marry someone. It's not you. Don't regret it!"

The next second, without waiting for her to count, a white willow branch extended from the border, wrapped her slender waist, and pulled her into the border!

When entering the border, sunning saw the darkness all around.

She couldn't see her fingers and asked anxiously, "Che? Are you there? "

"I'm here, but what I look like now really scares you. Just stand here and accompany me, OK?" His voice was very weak, as if he was in great pain, and he was afraid that she would hear him.

That kind of gentle with forbearance, Shengning as long as he thought about the last time all over the scars of the whip, he was shocked: "Che, I beg you, you let me see you!"

"I I'm too hurt to be able to maintain human condition

"Che said, silent for a while, and said:" moreover, my prototype is not as vivid and lovely as Luo you's Linghu

Sennin felt and followed his voice.

As I walked, I asked in a low voice, "you, what is your prototype, I can accept it."

But when she thought that he was a sea god and that he had lived so many years, she frowned and asked, "Che, you Are you a ten thousand year old turtle

"Cough." Che seems to be angry with her: "don't go any further, you are here, just talk with me."

Sheng Ning stops: "OK, I'm not going. I'm not going."

Chul added: "I've been looking for an opportunity to tell you my original form.

But there was no chance.

Now injured, I do not want to let the imperfect body exposed in front of you.

Xiao Ning'er, I hope that in your heart, I will always be the most perfect

Sheng Ning swallowed his saliva and asked, "well, are you a clam? Jellyfish? Or octopus

Che did not speak.

Shengning carefully closed his eyes and read a formula of open fire.

She summoned out the brightest fire she had ever used in alchemy.

At the moment when the finger started, there was a bright fire in the palm of the hand, which shrouded the heaven and earth in a very clear way.

At the same time, she also saw the ice spring, the scars of Che

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