His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 341: 342

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Xu is Ni Yajun's tone is so pitiful and humorous that everyone can't help chuckling.

Ni Yajun, who is used to being praised, suddenly blushes and avoids his eyes awkwardly. He doesn't know what to say for a while.

"No interest, of course," laughs rojeb

Not only does not collect the interest, when repaying, it is also possible to make a discount!

Mu Tianxing looks up at Ling lie with her bright eyes, only to find that this man is not so good. He is mean and domineering, but he has a broad mind. Seeing that his majesty and Ni Yajun are the same father and son, they are not jealous!

Little fox squinted, she thought, his stinginess and bullying were all aimed at her?

"Four little ones, your majesty miss you very much. There are still social activities in the palace at 7 o'clock tonight. He will go back in the afternoon. Please don't go out today. Please talk more with your majesty. "

As soon as Nuo saw Ni Yajun's embarrassment and knew his Majesty's earnest desire, he shifted the topic.

Lojeb looked at linglie expectantly.

Seeing that he didn't pay any attention to his own meaning, he was in a hurry and only saw Mu Tianxing: "good daughter-in-law ~! I admire the stars every day! "

"Cough." Ni Yajun has cough.

Maureen chuckled.

Mu tianxingleng has been struggling for a long time, and then he responds that his majesty is calling himself!

Slightly cool to linglie's side, she just raised her eyes, saw linglie look at her wrongly, as if to say: do you dare to help others bully me?

In the heart of a small struggle, she only close to his arms, his neck down, tiptoe in his face kiss.

Linglie's face immediately improved.

She leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I want to eat the fish made by uncle!"

Linglie loved her so much that she threw herself into her arms, held her in one hand, stroked her cheek in the other, and whispered: "tonight, women go up and men go down?"

Mu Tianxing's little face is pale instantly!

His feet fell to the ground, white hands pushed his chest a little bit, but his waist was still tightly bound by him.

The little girl seemed to gnash her teeth and say, "don't push your foot!"

Linglie shrugs his shoulders indifferently: "then go out for a date. The sun is shining brightly. The beautiful small county and the expressway are waiting for us!"

Although lojeb didn't understand what they said, he was also a flattering man: "good daughter-in-law!"

Mu Tianxing's scalp is numb, and his eyes are black and smooth: "OK!"


You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder!

Linglie's heart is in full bloom. He has just begun to eat meat, but he has no restraint. He is in the exploratory period for that kind of thing. I wish I could try every move.

He didn't see the cunning in the little girl's pupil, but her little nine was just shaking in his stomach, which was not enough for fear!

Holding the little girl in his arms and facing lojeb, he even took the initiative to talk to lojeb: "will you kill the fish?"

Rojeb was stunned!

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"I'll come!" said Nuo

As long as four less happy, he would do anything!

However, lojeb was overjoyed after being slightly shocked. He stopped Nuo behind him and strode out to contend: "I will!"

So -

fifteen minutes later, there were four more fat fish in the kitchen.

Everyone, including Mu Tianxing, is outside the kitchen, while Ling lie and lojeb are in the kitchen.

"This is the grass carp that Ashi raised in the pond behind. Of course, there are silver carp, black fish, crucian carp, and some shrimps. I prefer to eat shrimp and fish. Most of them are hormone fed, so Ashi keeps a lot of fry and shrimps in the pool behind

Linglie said, grabbing a grass carp and smashing it on the chopping board, the fish would not move. He took the knife and began to scale the fish.

"These are all taught by my grandfather. At that time, I was a teenager, and I was almost thirty in a flash. "

His movements are graceful and quick. The pianist does this with a knife in his hand, but there is no sense of disharmony. Looking at the layers of glittering scales being quickly removed by him, there was a feeling that there was nothing that could not be done under his hands.

Lojeb also grabbed a fish and put it on another chopping board. He went to the handle of the kitchen knife and smashed it hard on the fish's brain. The fish in his hand did not move any more. He also quickly removed the scales.

Soon, the father and son emptied and washed the four fish. Linglie just wanted to teach him how to slice the fish, but was surprised to find that luojiebu sliced the fish very quickly and skillfully.

Surprised to see, but also carefully learn.

Lojeb smiled, and his movements did not stop: "when I was a child, I was naughty, and I loved all kinds of animals as pets. My favorite is Liuguang. It's an eagle from Tibet. It's very spiritual. I raised a lot of delicious little snakes to feed it and helped it hatch its eggs. "

Linglie listened carefully.

Deep down, he was also eager to know about his father.

Lojeb added: "when Yueya was a child, she accompanied me to hatch bird eggs. I climbed the tree on it, and she looked at me below. I took out the eggs and led her back to my pet house, and put them in the incubator. At that time, there was grandpa Guanyu. He loves me the most. Father often has no time to take care of me. Because mother wants to beat me severely, Grandpa Guanyu always protects me. "

Unconsciously, lojeb told him a lot about his childhood. Linglie also asked him about his falling into the tiger pool when he was 12 and killing the tiger. Lojeb laughed and told him the details at that time.

After all the fish are sliced, linglie tells ljeb about the process of making fish. When the fish was stewing in the pot, lojeb gave linglie a hand and made a scrambled egg with tomato. He said proudly to linglie, "your mother taught me this dish!"

Elegant light enveloped the extraordinary father and son. He had never called his father, but he knew that he was born with some responsibilities that he could not escape.

In a moment, father and son opened the door and went out.

Qushiwen and Molin went in and quickly made up some delicious stir fry.

In front of the dining table, Luo jiebu and Ni Yajun sit down, facing linglie and Mu Tianxing. The rest of the people opened a different table in zhuoran's room, and the dishes of each table were the same.

Ni Yajun looked at the fish in front of him and the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and his nose was sad.

"If my aunt were here, she would be very happy today."

With that, he was shocked to realize that his flowers were out of time. He picked up the crystal cup and drank the juice in embarrassment.

"There will be a chance."

"There will be a chance."

Who knows, the expression is extremely light Ling lie, Mou color gradually deep Luo jiebu, but after seeing each other for a while, speak with one voice.

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