His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 588: 589

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I admire listening carefully.

After a while, he asked, "then you ate me for a long time! When we grow up, will you also let me eat it with interest? "

"Necessary!" Bella raised her hand and rubbed his little face. "What do you want! I eat you now, so that you can have a fair reason to eat me in the future! Stupid! "

"Oh, I remember!"


"Bella, good night!"


The children soon entered the dream, and linglie and his wife soon returned from Ni Ziyang's suite.

Ni Ziyang, they mean, first of all, don't hinder the normal physical and mental development of children, let them naturally get along with each other, and don't tie them together prematurely with the title of unmarried couple. After all, there are many unknown variables in the future.

However, in order to prevent adoration from really liking Bella, we must carefully consider Bella's education.

Linglie listens to Ni Ziyang's words. After coming back with Mu Tianxing, she first looks at the children and finds that she holds Bella in her arms as a pillow and her two small heads are lovingly put together.

Mu Tianxing couldn't help laughing and took a photo with her mobile phone: "adoration is really enjoyable. How comfortable it is to hold Bella's flesh in her arms!"

This scene is very warm. Linglie smiles and takes photos, but he doesn't speak.

After returning to the room, linglie called Shen Dicken that night.

Said that Bella and everyone get along very happily, also said that he and Mu Tianxing like Bella very much, mentioned other, he is a sharp turn, said: "Mr. Shen is not living in the capital now?"

"Yes," said Shen

Linglie's voice and color are warm with a little meaning: "then, as long as Bella doesn't go to kindergarten later, I will ask someone to take her into the palace on weekends, and then send her home after the weekend dinner, Mr. Shen?"

The implication is that Bella is expected to adapt to the living environment and atmosphere of the court when she was young, and give her some court etiquette at the right time.

Bella was born in New York, and the Shen family's education is obviously open-ended.

Linglie and his wife don't want to kill Bella's lovely and frank nature, but there must be some courtly etiquette, such as celebrity etiquette and Princess training class. They must take Bella with them.

Shen Di Chen understood as soon as he heard it. The other side was helping him to catch his daughter's palace education. Otherwise, he didn't have to work hard every week.

He smiled and said: "Bella is lucky to be in the palace and play with her. From now on, please ask your Highness Prince and princess prince to look after her a little more. "

In Shen's mind, he naturally has confidence in his daughter.

Because of his confidence, he suffered to let his daughter leave home occasionally and follow the linglie couple.

There's a saying that goes well, and it's going on day by day.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most troublesome. Therefore, if Bella grew up under the eyes of linglie couple, when she married linglie couple, they would not only feel that their son married their daughter-in-law, but also that they married their daughter.

Shen Dichen wants linglie and his wife to have such feelings for Bella.

With such feelings, even if Bella and adoration can't succeed in the future, the royal family will never treat them badly, because the linglie couple will not shed tears when they have feelings for Bella.

With this tacit understanding, the two sides said good night and the call ended.

Linglie stood in front of the window, looking at the lawn not far away, feeling especially comfortable.

When he turned around, he heard the faint sound of water in the bathroom, hooked his lips, and knew that he was taking a bath, so he peeled himself off and walked in barefoot.


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Almost two seconds later, there was a scream from the bathroom.

As for how the pictures are beautiful in spring and how not suitable for children, it can only be imagined freely.

The next morning, linglie fell on Mu Tianxing.

It's a long time since he's been doing this all night. Finally, he's exhausted. He can only make do with the posture of biting each other.

When Mu Tianxing opened his eyes, he cried.

She's been squeezed and pressed all night. She really wants to die now!

Pain, acid, shame!

"You go down! Asshole! "

Mu Tianxing pushes the man down, and linglie wakes up from her dream. She grabs the woman's arm nervously. Seeing that she is still there, she is relieved, embraces her in her arms, and then sleeps.

Mu Tianxing wanted to complain.

But it was the instinctive reaction he had just awakened that made her unable to complain. Instead, a touch of touching brilliance came out of her heart.

With a sigh, she remembered several times last night. Would she like to go down and buy an after the fact contraceptive?

I saw a drugstore under the club yesterday.

"I'll see if the children wake up."

As soon as Mu Tianxing finished speaking, linglie's big hand circled her, and her gentle voice was hoarse: "don't toss about, let's lean to my grandfather's place and lean to my father-in-law's place. I haven't heard anything from the next room until now. There will be nothing wrong. When adoration and Bella wake up, they will call adults! "

"But I want to get up first!"

"No! You're gone, I can't sleep! "

"I see you are like a pig, how can you not sleep?"

"Really, don't go. I can't sleep as soon as you go."

His voice is hoarse with a coquettish meaning, it is easy to hear people soft. What Mu Tianxing is struggling with at the moment is that she can't make herself pregnant.

Because the wall of her uterus is too weak to carry the weight of new life growing up, and it can't carry the curettage of abortion. Even if it's just medicine, it's also for palace cleaning!

Mu Tianxing's eyes are closed, his hands and feet are cold and scared.

Her mind is too much to let linglie know. She can feel linglie's worry and self reproach, so she dare not say it.

She thought, as long as not pregnant, not pregnant, not.

Waiting for the sound of breath coming from the ear, Mu Tianxing carefully opened Ling lie's arm and kneaded his sour waist and got off the bed.

After a simple wash in the bathroom, she put on her clothes and thought of a man: the medicine doctor.

The medicine doctor who gave her a powerful pulse four years ago, he used to give Mo Mo pulse, so he should live here now!

Quietly out of the bathroom, she quietly opened the door and walked out.

On the big bed, the man who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes!

He made a phone call to Qiao Xinxian, and only ordered: "monitor all the action pictures of the crown princess in the club today, and report to me in time."

Then he opened the quilt and rushed into the bathroom without hesitation to clean up himself. When he came out again, he changed his clothes and took a look at his mobile phone. There was a message that Qiao Xin envied: "she went to the drugstore just now and bought a box of contraceptives after the event."

Good night ~! 2016/3/31

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