His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3230: 3238

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The white tiger talks on the ground. This picture shocked the father and son!

After the gentleman landed, three white tigers appeared in the room one after another!

Xuanxin rushed to the window and opened the big window, shouting: "I lead the way!"

Changsheng's pupils trembled a little, and he was about to catch her when he crossed the tigers: "Xuanxin, you stay, I will lead the way..."

To finish speaking, Xuanxin turns into an eagle and spreads its wings. Four snow tigers step on the window edge and fly in the air. In a blink of an eye, they are gone!

Qinglan rushes forward, Changsheng rushes forward, and the father and son look at the emptiness in the vast night and are frightened.

Changsheng was extremely upset: "why didn't you let my aunt feed me qizhidan as a child? Otherwise, I can practice like sister Shengning! "

It's not that she can't help Xuanxin at the critical time, and can't help her!

Turn blue and run downstairs: "we are human beings. One is that we have her own creation. We ordinary human beings can just let it be natural, do our best and be worthy of our hearts!"

Changsheng speed up the pace to catch up!

Father and son ran on the porch, tilt blue suddenly turn round and stare at him: "you wait for news here, do not go!"

"I......" Changsheng is anxious to reply, but Qinglan points to the bandage on his arm: "you are injured. If you can't help you, you can only make trouble! Moreover, as long as you go out of the mansion, someone will report to your mother emperor immediately. Are you sure you want to report to your mother emperor before Xuanxin and them arrive? "

As the emperor's husband, Qinglan is free to enter and leave the palace at any time.

Changsheng looks at the bandage on his arm, and his teeth itch with hate!

Before that, he accompanied Xuanxin to the palace at night for three times. In order to protect Xuanxin from being hurt, he also risked his life.

The first two times were pretty good, but the slight injury caused by falling and beating was over. The last time, he saw Xuanxin was surrounded by a group of bats. He was far away. He forgot his lightness skill in a hurry. He rushed to kill the bats with his flesh and blood!

The bats seem to know him and dare not hurt him.

But while he protected Xuanxin, he also broke his arm and could not remove the plaster within three months.

Changsheng is red eyed. Thinking of the previous crisis, he grabs Qinglan: "Daddy! Please, protect Xuanxin! "

She It's really important to him!

Tilt blue to look at him, think of the youth for love desperate for their own.

Fortunately, the man that my son likes is worth it. Even if there is no return in the future, even if Xuanxin finally marries someone else, Qinglan thinks that everything is worth it for Xuanxin. (whimpering, crying to write this sentence)

tilt blue and nod hard, and put on a reassuring smile with a handsome face: "don't worry!"

It's blue.

This night, Changsheng stayed in his study, straight as a tree, standing quietly in front of the window, staring at the direction of the grand palace.

The imperial palace of Beiyue suddenly broke into four snow tigers, three of which were extremely powerful and shaped like giant beasts. One of them was a little smaller but fiercer than the other!

According to the short video picture of Changsheng inserted in the Imperial Palace, Changsheng saw four snow tigers coming from the sky of the stargazing tower (junluoshang mansion), one of them rushed into the stargazing tower, and all the bats gathered to attack the snow tigers, but almost ten of them could be killed with one slap, but in a few moments, the bats in the whole stargazing tower were killed by the learning tigers!

In the underground water prison of the stargazing tower, countless poisonous snakes and scorpions are raised. All the mechanisms are broken by snow tigers!

Those poisons saw the snow tiger's demeanor, dare not go forward, and even run around!

The guards of the Imperial Palace come here with fireguns and hypnotic bombs, some of them are still sitting on helicopters, guarding the Imperial Palace according to instinct and preparing to kill Snow tigers!

At that time, Qinglan arrived. He rushed forward and shouted: "snow tiger is a species cherished by the whole world! No one can break the law and hurt them! Is it a building? Destroy, destroy, and build again! But whoever dares to hurt one hair of snow tiger, I will kill him! "

At the command of the emperor, the snipers immediately retreat!

Tilt blue heart knows this is not good, it is easy to let others think that these snow tigers are his indulgence.

So he quickly turned everyone's attention: "quick! Arson! So many poisons, once you climb out into the Royal study or the front hall, do you want me and the queen to be poisoned by these poisons? "

We all went to the torches to fight the poisons. No one asked about the snow tigers.

Moreover, snow tiger is fierce and invincible. Since it can't be killed, the farther away it is, the safer it will be.

After more than two hours of noise, an eagle suddenly flied past the blue eyes!

The eagle's beak held a small wooden cage. In the cage, a bright red bat fluttered its wings, as if it was greatly frightened!

The eagle flew in front of Qinglan, circled, as if reporting a message, and then flew into the sky!

Four snow tigers stood at the top of the stargazing tower one after another, stood up and shouted angrily in the air: "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Qinglan was very happy and calm. Seeing the hard work of the people in the palace, he said: "anyway, the astrologer is not in the stargazing Pavilion. There are so many poisons. It's not safe to live in him. It's just a fire! When he comes back, I will arrange a better place for him! "

Everyone: "yes!"

So, originally only burn poison, now become burn a whole building!

The blue pupil refracts the fierce light, thinking: "aren't you going to be invisible? Good, you stay inside and don't come out. I'll burn you! "

"What is the emperor's purpose?"

Behind him, suddenly came the voice of yunqingya!

Tilt blue eyebrow a wrinkly to look back at her, but suddenly gently to hold her hand: "elegant, is it scared you?"

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In the light of elegant eyes, there is a flickering light: "in recent years, the rank of emperor Fu has become higher and higher. I don't know why Huang Fu burned the Star Tower in the middle of the night? In recent years, thanks to the astrologer's master divining and divining here, he helped the northern moon people drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters. Didn't the emperor's husband have a bad time with the people all over the world? "

"Ya Ya, you really misunderstood me," said Chui LAN, pointing to a flash of fire ahead of him. "When the snow falls, there are four tigers. This is auspicious!

Even in the palace of Ningguo, there has never been such a grand occasion!

This should be auspicious! "

"Grand occasion? Auspicious signs? " Qingya's mouth twitched, and she took back her hand and looked at him coldly.

This man thinks she doesn't know what these snow tigers are? Who is it again?

But she didn't want to say it and let the world know that there were three powerful generals in Ningguo's barracks!

Qinglan still smiles and nods, even looks at her fondly: "you see, if it wasn't for the snow tiger to make a scene, how could we know that there were so many ferocious poisons hidden in the astrologer's mansion?"

Say, tilt blue to step forward, looking at the fire in front of the loud shout: "everybody listen! God bless my North moon! It's auspicious. It's auspicious! "

Next second, everyone raised the torch and shouted, "auspicious! Auspicious omen! Auspicious omen! Auspicious signs! "

Tilt blue: then burn

Qing Ya Qi trembled all over. She stepped forward two steps, and did not know whether Jun luoshang escaped from the fire smoothly!

Seeing that she was worried, Qinglan whispered, "I promised you that as long as you keep your nose to the grindstone, I will go to Luo's house for you to ask for pills. So, don't put your hope on Jun luoshang. He is not a good person. Look at these poisons, and you will be intrigued by them. You will never be able to recover. "

"Thank you for your advice!" Qingya gnaws her teeth and turns to get on the bus and leave!

Night wind, tilt blue palm a sweat.

It's all over.

But they all guessed that the blood bat was the antidote, but they were not sure. They had to wait for the treatment result of Xuanxin.

Thinking about this, Qinglan wants to leave at once.

Can kill Jun luoshang's mind, he has been thinking about it for more than ten years, and he is not relieved to see that the stargazing tower is completely burned down!

There was a whisper in my ear --

"Why are all the snow tigers in the sky called by wolves?"

Tilt the blue and hiss.

He won't tell them that these are three cubs that are crooked by Xuebao.

Prince's mansion.

Changsheng was standing at the window when he heard the hawk call.

He opened the window, and the eagle came to his desk with a wooden cage in his mouth. The tears of eternal life came down. Before Xuanxin could become a human being, he jumped up and hugged the eagle!

Although there is only one arm, it is powerful.

The eagle cried twice. He found out that he was out of shape. He quickly let go.

Immediately, there are four more people in the study, three men and one woman!

Xuanxin falls to the ground and looks at Changsheng: "I know you're happy. I was nearly strangled by you, but now is not the time to celebrate. Save people!"

Xuebao cried excitedly: "is this blood bat? Because I can't see other blood bats! "

Linfeng angrily clenched his fist: "although invisible, I felt him. I stepped on him with one hand, and he was about to die. In order to survive, he released the bleeding bat to attract our attention!"

The gentleman also said: "yes! Xuanxin covers the blood bat with a wooden cage. We excitedly surround him. That's when he escaped! "

Xuebao hurriedly said: "stay in the green mountain, not afraid to burn without firewood! Revenge can be avenged later, and now save people! "

Red Qi room.

Xuanxin himself is holding the blood bat in it. No one is allowed to enter.

Everyone is waiting on the porch.

Longevity is anxiously walking back and forth.

Xuebao's mother and son saw that he was in such a hurry. They knew better that they were the descendants of Luo family and helped them.

But only Changsheng himself knew that he was worried about Xuanxin. He was afraid that if Xuanxin was bitten by a blood bat, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But he dared not speak, even a simple reminder, for fear of disturbing her.

Just wait.

Until dawn.

When Xuanxin opened the door, he showed a pale and weak face and pulled her out painfully: "hungry or not?"

Xuebao and others rushed up: "what's the matter? How is red Qi? "

Xuanxin smiled: "it's the blood bat, we succeed!"

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