His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3318: 3326

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Shen Xinyi comes after him, looks at the small Linghu in Luo Xi's arms, and takes over regardless.

She cuddled the little Linghu and touched it with great strength. She kissed it with tears in her eyes and said, "you you, you, you, you, you, you, you are plundering!"

You you cleverly rub your head against her palm to show her peace of mind.

He dare not speak.

I'm afraid that when I speak, my voice is dumb.

During the break, Xuanxin and Changsheng suddenly went to find Xiaotian.

Changsheng is a little embarrassed: "Xiaotian, I My mother didn't come back from the first seven days last night. I wonder if her soul is safe. Can you check it for me? "

Xiaotian frowned perplexedly: "is there no return? Are you sure? Will she ever come back, but you missed it and didn't see it? "

Xuanxin was sure: "I haven't come back! Sure! "

Changsheng said politely: "Xiaotian, I just want to know the whereabouts of my mother's soul. Otherwise, there is order in the world. I know. As long as I know the whereabouts of my mother's soul, please check it for me! "

"Well said." Xiao Tian closed his eyes and pinched his fingers.

When he opened his eyes, his face was a little more dignified, and he looked at longevity with compassion: "she is the female emperor, and she hit the emperor star, and she is also the dragon lady of the people.

Although she chose to end her life, her life will not change.

Longnv's life style brought her the final disaster.

Some people covet it, so Rob her soul, want to refine, absorb! "

Changsheng looks pale: "what What? "

Xiaotian looks down and sighs, "I can only tell you that. I'm sorry."

Changsheng then asked: "is it a Taoist?

Before, my uncle Huang had sacrificed half of his soul just because a Taoist had refined the souls of 99 little ghosts and gave birth to children from goodness!

Is there a Taoist who wants to refine the soul of my mother's dragon lady to practice? "

Xiaotian frowned: "Your Highness, some things are predestined.

Some people, good and bad, have their own creation and cause and effect.

She has passed away. People die like lights out. No matter what happens to her soul later, she is dead. "

I can't be calm in my long life.

No matter how Yun Qingya treated him or what he did, he was his mother all the time.

A son does not dislike a mother.

If you know that the soul of a mother has been refined, it may have been destroyed, and it may be about to be destroyed, how can he, as a son, live?

He nervously grabbed Xiaotian's arm and said, "I want to ask her She is now Is the dust gone? "

Xiaotian looked at him and hesitated, "you are separated by Yin and Yang. This is not your business."

Dreamcan listened, and was scared to death. He held Xiaotian's arm: "Xiaotian, you If you know, please help and tell Dudu! No son in the world can ignore his own mother! "

Xiaotian looks at mengcan and reaches out to pat her on the back of her hand.

He closed his eyes and held his breath.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at longevity: "it has not been refined.

But she can't last long.

If you can find her soul before tomorrow's dawn, even a remnant of it, and send it to me, I think for the sake of Princess Shengning and dreamer, you can help her repair her soul and send her to reincarnation. "

Changsheng fell to his knees and kowtowed to Xiaotian three times: "thank you!"

He looked up and asked, "but please tell me where is my mother's soul?"

Xiaotian shook his head: "I can't tell you.

It's true that we can't tell you that there is order in the world. I can't say too much.

Besides, what you need to know is that if your mother's soul is reduced to ashes, if it is predestined, but you want to change her fate and help her repair her soul, you will have to pay a price. "

Everyone is surprised!

Xuanxin knelt nervously beside Changsheng and held him tightly: "what's the price? What does Dudu have to pay? "

Changsheng's eyes are fixed on Xiaotian.

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Shengning, Xiaoche, Luyin, and mengcan were all shocked.

"Your soul," said little Libra quietly, "wants to live in a sea of fire. If you can, I will save you!"

"You're kidding!" Shengning immediately retorted: "samadhi fire can burn the body of black and white impermanence, let alone the ordinary soul? Although there is only one samadhi, but Dudu's soul is burned out, can he come back? You are not helping him repair his soul, but... "

"Exchange." Xiaotian confessed: "everything depends on Providence. If you can find her and send her to reincarnation before her soul is refined, it's also heaven's will, then you don't need to ask me anything.

But if she is going to die, you come to me and ask me, that is to change the number of lives, there must be a price. "

Xuanxin: "no rescue, the soul of the elegant lady is gone. Save it, Dudu's soul can be felt. This is not... "

"What else are you doing with us?" Shengning's eyes turned and looked at mengcan: "it's a family anyway. You just open one eye and close one eye, you just..."

"No way." Xiaotian sighed helplessly and slowly untied the collar of his shirt, revealing a long whiplash on his chest.

He looked at Shengning: "this is the day when I tampered with the thunder robbery of his highness. It will take seventy-nine years for me to recover.

Even if I am the emperor of heaven, I can't do anything recklessly. "

Everyone: "..."

"Good!" Changsheng's eyes were red and wet. He turned to his face, reached out to caress Xuanxin's childish little face, and fell into tears: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have confessed to you so early. I should have let you be free and not bound by love

Xuanxin: "Dudu, Dudu, Wuwu ~"

Changsheng looks at Shengning: "sister, if I have anything Please give Xuanxin a pill and forget me! "

"Whoa..." Xuanxin clings to the eternal life: "don't want to give up"

mengcan wanted to help the eternal life, but saw the scar on Xiaotian's body, and was already heartbroken.

She hurriedly grabbed Xiaotian's arm: "what should I do? It doesn't hurt. It's bloody. Do you want to take medicine? Does the medicine of the world work? "

Xiaotian holds her hand: "don't be afraid, it's OK."

Shengning waves and takes Xuanxin and Changsheng away.

They went back to the Royal study of Beiyue, and Qinglan was discussing military affairs with the general of the military department. Suddenly, they saw Xuanxin desperately holding his heart in tears for a long time, and Shengning standing on one side with all his life.

"You go back first." Pour blue to exhort.

"Yes, your majesty!" General, get up and leave quickly!

Tilt blue to rush forward nervously, looking at two children: "what's the matter? What happened? "

"Don't go, don't go, Dudu, think about me, think about me, think about your cultivation, think about Prince Xi, think about so many people who love you, think about King Kang Xian!"

Xuanxin is crying.

Changsheng embraces her and suddenly raises her hand!

Under the shocked eyes of Qinglan and Shengning, Changsheng faints Xuanxin!

"Doodle!" Qinglan is not sure, so Shengning stops him and explains the causes and consequences of the incident as soon as possible and carefully.

Changsheng put Xuanxin in the rest room of qinglanyu study.

Kiss the forehead of Xuanxin, and Changsheng comes out of it.

He heard that Shengning was still saying, "stop it. I don't know where the soul of the mother emperor is now. I have to find it. Before dawn, Xiaotian said, it must be the last time that the soul of the mother emperor can support!"

With blue hair and white hair, he staggered back a step: "refining Her soul? "

Shengning is also in a hurry: "Damn it! It's just that big brother Du Jie is also tonight, or there will be another person to help! "

Changsheng covered his head and wanted to cry: "Longnv Dragon Girl... What's the use of refining and absorbing her soul? Can you be a female emperor? Or emperor? "

Shengning suddenly stops!

She thought of the word "Dragon Girl". When she heard it for the first time, she spoke with her.

He said that she could be with him, because she is a dragon lady and a fairy. Only when the dragon lady and the Dragon mate can the offspring of the real dragon be produced.

Therefore, the female dragon has a role: to reproduce the offspring of the real dragon with the male dragon.

Sheng Ning covered his heart, thought more and more flustered, and walked back and forth in the study: "man's dragon, Che said there are only two left in the world, one is the emperor, the other is him!"

Sheng Ning suddenly turns around and stares at the tilt blue father and son: "I know who it is!"

Tilt blue father and son rushed to Shengning in a flash, Shengning stretched out his hands to stop them, only asked: "is there a flower temple in the North moon?"

Tilt blue: "yes! I admire to build it. I built it in the original position of the star watching Pavilion in the imperial palace. I also ordered a special person to guard it. The fragrance is unbreakable! "

"If there is a flower temple, it will be consecrated, and the little aunt has the responsibility to protect us!" Shengning turned around and left: "go, let's go to the flower temple, to give the little aunt incense, and ask her to point out Zhishan's whereabouts!"

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