His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 551: 552

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Linglie never paid attention to the children's kites.

Today, when I took it in my hand, I found that the kite is a very beautiful red swallow. The blue is the same as the long yellow centipede.

He couldn't help laughing: "why do you want to exchange this kite with your brother?"

"I don't like the same as other people," she said

Linglie didn't care.

Accompanied the children to have a good afternoon, adults and children are exhausted, one after another to sit on the grass, take a nap.

Zhuo Xi shared the water for everyone to drink, and linglie casually asked adoration, "Grandpa's fantasy Pavilion is full of treasures, how can you take this?"

"I'm taking the baby!" The adored little face was all sweaty, and he took a pad out of his pants pocket.

He just wanted to wipe it, but saw linglie's forehead. He went to the front two steps and held linglie's neck with his little hand. He helped linglie wipe all the sweat on his head. Then he sat on the grass again, took the handkerchief that had wiped his father's sweat, and wiped his face.

At this moment, linglie's heart was shaken by a small earthquake.

I admire Gulu Gulu and drink water, then linglie whispers, "big brother took a holy edict, second brother took a pen holder inlaid with gold, silver and precious stones, but you took a kite, don't you think it's a loss?"

"No, Mommy said that swallows are messengers of spring. Swallows love to build nests and are the warmest home in the world. When I saw the kite, I didn't see the swallow. Grandpa told me it was the swallow, so I took the kite. I hope my home, like the swallow's, lives in spring. "

Adore said, while staring at big brother's side of the kite, see that he likes.

Linglie sighed: "you like it, why give it to brother?"

"Because we are a family. My family lives in spring, and so does my brother's. Mommy said she would be sad if she saw me and my brother. So, I don't want mommy to be sad. "

"Adore said, looking up at linglie, with serious expression:" all the people who make Mommy sad are my enemies! All the things that hurt Mommy are things I don't like! My biggest wish is to make Mommy happy! As long as mommy is happy, I don't care about anything! "

Linglie takes a breath. Something in the heart lake is slightly affected. His nose is a little sour.

He suddenly remembered that he knew that his mother was Ni Xiyue, but Ni Xiyue was alone in his middle age. At that time, he was in a mood.

I feel sorry for my mother, so I have complained about lojeb.

Think about it carefully, but he is in debt and in pain. But he also missed three years for Qinglan and Qingmu.

After dinner that day, linglie returned to the room with her arms in her arms.

He took out the pamphlet of the holy edict of Mu Tianxing lock in the safe and said to Qian Rong, "if dad gave this little thing to Mu today, would you agree?"

Tilt to allow to jump up suddenly, want to snatch from Ling lie's hand: "no!"

Ferocious look, like a little tiger protecting food.

Linglie's arm is tall at one stroke. Now, it's impossible for him to lift it up.

He looked at the desperate look of tilt capacity and smiled softly: "why not?"

"It's from me! It's a gift from grandpa! " I don't want to, just blurt out!

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He pinched his small fist, tooted his mouth, and looked aggrieved: "Dad is unreasonable! This is my stuff. How can I take it to adore at will? Dad doesn't make sense at all! "

Linglie nodded and returned the edict to him.

He took it, looked at it in his hand like a baby, and confirmed that it was not damaged. Then he held the imperial edict in his arms and looked at Ling lie incredulously: "Dad, don't do this again. If you do this, I don't like you!"

The childish voice drifted in the room, and linglie could not help laughing.

He leaned over his little body, put it in his arms, and pinched his little nose. "You mean, this is a gift from Grandpa, so you can't give it to others, right?"

"Well!" Nodded: "especially can wish!"

Linglie looked at him carefully and said, "what if I have a younger brother to rob you?"

"They are unreasonable! I'm not going to give them a fight! I may not lose to them! "

"Ha ha" ~ "

linglie looked at his child, crying and laughing:" baby, but your swallow kite is snatched from adoration, right

"No! I asked him for it. He didn't give it to me. Later, tilt blue came to help him teach me a lesson. I even beat tilt blue together! Adore and give it to me! "

Then he raised his chin and said, "if I don't beat them, they won't give it to me!"

This time, linglie can't laugh.

Grab the lean little hand, come back these two days, the child is growing some meat, but compared with two younger brothers, or thin.

It seems to be painful, but we should not slack off in education.

"Kite, it's from Grandpa. So, if you want a kite with adoration, he won't give it to you. It's just like that Grandpa gave you the holy edict. Dad said just now that he asked you to give the holy edict to adore. If you don't give up, it's the same truth. "

Tilt the face to toot the mouth, buries the head in daddy's bosom, does not speak.

Linglie said again, "you said just now. If you want to rob your holy will, you just don't make sense. Then you go to ask for kites with adoration. Do you have reason? When you come back, my brothers will play with you, run before and after, take care of you. Mom and dad can see it. Have you ever thought about why your brothers want to treat you? "

"I may be older than them. They are afraid that I will beat them."

He raised his head and looked at linglie. The boundless black pupils also looked at linglie seriously: "it's like before, the fake mother would beat me, so I'm good to the fake mother!"

Linglie: "..."

Raise your hand and touch the hair of the child.

After pondering for a long time, linglie said: "they grew up with mommy. In their hearts, Mommy's happiness is the most important. Because I'm afraid that mommy knows that you're not happy with the fight, so adoration will give you the kite. "

Inclined to look at linglie expressionless, some don't understand.

Linglie looked at him with encouraging eyes and said: "if I beat my brothers again, my father will be sad and my mother will. So can we stop fighting with our brothers in order not to make our parents sad? "

She thought for a long time, and seemed to be struggling: "well then."

Linglie smiled: "can you give back the kite to adore? Because it's from Grandpa. You take it away. It's your fault. What do you think? "

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