His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 720: 721

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Zhang Ling is holding his cell phone, and the whole person is in an unprecedented panic!

"I, I don't want to be adopted. I'm seventeen!"

"But this is a regulation stipulated by the national minors protection law, not a question you don't want. You are about to be a college student with a higher education. Don't you know the law? "

The official tone of each other's words made Zhang Ling speechless.

After the call, she faced such a change, the whole person was ignorant!

At this time, Qinglan just came out of the examination hall, and her mobile phone was on Yunxuan's body, and she didn't bring it in at all.

Along the side of the road, he ran hard to the outside. In early summer, the sun was bright and warm. He seemed to see the future and the beautiful and warm life of Zhang Ling.

Come to the car, cloud Xuan smile to guard at the side of the car: "the second highness test is good?"


Tilt blue to see cloud Xuan open the door, then stoop to prepare to go up.

A bow, I saw Ling lie sitting in the back seat, waiting for him quietly!

Not only that, the car is still sitting in tilt volume, and there are sweat stains on tilt volume's forehead. It seems that he has just come here. He is holding a bottle of ice soda in his hand and is pouring it.

"Father!" Tilt blue smiled, after sitting, cloud Xuan helped him close the car door also handed a bottle of ice soda.

Linglie smiled and looked at Qinglan: "your big brother's five gates are all full marks except for the number of words. The remaining two gates together only deduct 13 points. He didn't have to go to H city to bother Ni's family. How about you? "

Tilt blue also filled a few soda, handsome toward Ling lie to cast an eye, said: "I am also three full marks, Mathematical Physics Biology!"! Chinese and foreign affairs, cough, deducted 21 points. "

Linglie smiles.

He knew that his second son's linguistics was not very good, but he was very pleased to think that he could make great efforts to achieve such a degree when he was so inclined to study.

He took out a paper towel and wiped the sweat on his forehead for Qinglan. He looked at Qinglan with a warm and thoughtful face: "father, today, I want to ask you a question."


"If one day you kill a man and his daughter appears suddenly, you have to marry him or not?"

"A psychological test?"

Qinglan looked at his father's serious face, but he didn't think about it. He said directly, "don't marry!"

Linglie smiled and looked at him cautiously: "why? What if you like her very much? "

"Where there are so many and why! Not to marry is not to marry! No matter how much you like it, you can't marry! " "I killed her father, and she can marry me. She dare not marry me. It's just like the Revenge of the fierce ghost. It's scary!"

"What if there's a secret?" Linglie asked again.

Tilt blue to shake his head: "there are thousands of women in the world. Why do you have to hang on a girl with problems? In case of trouble in the future, it will not only affect yourself, but also the whole family. Isn't it because a woman has become a sinner for a long time? "

Linglie was silent for two seconds, and then said, "what if your future children encounter such a thing?"

Tilt blue evil wanton smile: "want to do everything possible unscrupulously, also want to separate them!"

Linglie doesn't speak any more.

He leaned up slightly, took a yellow file bag from the copilot's seat and handed it to tilt blue.

Tilt blue Leng for a while: "what is this?"

Linglie looked at him with a very light expression: "Zhang Ling's information!"

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Tilt blue: "..."

It took a long time for the whole person to sink into his seat and say, "Zhang Ling won't have a problem, will he?"

There was a lull in the car!

For a while, tilt blue motionless, take the file bag like this, look at linglie.

When he returned to his mind, he whispered, "what do you mean?"

Linglie's expression is still very light, but her eyes are full of affection for her son: "when Yajun got married that year, someone fell in love with her. Do you remember?"

"Isn't that dead?" "What's Zhang Tong?" she blurted out

The car is quiet again!

The first time Qinglan and Zhangling met was at Ni Yajun's wedding. Zhangtong also appeared at Ni Yajun's wedding. Zhangling zhangtong is Zhang!

Tilt to look frightened pale to cover the mouth!

Tilt blue is even the lips turn pale, and then flustered, simply roughly ripped open the file bag, looking at the documents inside!

From Zhang Ling's mother's family affairs to Zhang Tong's affairs, from Zhang Ling's birth to all kinds of things later, Zhang Ling's whole life is almost in these pieces of paper!

Tilt blue good-looking fingers began to quiver, tears, a drop, two drops, fell on the paper, continuous.

For a while, tilt blue dumb voice way: "do not hurt her!"

Linglie said frankly: "we are not going to start with a child who is hard-working and studious. However, she has been transferred to another equally excellent business school, which is far away from you. Moreover, she will soon be adopted and taken care of. "

Tilt blue and close your eyes.

The information in my hand has been scratched!


Linglie sighed: "your grandfather insists on sending her abroad and forbids her entry for life. Your mother is always kind and knows that Zhang Ling is diligent and studious, so she pleads with your grandfather. You also know that if things happen in the future, and she knows the cause of her father's death, then she will only suffer more. It's better to let her go quietly and give her another open sky. If she strives, she will surely create her happiness in another sky. "

"Sobbing to sobbing"

lean down and bury your head between your legs. It's the first time you cry.

Linglie gently patted his back and caressed: "back to the past, but is lovelorn, you are still young, everything will pass."

Yunxuan suddenly knocked on the door and opened it.

Looking at the picture of Qinglan crying inside, he took Qinglan's mobile phone and stood still.

The ring tone, which is set for Zhang Ling by Qinglan, is a song called "the only one".

Tilt blue slowly raised his head, stared at the mobile phone in front of him, stretched out his hand: "hello."


Zhang Ling was crying, and his voice was choked: "sob ~ can you help me, sob ~ I don't want to be adopted! I don't want it! I've been a grandmother's child all my life. I have my own name. Why should I be a child of someone else's family? Can you think of a way to help me? "

Tilt blue while holding the mobile phone, while covering the mouth.

Tears flow in and out of my eyes.

A kind of heartbreaking pain spread from his chest. The promise he made to her yesterday is still in his ears: he said that he would be responsible for her next life and would not let anyone bully her again!

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