His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3387: 3395

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Maybe it's the sullen look of admiring anger.

Xiaoning saw it, and the soft little meat hand touched the adored face, laughing and coaxing him: the eyes of the four one "don't be angry"

adored were suddenly soft: "OK, uncle Huang listened to Xiaoning, uncle Huang wasn't angry."

Seeing that she was still worried, Shen Xinyi smiled and comforted: "don't worry, sister-in-law Huang. The eldest brother-in-law has been diligent and meticulous for many years, admiring you all the time.

Now that the admiration has been known, it will be prepared in advance.

In any case, it will not affect the filial piety and virtuous palace. "

Think of shaking his head: "not only that, I'm afraid grandpa Huang will be sad, but I'm also afraid of hurting the feelings of the two families."

Shen Xinyi: "I understand."

She looked at adoration, adoration at the moment she can hear all the ideas: the royal family is guilty, the crime is increased, if the evidence is true, the law should be punished.

Shen Xinyi's pupil shrinks!

I prayed fearfully that night butterfly would never do anything stupid.

She also knew the law of Ningguo.

Moreover, the royal family of Ningguo has another set of stricter laws.

If night butterfly has anything, she and night safety will be killed.

"Brother Doudou." Admiration suddenly called cloud Xuan: "Shengjing municipal district of the county level city, prefecture level city and suburban all civil servants file by Yun once."

Yunxuan: "yes."

Think anxiously and say: "where else?"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law," she said with a smile. "If night butterfly is a real official, she can't have the courage to start from the capital.

Officials in the capital have a strict entry system and a strict auditing system.

What she can solve with Princess jade spy is only the following areas.

Because of the region of the capital, as soon as she started, someone would report it to me. She could not take this risk.

Sister in law, the more edge tunnel, the more oil and water!

Yedie has lived in Shengjing for many years, and people outside don't recognize her. She can only ask her to do such things if she is familiar with her friends in the city. She is absolutely at ease and will do it.

So let's start from the edge of the capital.

As long as one is found, many can be found out.

If you don't find anything, you can be a little relieved. "

I still have doubts: "but why let Junzhi check it? He is the new minister of the Ministry of education, and seems to be out of line with the anti-corruption work? "

Speaking of counterparts, the investigation of this kind of matter is still the most efficient in the two rounds.

However, it seems that Qingrong did not entrust Xun can to go.

"Just because it's not right, it won't attract other people's attention." Admiration sighed: "Junzhi was promoted from a people's teacher, and still teaches and educates people.

He has great integrity and compassion for the morality of literati.

If there is anything in this matter, he will not cover it up.

In any case, it can't be handed over to Xun can. At this time, it's best for him to avoid suspicion. "

Think about nodding: "I see."

Everyone has a silent meal.

Shen Xinyi heard the adoration in her heart and said: Fortunately, Grandpa Huang and they are not here. Hurry to take advantage of their absence and solve the problem. The old people in the province rarely come back to hurt their spirits for the future generations.

The next evening.

You and you have all four elders in the bamboo forest.

They all cried in the bedroom.

In particular, lojeb, first of all, is holding the adoration of a close, a good grandchild.

He held Luoxi and looked at him constantly. He also took a bite of a little girl.

The whole bedroom is sour.

Ni Xiyue put his left hand around Shengning, his right hand around ryin, and looked at the two big precious beauties in his arms. He couldn't close his mouth happily.

Mu Tianxing said to Shen Xinyi in a small voice with a smile: "look, look, just listen to the new smile, how can you hear the old cry? Neither of our mother-in-law nor our daughter-in-law is favored! "

Shen Xinyi also nodded and smiled: "I think so!"

Because Ni Xiyue said that she wanted to eat a small hot pot, so qushiwen and Tiantian went to prepare for it.

Everyone in the hall, first taste hot drinks, chat with each other, the scene is warm and pleasant.

At the guard post in front of Yueya Lake, Yekang's car came.

The sentry immediately said to Yunxuan, "general Qiao is here."

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Cloud Xuan hurriedly to inform: "Your Majesty, general Qiao has come."

"Kangkang?" Lojeb was very happy: "great! Come on! Ha ha ha ha, this is called heart has spirit! He came as soon as I came back! "

Admiring his face, he smiled as usual, but he had already got up: "my little uncle came to talk to me. Let's go to the study first, and then ask him to come down and have a good drink with Grandpa Huang."

Lojeb waved his hand repeatedly and smiled nonchalantly: "Oh, no hurry, no hurry! It's hard to see each other. It's not urgent! Let's eat first! "

Speaking, Yekang has come.

He was wearing a military uniform and always focused on his image. His leather shoes were stained with dust, which could not be wiped off.

The dusty attitude, at first sight, is from the place of work quickly.

His face was grim, and he was surprised to see them. Obviously he didn't expect them to come back.

But it was a joy after a surprise. He walked forward and hugged lojeb first: "Uncle Huang! Kangkang is missing you! "

The face of admiring is slightly heavy.

Linglie's eyes looked back and forth. When they fell on Shen Xinyi's face, they slightly raised their eyebrows when they saw Shen Xinyi's worried face: "father, Kangkang has something to admire.

State affairs matter!

Let's go over for dinner first, and then we will have a good chat with Kangkang when we have finished talking with them! "

Shen Xinyi hurriedly said, "yes, Grandpa Huang, let me talk about things with my uncle first."

"It's all my family. What can't I hear?" Lojeb frowned impatiently and slapped Yekang on the shoulder with a smile: "it's just that I haven't come back for so many years. Now what's Ningguo's national defense and international military status? Let's talk while eating! You have to talk to Uncle Huang! "

"Uncle Huang!" Night Kang is anxious not to be able: "an an and small butterfly have been caught! Just got caught! Prince an's residence has been sealed!

I just got the news. I have to ask your majesty about it!

As the elder brother and younger brother, where am I still in the mood of drinking and chatting? "

"What!" Lojeb listened and looked at him with astonishment and admiration: "did you catch Ann and butterfly? And the royal residence of An'an? "

Everyone was shocked!

Adoration also quietly raised a breath, silently worried for qianrong.

He can imagine that when Qing Rong did this, no one said anything, not even the admiration. He was able to seize the prince and seal the palace at once. How much pressure did Qing Rong do it!

At the thought of all these years of hard work and the pressure of this time alone, admiration is very painful.

"The big brother didn't tell me about it. It was a bit sudden, but..."

"But what!" Lojeb was in a hurry: "what's the relationship between the Qiao family and us? You don't have brains, don't you?

Hurry up, take down the seal!

What can't be discussed by my relatives?

It's true that all the ancestors have gone, and the human feelings are like lights out!

Without the Qiao family, how could there be Luo family today?

What's more, even if An'an is really wrong, you should educate him privately and criticize him severely. It's not a big deal that the prince should be reduced to a prince, so that he can perform well in the future!

In this way, if you don't say hello, you will seal the royal palace. It's crazy to indulge! "

Linglie just wanted to speak, but mu Tianxing stopped in front of linglie, and said with some unhappiness, "father!

It's true that you love Qiao's family. It's true that you are in love with Qiao's family.

But, can't scold to pour to allow to have no brain, scold to pour to allow to be a madman without asking saponious!

How big is the matter of suppressing Prince an's residence? I don't know!

Why doesn't anyone ask yean and Xiaodie what they have done?

If a king breaks the law, he will be more guilty!

What's more, Ann is the prince!

The law is used to restrain the people, but also to restrain the royal family members. This is what you and your mother taught me and my uncle!

Before and after the incident, we didn't know what happened, so we put on the hat of crazy and brainless to Qingrong. We can't carry the pot! "

Lojeb was startled by Mu Tianxing's exclamation.

He stared at Tianxing and wanted to say something. After all, he pointed to linglie: "you You... "

"The mother is right." "Adore way:" small uncle because younger brother accident, ask the situation, such mood I can understand.

However, it is impossible for the eldest brother to catch people casually and for no reason.

The eldest brother has been sitting in this position for so many years. He always remembers the promise he made to Grandpa Huang. Up to now, he has never defaulted.

It doesn't matter that you don't care about his years of hard work alone.

However, we should not negate his responsibility for his work and for the people at will.

This pot, big brother doesn't carry it! "

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