His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3371: 3379

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Admiration teaches Shang Sheng to be brave and confident.

He also specially prepared a four face ceremony for those who went to Gongde palace.

Seeing Chang Sheng's nervous appearance, he admires and smiles: "remember that Liuguang and his wife are all people of their own duty. The more you work hard to design, the more they feel that their daughter has entrusted them with inhumanity.

Therefore, the only weapon you can win is your childlike heart!

As long as they can see your childlike heart, even if you are not perfect, even if you have shortcomings, they can feel that your sincerity is precious. "

Shang Sheng's admiration can be said to be worship.

It was half past four this afternoon.

He arrived at Gongde Palace on time, admired the exclusive car with the word "Gong a" assigned to him, and drove straight in and stopped at the gate of the main hall.

When he got off, Xuanxin was alone at the door, waiting for him with a smile.

Such a cold encounter caught Shang Sheng off guard.

"Doodle!" Xuanxin was very happy, and he didn't rush forward to be close to Changsheng as before, but stood in the same place with a coquettish face: "Dudu, come in quickly, I'll take you to see my parents!"

Seeing the beloved girl, Chang Sheng also has mixed feelings in his heart.

I didn't expect that Gongde Wang and his wife also had a day to accept themselves, although under the explanation of admiration, he understood that such acceptance was not as good as he imagined.

He stepped forward, resisted the impulse to hug her, raised his hand and gently rubbed her hair: "I miss you so much!"

Light a few words, said Xuanxin and his eyes Qi Qi Hong several circles.

Xuanxin could not cry and said with a smile, "I will take you to see my parents. They are playing chess in the Pavilion!"

Shang Sheng is embarrassed.

Looking back at the many gifts he brought, I thought I would give the gift list to Liuguang.

In the end, it was all prepared for him.

But Liuguang couple didn't care.

The housekeeper only accepted the gift list and said to Changsheng with a smile: "King Kangxian, the prince and the princess are in the pavilion. I'll show you the way. It's better to send the gift list to the prince for his purpose."

Chang Sheng was a little warm-hearted, but he didn't expect the Chamberlain to stand on his side: "thank you!"

The housekeeper said with a smile: "it's been a long time since classes began in the palace. I miss you very much. My Lord and princess have just come back. They are not very familiar with you, but I believe that they will see your brilliance after seeing people's hearts for a long time."

The tension and loss of Shang Sheng suddenly spread.

The Jack he was holding on to vanished.

Think of the adored sentence: childlike heart, self-confidence, courage.

He looked at the Xuan heart on the side of his body, and could see her beautiful Danfeng eyes in the sun with a light red halo.

Did she cry?

Chang Sheng silently takes her hand.

Xuanxin looks up at him: "Dudu?"

Chang Sheng hooks his lips and knows that he is nervous to death. He still wants to be her sun and give her warmth and hope: "don't be afraid!"

Xuanxin blames herself and says, "I'm sorry that I didn't protect you in time after my parents came back so many days."

"It's none of your business." Chang Sheng was clear in his heart: "because I have half of the blood of the cloud family. No matter when you start to protect me, or what you do or don't do, their first impression of me has been generated.

Don't be afraid, Xuanxin. If we are sincere and firm, we can overcome all difficulties. "

Xuanxin: "Hmm!"

However, what everyone didn't know was that by the time Chang Sheng arrived at the gate of the main hall of the palace, Liuguang had already set up a border, with Shangguan Xiaoxiao in the place that everyone couldn't see, beside them, observing Chang Sheng all the time.

It has been observed that now, the Liuguang couple suddenly have the illusion that they have become the villain of beating the mandarin duck with a stick.

Liuguang thinks it's wrong to go on like this.

So he took his wife back to the pavilion and showed up to play chess before they arrived.

Not long.

After walking through the ancient palace courtyard, I came to the pavilion built by rockery.

The pavilion is octagonal, with a beast hanging from each corner.

Looking around, it turns out to be the ninth son of the dragon. The top of the pavilion is Chen Chen. Among the remaining eight corners, you can see that one corner is Hao's incarnation Yinglong, and Che's real body mocks the wind.

Seeing this, Chang Sheng suddenly chuckled.

I didn't expect that the characters in the mythical stories would be lucky to see the real gods in his life.

Mood, because think of Che, is completely relaxed.

Each side of the pavilion has exquisite bamboo curtains and beads. From afar, you can see the silhouette of Liuguang couple.

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Chang Sheng leads Xuanxin, just like his own child visiting his parents at his mother's home. He smiles politely: "Chang Sheng has seen the king of merit and the princess!

I haven't seen them for a long time. They are the same as they were when they left. They haven't changed at all.

All these years, Shang Sheng misses you very much. "

The superior officer looked up at him.

Today, Changsheng is wearing a set of very artistic clothes. In fact, the clothes are the kind of clothes he used to wear with Xuanxin when he was teaching here. They have ancient charm and add elegance, but also highlight his natural and fresh temperament.

"Your Highness has grown a lot." When the superior officer gave this sentence, he stopped talking and continued to play chess with Liuguang.

The housekeeper came forward and smiled and handed over the gift list: "Lord, this is the gift list sent by King Kang Xian."

"No need." Liuguang didn't take a look at it, but he dropped a piece on the chessboard: "it's just asking the second highness to come over and have a regular meal. I really can't accept any gifts.

It's the second highness who suddenly brings these gifts, which makes us feel strange.

Is there anything else you want from us, your highness? That's nothing to be courteous about? "

Speaking of the last sentence, Liuguang finally raised his head and stared at Changsheng.

Shang Sheng meets the eyes of the other side.

Alienation is clearly captured.

Xuan thought to speak, but was forced by Chang Sheng to stop, motioning her not to say.

He smiled softly: "for the first time, the daughter of the folk took her boyfriend home to see her parents, and her boyfriend also took gifts to put them on display.

I'm also in love for the first time, and I haven't experienced many customs.

I have consulted many people for fear of losing etiquette.

The king of merit is Xuanxin's father and must be my respected object.

The second uncle always told me before that the king of merit and virtue spent a lot of effort for his body. We have always kept your kindness in mind.

I like Xuanxin for many years.

She used to like big brother, and the elegant lady was also willful and domineering. I always kept my mind hidden and dare not mention it again.

I didn't expect that later she came back, the eldest brother refused her, and the empress was gone, so I had the courage to... "

"It's not like that, is it?" Liuguang leaves the chessboard with his hands, places them on his legs, squints at Changsheng: "Xuanxin goes to the North moon and suffers many dangers. That's all.

Because of the stupidity and selfishness of the northern moon emperor, you have also implicated Princess Shengning, which has led her to nine deaths and bitter pain.

Dudu, Xuanxin is my daughter.

You like her. It's your business.

She likes you. It's her business.

As Xuanxin's father, what I value more is that you take her seriously.

But as the guardian of the Luo Dynasty, I abhor the behavior of people who are so foolishly implicated in the royal family!

You know, when the queen was pregnant with Princess Shengning and fainted due to abortion, I did not hesitate to lose my spiritual strength to exchange with the Yin soldiers, so as to find the soul of Princess Shengning.

She is the treasure of the Luo Dynasty. She's the highest!

And you... "

Chang Sheng is ashamed to hang down his head.

Xuanxin said anxiously, "Dad! It's been a long time!

And even his majesty and empress are willing to accept Dudu as their son, why can't you be more tolerant to him?

Things were different at that time!

No one can ignore the soul of his mother!

What doodle can do, what should be done, has been done.

He does have some imperfections. That's because he's really in a hurry! "

"No rules!" "Your father talks to King Kang Xian. What's the matter with you? Do you need a little girl to stand up for a big man in broad daylight? Are you ashamed? "

Xuanxin: "I......"

Chang Sheng pulled her behind him and said seriously, "yes, I am wrong. So I intend to devote my whole life and spare no effort to shine and heat for the royal family of Luo, even if my strength is weak.

I can understand that Gongde Wang cherishes sister Huang's mood.

From the first generation of emperor Luo's assistance, to now, you are also the authority of the family. I respect you, worship you, and hope you can give me a chance to change.

No one is perfect. I am a common man. Apart from what you said, I have many shortcomings.

I don't want to be perfect all of a sudden.

But I can continue to improve myself in the direction of Xuanxin's needs and Luo's royal family's needs. "

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