His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 575: 576

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The sleepless linglie couple packed the photo album given by their ancestors in their backpacks, held hands and went down the mountain.

The legends written by the ancestors need their continuation. It's also their adventure to meet their ancestors.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they watched the beautiful sunset beside the reservoir and ate a lot of delicious river food. At night, they went back to the rental house. They washed and went to bed. They were all tired.

They got up the next morning.

No one has ever talked about where they are going in the future, but they have a sharp heart to open their mouth and spit out two words: "go home!"

B city phone booth, linglie to Qiao Xin Xian call: "to answer!"

He gave an address and led Xiaoguai to the roof of Roche building. Today, Roche is their uncle's family, but it is also mixed with many family members' shares, as well as adored shares.

Overlooking the whole B city, high-rise buildings are springing up, full of modern urban atmosphere.

They took photos and waited for a helicopter to land on the top of the roof 40 minutes later.

"Darling! We're home! "

"Uncle! Although I only have four days for my honeymoon, I'm happier than I've been traveling for a year! "

"Me, too!"

"Let's go home and meet our babies!"

The big hand pulls the small hand, facing the strong wind direction of the propeller fan, and rushes forward unswervingly.

The two men went back and forth. When the hatch was closed, the helicopter rose slowly, hovered under the blue sky, and flew directly to the capital.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when it was about to land, linglie pointed to the open space in the front yard of the imperial study and said, "there!"

If it wasn't for Qiao Xin to say hello to the court's soldiers in advance, linglie's helicopter would have been hit by countless bullets and fallen.

When the helicopter landed, linglie and his wife came down from it one after another. As soon as they turned around, they watched Luojie rush towards linglie with a gloomy face. They raised their hands to hit linglie: "you stinky boy! You ran away on your wedding day and didn't attend the dinner party! You bastard! Always ask me to wipe your ass! "

The first fist, linglie laughs and bears it. It doesn't hurt anyway.

The second punch, he took lojeb's hand, smiled and said: "I found the new world, and brought you a gift!"

This time, lojeb's face looks a lot better!

In fact, he is the one with a knife mouth and a heart full of tofu. Hearing his son say that there are gifts for him, it must be his son who is still missing him all the way out. How can he not be happy in his heart?

White Ling lie one eye, smile to daughter-in-law again, way: "all enter a room!"

Study on the second floor.

Lojeb's computer was still on, but he didn't go back to sit down. He stood in front of the sofa and said to the linglie couple, "just go, where are you crazy?"

Mu Tianxing smiled and took out the album from linglie's backpack. He came forward pleasantly and smiled: "father!"! I have an adventure with uncle

Lojeb smiled and reached for the album.

Open a look, he immediately shocked!

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Almost shaking his hands to see, one by one turn back, look again.

When he finally excitedly looked at linglie with tears in his eyes, his voice was hoarse: "this is Where did it come from? "

"I went to city B with Xiaogui, the rising city of Luo family. I thought I heard that Grandpa proposed to grandma in the bamboo forest of Luoping mountain, so I took Xiaogui to have a look. I thought it was romantic. Who knows, when we went deep into the bamboo forest, we found a big villa surrounded by sunflowers. We were really tired at that time and wanted to knock on the door for help, but After we went in, we found that the house was actually a house that they had lived in, and it was already empty! "

Linglie said, feeling guilty.

He saw the style of the ancestors and knew that his father was thinking about it, but he couldn't say it!

Lojeb held the album, fell into tears, whispered: "lotianling always bullies me! If my grandparents were around, they would hurt me the most, so they wouldn't let Luo Tianling suppress me and bully me all the time! I'm the one who hurts the most. "

Linglie looks at lojeb deeply.

I think so. Luojeb has always been the only grandson of Luojia family. Naturally, he grew up with the love of thousands of people. However, at the age of 20, he experienced so many things. His beloved was separated from himself and forced to sit in the position of king. All happiness seemed to change suddenly overnight.

"You..." Linglie took the tissue and handed it to lojeb: "control it, don't cry. A big man, still cry like this, lose not disgrace? "

Linglie would never tell him how pitiful he cried when he saw the ancestors yesterday.

Rojeb took the tissue and wiped his tears, saying: "I don't know where they are now. Obviously, I know that they can't live until now, but I always think they haven't left. I dreamed of grandparents, but I never dreamed of grandparents. I sometimes think that they don't want me. Why don't they come back to see me? "

Linglie took a deep breath, listened to his father's sad voice, and stepped forward two steps.

He held his father tightly in his arms and patted his father on the back: "well, no more crying, no more crying."

Mu Tianxing covers his mouth and tears like rain.

After a while, linglie asked tentatively, "do you want to take time to visit that house?"

Lojeb sighed: "I'll contact my relatives and go there to tidy up the remains of my grandparents."


Linglie smell speech, some scalp numbness.

He thought, black and bright eyes like pearls full of glittering: "father, do you lack a secretary?"

"No shortage!" Lojeb is holding the album now and can't listen to anything.

Linglie shook his head regretfully: "well, I still think, from tomorrow morning, I will be your secretary every day and accompany you to work!"

Hearing this, lojeb suddenly looked up at his son.

The eyes were full of surprises: "really, really? You're coming to be my secretary? "

"And me!"

Mu Tianxing carefully raised his hand and sang ran smiled: "I want to test the female officer, and I will test my wife all the way! I also want to be a Secretary for my mother's mother. I have a lot of insights about the improvement of the comprehensive quality of children in poor mountainous areas. I want to talk about it with my mother. "

Lojeb froze for a long time and burst out laughing!

He didn't even think how the two children would be so sensible if they went out and came back again!

Standing up, he excitedly carried the album back and forth in the study, laughing: "hahaha, I knew it would be so useful for you to go out, I would have let you out!"

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