His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 3412: 3420

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"How is your father at home?"

Adore gave the box to Yunxuan and looked up at xunchan.

"Thank you very much for your concern. Daddy's life is very good recently. He can spare more time to take McDull and accompany mummy every day. Everyone at home is very happy."

Admiring and looking up at him, he said: "there's no one at home who complains about me? I criticized him by name at the conference, scolded him, and made him unable to come down. "

"No! Absolutely not! " Xun can said seriously: "Daddy did something wrong, Mommy scolded him, two younger sisters scolded him, and he knew it was wrong.

Your Majesty's punishment to the Qiao family is very light.

The Qiao family is grateful for this! "

Admiring Xun can's eyes, he whispered after a moment: "Xun can, you are the last hope of Chunge now, so you must stick to your bottom line.

I know when your father was young, he got it right.

He has been drifting with your grandmother in China since he was a child, and his life is not complete. He didn't enjoy the family feeling until he found his father in Ningguo.

In addition, he later went to a different world, missing the filial piety of being a son of man and being able to honor his parents.

He came back with difficulty, but he came back and lost his love for many years.

In his heart, the importance of his family members and the filial piety he once lacked to his parents as a child are all his heartache.

Now that all the elders have gone, he also thinks about it.

In addition, he is the eldest brother, and he feels that in any case, even at the expense of his own everything, he should protect his family.

However, I can understand his mood, but his behavior violates the law.

Xun can, you should take this as a warning.

You are also the eldest son of Chunge. No matter how old you are, you should remember that you are the last hope of Chunge. "

Xun can's eyes were wet with emotion: "thank you very much for telling me daddy's mood.

Although I get along with him day by day, he never exposes this to me.

I have complained about him in my heart, and I don't understand him.

But after what your majesty said today, I understand him better.

Don't worry, your majesty. Xun can will live up to his expectation and let the military hereditary qualification of Chunge continue. "

"Admiration gratified ground nods:" that good, go down

Xun can leaves.

"Xun can." Adoration suddenly stopped him: "Xi'er got married, Yan Zhi and Xiaomi will come?"

Xun can didn't expect that adoration would suddenly mention this. Jun turned to her side with a red face, and didn't dare to look at her all: "this..."

"What are you doing with such a red face?" he asked? Did you just finish yesterday

Xun can opens the door, leaves a sentence: "will come!"

"Hahahaha!" Adore sitting there laughing.

Yun Xuan went on with his tea, and admired him: "Your Majesty is getting naughty. He made fun of green Hon before, and now he teases Joe general.

General Joe's face is like monkey thunder. "

"Talk to these young people and feel that I am young. Hahaha, I also have a headache in the face of so many state affairs every day!"

"Pull it down! You'd better be content. You are the happiest emperor.

How long has the emperor abdicated?

How much did the prince share for you?

You are not satisfied! "

Yunxuan said, and said, "besides, you are very young! You are naughty, no refutation! "

Adore: "well, I'm naughty, hahaha!"

Outside, the ministers who were waiting for him stood in a row.

Hearing Yunxuan talking to the emperor like this, some were shocked and some were used to seeing it.

Anyone who can't see the position of the Royal servant in the emperor's mind is really stupid.

This kind of feeling of getting along with each other day and night, being a teacher and a friend, being compassionate and more superior to one's relatives is a special existence, which can not be replaced by any feelings.


Ryin's face was in mourning, and she kept reading the hard to chew speech.

These were written to her by the high-end talents of the Department of public information, one after another.

Some of them should be recited during the wedding, some of them should be recited at the media meeting after the wedding, some of them are vows during the wedding, some of them

A headache on her back.

She likes to be grounded, or simply ancient.

Compared with the culture she absorbed in the past, this modern way of official publicity is not friendly.

Luoxi has been familiar with it for a long time.

He is memorizing every step, such as walking a few steps, looking up or sideways, blinking a few times, and remembering where to smile or what.

The soldiers in the imperial study suddenly came.

Luo Xi saw it, raised his chin slightly and asked, "the father is looking for me?"

The soldier came forward and handed over a pink velvet gift box with both hands: "it's the wedding gift sent by Lord Yunxuan to Princess Chuncan."

Hearing this, ryin's eyes brightened.

She lost her speech and ran over with her skirt in her hand.

"Did the teacher give me a present? Is it Mr. Chun can? Show me! "

Ryin's face is full of sunshine.

This made Luoxi shake his mind.

In recent days, ryin has been very depressed. He doesn't laugh at how he tickles her, unless sometimes in the dormitory, she has the responsibility of being a child to the elders, so she has to smile.

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In private, she was with Luoxi, and her smile was worn away by the detailed steps of the wedding rehearsal.

Sometimes, Luo Xi would like to think that if she was imprisoned by her own side and in the high palace wall, would she be wronged?

But he thought again, and then he understood why all the emperors of the Luo family felt sorry for their empress, and why they still felt that they didn't do enough to love their wife.

It turns out that being a king is their own sacrifice.

And being a queen is their woman's sacrifice for them.

Xiaofu picked up the speech manuscript of Yidi after ryin, and then ran after him: "princess, please run slowly, don't fall!"

little Fu is still so fond of Ryu, no matter what the crown prince is in the world. In her heart, her royal highness is the Supreme Lord.

Ryukin ran over, took the box with both hands and smiled, "great, the teacher still remembers me!"

Luo Xi thought: "you think of her like this, otherwise, I will take you to play with them after the wedding?"

Ryukin: "OK! I want to play in the teacher's military area! "

Rosie: no problem

Ryin opened the box and found a delicate crossbow lying quietly inside.

This kind of crossbow is very similar to that used by ryin's parents to hunt birds and fish when he was a child in the ancient countryside.

But it looks like it's flat, with cuffs.

Ryin is very clever. She has a special talent for weapons, but she is not familiar with modern weapons.

That's why she adores Chuncan even more.

She thought about it, and put the crossbow close to her wrist. There were several delicate needles on it.

She found the switch and grinned obliquely.

Looking back at a soldier not far away, "shoot me! I want to see if it's a fast gun or a fast bow! "

The soldier was scared out of his wits and knelt down to beg for mercy: "Your Royal Highness, princess, spare your life! Your Royal Highness Princess, spare your life

Luoxi was also a little heavy faced man. He fastened ryin's waist and said, "no nonsense! In the court, can you shoot at will! "

"They just want to try the crossbow that the teacher gave me!" Ryingwo is coquettish in his words, not afraid of him at all.

Xiaofu comes forward and laughs heartlessly: "brother Tianyi sent Xiaofu a pistol to defend himself, saying that it's the configuration that the Housekeeper should have.

If the princess is interested, it's better for Xiaofu to practice with her! "

"Yes, yes!" Ryin jumped up happily.

Luo Xi raised a breath: "nonsense! Fang Qing, send Xiaofu back to the prison! "

Wen Chen: "yes."

Xiaofu looked at ryin wrongly: "Princess!"

Ryukin was angry: "this is the maidservant of this palace, and no one is allowed to bully!"

"I'm your husband!" "For your safety, don't play with these dangerous things!" said Lozzi seriously!

In spite of the master's safety, Xiao Fu even follows you in order to please you. Damn it! "

Ryin comes forward and pulls Xiaofu behind him: "who dares to take Xiaofu away? I asked this Palace first!"

The whole audience:

Because this is the auditorium, which is the main venue of that wedding.

The soldiers all heard.

Everyone is afraid to make a noise.

This is a confrontation between the crown prince and the crown princess.

The Crown Princess doesn't give her royal highness any face.

"Baby, don't make me unhappy!" said Luo Xi

"You are unreasonable!" Ryukin: "you let me be like this, let me be like that, whether I like it or not, if I want to marry you, I will all bear it and recognize it!

But you can't squeeze me again and again! "

Luoxi's face is black: "baby!"

Ryukin: "how fierce! Not married! "

The whole audience:

Xiaofu shrinks behind ryin, and she doesn't want to be confined.

Wen Chen said with a smile: "it's just a small thing, you don't have to be so fierce.

The Crown Princess wants to try the crossbow sent by Princess Chuncan. There are many ways. You don't have to take a pistol to test it.

How can you let the crown prince and his concubine get involved in danger if his highness cherishes them so much? "

Ryin listened, frowning slightly.

Wen Chen said again: "the crown princess has done a lot of hard work for the crown prince.

These were jobs she had never been involved in before.

However, as long as she can marry her royal highness, she is willing to work hard.

This intention is precious.

Xiaofu is the only one of her parents. As the saying goes, it's up to her master to beat the dog. Why does the prince have to hold Xiaofu? "

"I didn't hold on to her, but she encouraged her master to do dangerous things. That's not right!"

Wen Chen: "ha ha, in my opinion, you are really tired because you are busy with the wedding.

Let's have a small shooting match!

Adjust the atmosphere!

After the game, keep working! "

Ryin jumped up excitedly: "me too! Fang Wenchen, you are so interesting! "

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