His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 733: 735

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The bedroom hall is extremely luxurious and bright.

At the beginning of luojiebu's reign, Yueya Bay was decorated with warm atmosphere according to Ni Xiyue's preference. Now, the world is linglie, and linglie is a very picky guy in material enjoyment. In order to meet linglie's standard, Yueya Bay has gradually become a world-class luxury house in recent years.

Looking at the game now, I only know how they played it.

But for a moment, he asked Mu Tianxing in a low voice, "father hasn't come back yet?"

Mu Tianxing nodded, and the smile just now converged a little: "dinner with cabinet ministers in the former state guest hall."

Admiring heart or some worry, side by side to ask: "night Kang little uncle also accompany?"

Mu Tianxing shakes his head.

Adoration is no longer asked.

What happened today, Qiao Yekang didn't accompany him, which only shows that Qiao Yekang has been punished and left behind.

Mu Tianxing could see his son's worried look, and whispered, "Grandpa Joe, you will accompany me."

The face of adoration is more relaxed.

Qiao Xin envies that he is only 51 years old this year. He is in middle age. The days ahead are long. Qiao Yekang is the first commander in chief of a large-scale military exercise. Although he is defeated, even if he takes off a star, in the years ahead, Qiao Xin envies him. Qiao Yekang has the ability and opportunity to stand up.

Looking at the chess game now, Zhang Ling falls down again, and luojiebu's pupils shrink a little.

It took seven minutes to see lojeb's son again, and then change it into Zhang Lingning's eyebrow to ponder.

I don't know how long the dinner will be delayed.

In the hall, there was no one to disturb the players' thoughts, and the blue eyes fell on Zhang Ling's serious and childish face, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, as if he liked it more and more!

Finally, Zhang Ling falls down again.

People who can play go start counting.

Lojeb's big hand shook it gently, then let it go, raised his unfathomable eyes and sighed, "you win!"


Tilt blue smile of incomparable joy, that never had the surprise light from his light brown eyes overflow, full of pride and pride.

The family watched in silence. From small to large, Qinglan won many awards in science, but never saw him laugh so much. The seriousness in his pupils only printed two small Zhangling, as if all the happiness, anger and sorrow came from him.

It's love.

Lojeb smiled sheepishly, and everyone laughed.

I admire lojeb quietly. I give him a white look, which means that I am tired of playing chess for so long and losing to a little girl without trace?

Lojeb is back to his grandson: low key, low key!

Without knowing it, they all surrounded Zhang Ling in surprise, and there was a constant stream of praise.

Although Bella didn't know how to play chess or how to play, she was still attached to her admiring ears and said in a voice understood by two talents: "Grandpa Huang intentionally."

Adore in the heart excited, but quietly side eyes light, stare at her: "how to see?"

Bella added, "my father and your father can't win. How can she?"

Qinglan is ecstatic because of Zhang Ling's victory, but admires because of Bella's hybridized orchid heart.

Ni Xiyue smiled and sighed: "it's true that blue is better than blue. Can you wash your hands and eat now?"

"Hungry!" "I smile at once.

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"We ate French food at Shen's house. It's so full. Let's go!"

And everyone stood up in twos and threes to go to the restaurant, and tilt blue immediately looked at luojiebu's back anxiously: "Grandpa! Grandpa Huang! What about the little gold medal you promised Zhang Ling? "

"Hahaha, what we need to make is not one that has been prepared in advance." Lojeb raised his finger and leaned blue. He smiled and said to Ni Xiyue, "this child, acute son can't be changed!"

Tilt blue and say: "it doesn't matter! Anyway, horizontal and vertical is a wish! Today, everyone is here. It's better for the spirit to say the wish. Grandpa Huang will realize it now! "

Everyone is stunned!

Adoration has been indifferent to the face finally aroused a strange smile, looking at the body side of the beauty, but saw Bella suddenly also smile.

Four eyes to each other, they think, they all know why lojeb deliberately lost.

And lojeb, the original step finally stopped, looked at tilt blue kindly: "OK, hehe, if you don't want a small gold medal, you can also save the production cost of gold."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed. The atmosphere in the hall was very good.

Qinglan is a little excited. She presses her hands on Zhang Ling's shoulders, pushes her to Luo jiebu, and encourages her to say: "Lingling, don't be afraid. If you have any wish, you can say anything now!"

"Well, yes, I am willing to lose! Girl, you say it! " Rojeb smiled.

He conceals the deep meaning in the eyes and stares at her childish and beautiful face, which seems to be very light, but in fact, he puts all her subtle expressions into the eyes.

At this moment, everyone is staring at Zhang Ling and curious.

Zhang Ling was also embarrassed and said: "I'm just lucky to win the master. I don't have any special wish. I don't want a little gold medal! "

Everyone: "..."

Lojeb's eyebrows crossed in surprise, but he passed away in a flash: "no?"

She nodded and smiled with a kind of calm: "MMM!"

This time, tilt blue urgent!

Others were still in the investigation period until he and Zhang Ling, but Zhang Ling didn't know. He adored the black belly ghost and added a rule to the regulations: no dumping blue to tell her.

So, in case of anything, will he be separated from Zhang Ling?

"Lingling, tell Grandpa Huang that we are going to get married in a few years. That's your wish!"

Tilt blue holds her arm nervously.

Zhang Ling took a deep look at him. She could see the seriousness in the blue pupil, and he was holding his hand at the moment, slightly shaking.

Lojeb also said: "you have no joke! Say what you want! "

"Spirit!" The strength of tilt Blue's hand is bigger!

He looks like this, so that a group of family members who watched him grow up and grew up with him, are slightly distressed!

It can be seen how much he likes Zhang Ling!

However, Zhang Ling still lowered his eyes and preached to Luo Jie, "otherwise, your majesty will give me the little gold medal. If you have a wish in the future, I will say it again."

Pour blue gas low roared a: "spirit spirit!"

Zhang Ling's eardrum ached a little from his shock.

The elders look at Zhang Ling like this, and some of them feel blue.

Qinglan doesn't want to let go, but she still has a stalemate with her. Zhang Ling smiles: "it's not good to tie things in this way. The wish is still there. Maybe in the future, we still have something to use. "

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