His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3270: 3278

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Changsheng opens the picture.

A diamond necklace receipt of 168000 is in front of us.

He directly threw the screenshot to Luo Xi and said, "I don't take care of your daughter-in-law's necklace, do you? Isn't her birthday the Lantern Festival? "

"I asked her," Rosie quickly replied

It has to be said that in Changsheng's heart, Ryukin actually loves her house and her Ukraine. If she is not Luoxi's daughter-in-law, she will be nothing in Changsheng's heart even if her beauty has exploded the whole universe.

To connive ryin to bully himself again and again, there is no other reason except that he does not want to embarrass the Luo family and that he loves Xi very much.

But longevity also has its own bottom line.

He can't endlessly let rying bully him.

Especially now, although it's more than a hundred thousand small money, it's inexplicable to ask him to give him an invoice. Changsheng will rebel.

Rying lies on the edge of the bed, watching the stars outside the window and eating ice cream.

The mobile phone was placed beside the ice cream bowl, but it never lit up.

The speaker behind me is playing the world-famous violin music. I don't know if the eulogy is intentional. I even asked her to play a song at McDull's birthday party.

She wants to refuse, McDull is coquetting to her in the video again: "I just want to listen to my sister-in-law play the piano for me."

Well, who let McDull be the lost pearl of the whole Luo family? How could he come back?

Ryin can't even agree!

When she was going to play a simple "birthday song", McDull looked at her with a smile: "my sister-in-law won't play" birthday song "for me, which can end in a minute or two?"

Ryin wants to cry without tears!

Who says McDull is cute?

This is a little devil!

Rying took a bite of ice cream, and suddenly footsteps came from behind.

She didn't have to look back to recognize that it was Rosie's footsteps.

She continued to eat at ease, with a large hand gently holding her shoulder from behind her.

He leaned forward to her, kissed her on the forehead, and asked softly, "did you buy a diamond necklace in Yuge today?"

Ryin frowned: "OK, this doodle! I took Xuanxin for a good afternoon. I was trying to help Xuanxin buy gifts for him! He didn't even admit it. Did he come here to complain to you? "

Luo Xi inquired carefully and finally understood the origin and the background of the matter.

He smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "baby, please don't be impatient. I'll help you to collect the debt!"

Rosie's gone.

The next day, Ryukin played the violin in the palace all day.

Luo Xi didn't talk about the money collection, but she believed that Luo Xi would not let her suffer from it.

During the lunch break, she asked with a smile, "mother's day, tomorrow's McDull's birthday, is there no class?"

Shen Xinyi shook her head and looked at her with a smile: "I agreed at the beginning, you have seven days in a row, two days off.

Today is the second day of the holiday. Tomorrow is the day for class.

And McDull's birthday party is arranged in the evening. You have classes in the daytime and attend in the evening. It doesn't delay! "

Ryin spits out his tongue in disappointment and asks, "let's go to celebrate McDull's birthday that night."

Shen Xinyi shook her head again: "no, you will go to Xiage directly tomorrow night!

Because tomorrow, after breakfast, we will go to Qiao's house. We will celebrate McDull for a whole day, but the dinner is dinner. You can come directly after school in the afternoon. "

Ryin is depressed: "you go to Qiao's house in advance?"

Shen Xinyi said with a smile, "yes.

But don't worry. I'll tell Dudu one by one not to give you homework.

After school tomorrow, just have fun! "

Ryin, with a sad face, went upstairs to practice in the afternoon.

Mrs. Shen said with a smile, "ryin is so cute. The name Xi'er gave her is really good. Baby, just like a baby, is childish, naive and lovely."

Shen Xinyi's eyes fell on Ryukin's stomach.

It's reasonable to say that she and Luo Xi have been living together for some time. How come there hasn't been any movement in this month?

Is it because Ryukin has just grown up and hasn't been recuperated?

She quickly ordered Tian Tian to stew some more supplements for ryin.

In fact, she didn't know that since she took the medicine developed by Luo Yi, one month has passed, but it still can't, because the effect can last for two months.

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So although they sleep in the same room every day, Luoxi has to make a floor beside the bed.

Ryukin is a big girl. When we sleep together, he can't help hugging and kissing her. Then he can't help it. If he wants something to happen, he's helpless. He's still in a mess.

Therefore, Luoxi simply talked about the love of little fresh with ryin.

He is like a guardian. She is only polite to her in her boudoir, and has a different interest in getting along with her.

He In fact, I'm looking forward to a month later!

In the evening.

Linglie and his wife, who have lived in Xiaoxian's palace till now, have finally returned to the palace!

After entering the hall, linglie said hello to his family with a smile: "brother Shen! Sister-in-law! "

Shen Di Chen quickly came forward, hugged and shook hands with Ling lie, and said with a smile, "the emperor and the empress are full of energy. I think it's the three pleasant things at home that make everyone happy."

Mu Tianxing asked with a smile, "brother Shen, why are you so happy?"

Shen explained: "Xi'er and ryin, the fourth highness and Princess Zhen can, and the royal family has another Princess McDull!"

"It's really three joys!" Linglie smiled happily: "Xi'er and ryin really make me happy!

Zhencan and McDull also make me love them!

Only the fifth child, stupid and cute, makes me have a headache! "

Obviously, linglie can't let go of the fact that Qingsong didn't know she had a daughter until now.

He just left his parents' arms when he was young, so he could feel McDull's grievance.

What's more, McDull's health is not healthy. At the thought that she has to take medicine since she was born and every day, linglie is heartbroken!

He wished he could hang up the eulogy and whip 108 whips!

Hearing linglie's mind, Luoxi said immediately: "I don't know if I don't know. Even if such a thing happens to me, I may not be better than Uncle Wu.

Grandpa Huang, it's not easy for Uncle Wu. Please don't be too hard on him. "

Luo Xi takes Ling lie to sit down on the sofa and says with a smile: "Grandpa Huang, please sit down quickly, and your grandson will knead your back!

My fifth uncle knows his mistake. He is so big. You always talk about him. He can't hang on his face.

What's more, it's already done. It's not worth holding your breath with him. Let's relax. My grandson pinches your back. "

Linglie's face suddenly brightened.

He repeatedly said: "good, give Xi'er face, and I will praise."

Luo Xi kneads Ling lie's back. It's very thin. He can also beat his back. Ling lie is very comfortable to serve.

Ryin looked at it and said, "don't you all say that modern people can't use internal skills?

But your massage fingers are just on the acupoints, which is good for bone reduction and stretching.

You've learned this in a special way, haven't you? "

There was a faint smile on Luoxi's face: "yes, not all of them said that long illness makes a doctor?

When I was a child, I didn't grow up for a long time. Later, King Gongde came into the palace to massage me every day.

Not only that, father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, grandfather and grandmother, all the elders in the family have learned the finger techniques of acupoints and massage for me. "

"Not long?" Ryukin looked at him in surprise: "true or false?"

"What the mother said, when I was a child, it was too small for me to remember a lot." Luo Xi helps Ling lie to pull his arm. After pulling, he says, "but that's only two years. It'll be OK two years later."

At first, Luo Xi really thought that he was not long when he was a child, which was the result of everyone's massage.

It was not until he knew that his father had died for him that he thought that this should be due to his father's love.

He now said that the clouds are light, because those painful memories, he really did not have.

And the deeper love and anxiety is for the father, and he is eager to find ways to solve it. Ryin listened and his tears rolled in his eyes: "who has poisoned or made hands and feet? Tell me, I'll kill him! "

At that moment, endless cold like inch ice skate burst out of her eyes!

Luo Xi looked up at her and smiled like a spring breeze: "lady."

Ryin was stunned and immediately returned to the gentle and graceful image.

The elders smiled knowingly.

Ryukin no longer spoke much, but secretly wrote it in his mind.

It was night, and Ryukin couldn't sleep because he had something on his mind.

Now in Ningguo, Luoxi's family is her family. They treat her so well.

How can she watch adoration really for Luo Xi's twenty years of Yang Shou?

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