His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 611: 612

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Mu Tianxing slowly shed tears. When he opened his eyes, he looked at Ling lie vaguely: "did you take a picture of your daughter?"

Linglie paused and looked up at her: "No. I want to take a picture, but she is in the incubator. It's too far away. I can't see anything clearly. The glass also reflects light. I tried several times, but the picture didn't work. I'll shoot you back! "


Mu Tianxing closed his eyes and felt the sharp and burning pain of the blade. Before she could say anything more, the nurse bravely stepped forward and pointed to the potion bag hanging on the shelf: "Your Highness, Prince..."

The nurse was scared to cry: "we are going to change the water for the crown princess."

"Then change it!" Linglie is a little unhappy.

The nurse added, "it's a contractile."

Linglie: "..."

Suddenly he took a deep breath, stood up, invited zhuoran and luojiebu out, and then said, "I'll go with you, if you have time, to see my daughter, or go back to the palace to sleep!"

Although the words say so, but this kind of time, who still has the mind to go back to the palace to sleep?

After the nurse changed the liquid medicine, she was scared out.

In the room, only linglie and Mu Tianxing are left.

Time goes by, Mu Tianxing has been biting his teeth, and then biting his lips, from silence, to moaning, then to shouting pain in a low voice, then to crying out pain in tears.

In these processes, linglie can only watch. He can't feel the same. He thinks this kind of picture is cruel, but he is grateful to the heaven. He can let himself be by her side when she is so hard!

Accompany, they are together, this is more important than anything!

Linglie wiped her face and wiped her sweat, and quickly used a clean towel to dry the water in her pores.

Watching her suddenly hold her hands tightly to the railing at the head of the bed, raise her mouth to breathe, linglie can only encourage her constantly, help her turn the pain relief pump switch on her wrist to the maximum, and give her the drip speed of the infusion set to the minimum!

Mu Tianxing scolded him with gnashing teeth: "asshole! Don't do this! Bad ass!


"I hate you the most! Every time I think I'm right! If you set the dripping speed so small, I will be in pain for a long time! "

"OK, I'll speed it up right now!"

Two minutes later -

"ah ~! Bad ass! The big bad wolf! You're going to hurt me so much, you won't slow down! "

"Good! I'll slow down! "

"Sobbing - sobbing"

"little boy is not angry!"

Five minutes later --

"Whoa! How much else is this bag of goddamn contractions? Whining! How can I look at half of it? "

"No, it's only a third. Really, victory is right in front of us. Stick to it!"

Ten minutes later --

"asshole! Wuwuwu ~ you liar! A liar! How can there be so many? I'm going to die. It's killing me! "

"Darling, really, only one third is left this time!"

"Woo woo, I know you lied to me. Woo" ~ "

" good, just hold on a little longer and it will be over. "

Another 15 minutes later --

"you big liar! I don't want to talk to you any more. Wuwu ~ I hate you to sprinkle coriander every time you make fish! What I hate most is cilantro! "

"OK, OK. I will not put cilantro in the future. Actually, what I hate most is cilantro!"

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"How many are there? I can't do it. I can't support it any more. There's still a third!"

"I hate you linglie! I hate you, I hate you! "

"It's really only a third this time!"

"Sobbing to sobbing"

ten minutes later -

Mu Tianxing's little face was covered with tears and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Finally, there was no such thing as a package of contractive agents.

Linglie wipes her face lovingly. She doesn't cry, doesn't make any noise, and is quiet now.

But he couldn't help but secretly shed tears, quietly changed her clean pajamas, and changed her sweats because of pain.

He couldn't sleep. He took a basin, hid in the bathroom and rubbed clothes. He helped her wring out her underwear and coat one by one and dried them.

To be honest, this is the first time in his life to wash clothes.

Go back to the bed and sit, looking at the quiet face, pale, childish, just 22 years old, has been for him several times.

"I love you, Mu Tianxing!"

Maybe it can't be described by love.

At dawn, linglie was still sleepless. The nurse came to take Mu Tianxing's temperature and found that she had a low fever. After reporting to the doctor, she took a antipyretic sticker and pasted it on her forehead.

Because we knew that the baby was born into the incubator early in the morning, and it may be several months after entering, so we all don't expect Mu Tianxing to breast milk.

When you open your eyes, Mu Tianxing just asks, "is your daughter's cord blood stored?"

"Save it. The doctor says it can be saved for 25 years at most. Don't worry." Linglie sits at the head of the bed and quietly accompanies her.

Who knows, after the nurse pasted the antipyretic sticker to her, she said: "the catheter has been pulled out, now the most important thing is that the Crown Princess herself gave her first big and small solution. No more ventilation before, can only drink some water. "

Mu Tianxing nodded: "OK, I will work hard."

Linglie kisses her hair affectionately, and really wants to replace her to hurt!

The nurse looked at Mu Tianxing, who was really not easy. She stared at the antipyretic sticker on her forehead and said, "I hope you can breathe quickly and eat more, because the doctor will come to press your stomach right away. There will be infusion at noon, including a large bag of contractions."

Mu Tianxing: "..."

When the nurse left, linglie felt that such a day was enough, but she had to face it.

He lifted the quilt, held the hand of Mu Tianxing, and said, "I'll help you down and try to pee?"

Mu Tianxing nodded and tried to sit up, but found it so difficult.

Linglie can't look down. She picks her up and takes her to the bathroom.

A hard struggle, from taking off his pants to bending down and sitting on the toilet with the edge of the knife, is an inhuman torture for mu Tianxing.

Linglie looks at her wrinkled face and kneads her hair: "darling, try to pee, try to feel, do you want to fart?"

Mu Tianxing suddenly wrongfully raised his small head and stared at him with big black grape eyes: "uncle."


"Can you not ask me if I want to pee and fart in such a serious, gentle and affectionate way?"

Linglie sighed and didn't know how to answer.

In fact, he wanted to ask her if she felt like defecating, but he was embarrassed to ask her, knowing that she had a thin skin.

But the doctor said that the first major solution is very important. If there is no major solution for several consecutive days, it may cause intestinal obstruction and require a second operation.

So he was worried about her health.

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