His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3214: 3222

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Luoxi has been visiting Nanlin for a week.

Although the two people have a phone call every day, Ryukin still dare not ask when he will come back.

I'm afraid to ask, but it will affect his work outside.

She just told Luoxi what happened in her family recently, and what the family avoided and what ryingyin didn't understand, Luoxi would explain to ryingyin one by one.

Gradually, these scissors are constantly straightening out the things that are still disorderly. Ryin has already got a general idea.

In the morning, Ryukin got up step by step and greeted the elders with breakfast.

Today, she wore a ponytail of her own. She was wearing loose clothes to play the piano for a while.

Originally, she was with Xuanxin in the palace of Gongde, but Xuanxin has had a lot of things recently. Xun can always ask Xuanxin for help. Ryin always feels lost when she is left alone in the palace of Gongde.

Sure enough, the days without Luo Xi are like years!

Worried about her mood, Mrs. Shen said with a smile, "ryin, there are four days left before the 15th day of the first month. How did you live in your hometown before?"

Ryukin's black eyes flashed. She was very embarrassed to tell them: "that day is my birthday!"

So I thought about it and said, "that is, the whole family will eat together and then put on the river lamp."

Mrs. Shen smiled: "well, we'll make river lanterns together this year!

Let's go to find some fresh bamboo and rattan to weave. Let's draw on the paper and paste it.

Then light a candle in the lamp and put it on the lake. Wish! "

Ryukin remembers who said that people in this world always light candles on the cake to wish for their birthday.

Although there is no one to accompany us for our birthday, there is something different.

She laughs happily: "good!"

Admiring couple also smiled.

After all, it's not easy to make ryin happy at this time.

He looked at Mrs. Shen and said, "I'll help with the river lantern, too!"

Shen Xinyi asked, "can you?"

Adore: "when I was a child, I flew kites in the magic sky pavilion with my big brother. I saw my grandfather flying kites."

Everyone laughed and said that kites and lanterns are not the same thing.

But admiring doesn't matter whether the family laughs or not, as long as the atmosphere is active and warm.

Ryin practiced the piano in the morning.

At first, the deafening sound of killing pigs became soothing and harmonious.

Taking advantage of ryin's practice, Shen and his wife began to draw the structural and pattern drawings of the river lamp on the manuscript.

At eleven o'clock, Ryukin finished class.

EN can called her: "Ryukin, I've sent you a video. You can click to have a look."

Ryin opened the video in a curious place.

In the picture, Lozzi is visiting Swarovski's headquarters, accompanied by Austrian leaders.

He walked to a counter and stopped.

I asked someone to show him a beautiful starfish hairpin, and he said with a smile: "I like this one. I can take it back to my fiancee. Fang Qing, buy this and take it back to the baby. "

That's all. The media and the Austrian authorities are boiling.

The other side said: "do not buy do not buy, we will help you to pack, it is our gift to you."

The video is gone.

Ryukin directly returned a voice to Encan: "my man, naturally, thinks of me all the time!"

Ryin's words made en can laugh.

She secretly gave the screenshot of the conversation to Wen Chen.

She knew that Wenchen would show it to Luoxi.

At lunch, ryin will invite the sisters and McDull to come to the palace and let out their wishes to put the river lamp together.

He also shook his mobile phone: "I want to make a river lamp for aunt Encan by myself. It's a courtesy exchange."

I'd love to see her close to the Qiao family.

Shen Xinyi even suggested: "don't worry, the Qiao family has always had the privilege of entering the palace on the Lantern Festival and enjoying the moon!"

As a result, Ryukin's life has been enriched.

In addition to practicing the piano, she painted.

Ryin also made a design drawing like Shen.

But her designs are all classical palace lanterns, which are carved with fine wood skills, and all around are painted in color with a brush on rice paper.

Unlike Shen Dichen's designs, they are all bunnies and lotus flowers. They seldom need to draw. Just paste them on the shelves made of bamboo strips with ready-made colored paper.

When they have finished, they start to compare.

Suddenly, Ryukin's palace lamp is high!

And don't do don't know, a do startled, the original Ryukin's traditional Chinese painting even so excellent!

Ryin explained with a smile: "this is for aunt Encan. It's surrounded by spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It depicts the colorful spring, the prosperous summer, the fruitful autumn and the family reunion in winter.

I wish aunt Encan all the best

Everyone applauded ryin.

Mrs. Shen was so happy that she pulled ryin's hand and said, "it's really a pair of skillful hands. Besides, hybridity and orchid heart are both good at literature and martial arts."

Seeing Luo Xi grow up, he was also wondering what kind of daughter-in-law he would look for in the future.

Unexpectedly, God has arranged such a good daughter-in-law for Xi'er.

Shen said: "this palace lamp, you'd better make a box and put it in it.

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It would be a pity to light it and put it in the lake.

I don't think Princess Encan will give it up. It's really ryin's intention. "

Tiantian immediately said with a smile, "I'll find the box and pack the palace lamp made by the princess!"

Everyone talks and laughs.

Ryukin drew carefully on the paper again. The serious look was very pleasant.

I admire you very much. I see ryin's height is higher than the previous two days. I think maybe tomorrow and the next day, it's time to completely recover.

In private, I asked Tian Tian to continue to nourish her.

So, in the past, the fruits and milk before going to bed turned into seafood stewed rice or big bone soup noodles.

On the Lantern Festival.

Ryukin has a holiday. He doesn't have to practice piano.

Xuanxin gave her the medicine for internal injury. She has been taking it.

She stepped on slippers to wash and stood in front of the mirror, shocked to see that her hair had grown a lot more overnight.

Look at the mirror, look at your face carefully and look again.

The eyes are as clear and bright as glass, the eyebrows are as graceful as Dai, the chin is sharpened, the delicate clavicles are exposed, and the skin is made of ice muscle jade.

The long ink hair pours down on both sides of her shoulders like a waterfall until the girl's waist is not full.

She bowed her head and pulled away her long hair.

The sign of girl's softness stands proudly and graceful.

There was a knock at the door: "Ryukin, wake up, mother will help you comb your hair."

Ryukin: wake up

She grabbed the baby cream and put it on her newly washed face.

The neck and small hands are all painted with fragrance. When they come out of the bathroom, Shen Xinyi is shocked to take the comb and wait for her!

"Where is this big baby falling from?"

Shen Xinyi became steady and rushed to the front to pull ryin's hands. "Look, I'm 17 or 18 years old!"

Ryin smiled.

But I didn't mean to say that after today, she is seventeen.

Shen Xinyi is so happy that she looks at her long hair. She can't comb it into the head of the Sailor Moon as before.

After all, it was made by children.

But Ryukin's hair is so much and so long. It would be a pity if she cut it!

"Baby, you let the mother understand what is green silk."

As she combed ryin's hair, she thought about what kind of shape she could make.

At last, he grabbed a handful of hair on both sides of ryin's ears, braided it into a small braid, and then combined it to make a princess's head for her.

The rest of the long hair, so gorgeous in the Ryukin back spread.

How to look, how gentle and beautiful.

When I think of ryin's childhood, I think of the baby who was domineering, and when I was 15 years old, I said that I killed people, just like now, sitting quietly in such a state-of-the-art way.

Shen Xinyi had the feeling when Shengning grew up.

At home, there are women who have just grown up. They are both happy and emotional.

She took ryin downstairs for breakfast.

Ryin said hello to everyone.

A circle of people were all shocked in ryin's beauty, but God came.

I'm used to seeing the beauty of the Queen's mixed race, and then I'll look at the ten Oriental beauty of ryin. This kind of beauty shocks people's hearts and makes people look at it. It's hard to open their eyes.

Mrs. Shen just looked at her eyes and was in a hurry.

Quickly turned back to the room and called Luoxi.

She doesn't care whether it's now or in the early morning in Nanlin, it's late.

When Luo Xi answers the phone, Mrs. Shen says directly: "Xi'er, come back quickly!

You don't know what ryin looks like now. She has grown up!

If you don't come back, I'm afraid you won't be able to see. All the men and women are staring at her. Their eyes are straight!

You should guard against women as well as men! "

Mrs. Shen called Luoxi quietly and came out of the room.

Shen Di Chen joked at ryin and said, "in a blink of an eye, will you get up early tomorrow morning and become 28 again?"

Lu Yin was amused by Shen Di Chen and said, "Grandpa, I can't. I've grown up to my normal age, and I'll grow up normally later."

Breakfast for the family.

Ryin is still very good at eating, and she has no resistance to the world's delicious food.

The little mouth is always full, but it is not rude at all. Instead, it is full of true disposition and lovely.

After breakfast, everyone accompanied ryin to put deer by the lake.

Zhao Zhao was stunned to see Ryukin, but he soon came to smell Ryukin's body. He was sure that this was the original little master and took the initiative to rub his head against her.

The beautiful girl and deer stand by the rippling lake, forming a unique landscape.

And Shen Xinyi is looking at admiring: "how do you accompany out to let the deer?"

Mrs. Shen is also surprised to look at Shen Di Chen: "how can you also follow out?"

This is only a faint smile to Weng's son-in-law, not an explanation.

But in the eyes of all of us, we already know that this is ryin's beauty. We all came out to help Luoxi guard her little daughter-in-law.

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