His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 781: 783

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Ji Qingchen and his wife listened to their son's words and felt that his son's attitude was a little chilly.

It's too cold to treat a little girl.

But for a moment, they could understand what their son meant.

And the qiaozoqi couple, with their son jiziyan, said goodbye to Qingrong at the airport, because their family of three booked a flight to Egypt, which was settled early in the morning, and they didn't expect the children would come.

However, considering that there are Ji Qingchen and his wife at home, they are relieved.

Jozocchi hugged the children one by one, then said: "we will fly to Egypt in 40 minutes, so we can't talk with you. If you stay longer, we will go for a week and come back. "

Oblige them to say goodbye to their family.

Ji Xuehao, as a little host, always stood by the door of the car, waiting for all the guests to get on the bus, but tilt Yu always stood beside him, and a trace of impatience flashed between his eyebrows.

When he saw it, he thought of the annoyance in big brother Huang's mouth, and was so scared that he quickly withdrew.

And tilt feather this pair of careful appearance, let Bella see the heartache, also let tilt to allow how much some unhappy.

He went up, took his sister's hand, and said, "big brother will sit with you!"

They said yes on the plane. They called big brother three.

Leaning Rong leads his sister to the car where he thinks about it, and sends him to Ji Xuehao's car. He also sits in the co driver's seat. But this car is driven by thinking. Ji Xuehao said that he would take his sister's car.

Adore looks at her eyes, pulls Bella directly into another car, and Yunxuan sits in the passenger seat of adore their car.

Ji Qingchen and his wife are not far away, looking at their son: "Xuehao, hurry up to get on the bus, it's not early, we hurry back!"

Therefore, Ji Xuehao can only bend his head and enter the car and sit on the side of Qianyu.

Think about adjusting the rearview mirror, looking at the eyes and the corners of the mouth: "the little princess is so beautiful, who will marry you in the future will be blessed!"

Ji Xuehao frowned and knew that her sister was afraid that the world would not be disordered: "driving!"

Think of the smile, she can see that the little princess likes her brother!

And she looked at the incline of the side of the eye body, the safety belt passed through his chest, slipped to the crotch along the waist, and fastened it.

That solid and beautiful figure is really pleasing to the eye, but how can it grow on such a small man?

Think about laughing, starting the engine, driving them behind the car.

Qing Yu can feel Ji Xuehao's indifference and estrangement. She is too scared to talk casually all the way. She just teases her to say it. Most of her answers are just the same. She's afraid to say too much, which annoys Ji Xuehao.

And it's her submissive appearance that makes the wrinkles between Ji Xuehao's eyebrows more and more severe.

Think about my brother.

She has even been angry with her parents for the sake of their parents giving their family property to their eldest brother's son. She thinks that parents are unfair to their younger brother.

But the younger brother always looks aloof from the rest of the world, and sometimes she doesn't have a stand to help him fight for anything.

But now, Ji Xuehao's various reactions let her discover a fact: the little princess can easily control his mood!

This is something that has never happened in the past years!

Seeing the car on the high-speed drive to the city, tilt face suddenly said: "tilt feather ah! You said that Ji Xuehao was born yesterday. Did you prepare a birthday present for him? Why don't you take it out? "

He saw his sister holding the gift box in her hand all the time.

Just like he just walked out of the airport!

It's just that he's already thought about it, and his sister's hasn't had the courage to send it.

Jixuehao's pupil was bright for a while, but it passed like a meteor.

Think of smiling, said: "yes, that's really a thank you princess. Xuehao in our family looks cold, but he is actually a very warm-hearted person. The princess may not be used to it now, but after a long time, the princess will find out that Xuehao of our family, in fact, will be very distressed. "

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"Sister." Ji Xuehao's cold voice sounded.

Think but laugh.

And Qing Yu, now finally dare to take out the gift.

She looked at Ji Xuehao and stretched out with her hands holding the gift box: "Ji Xuehao, this is my birthday present for you!"

"Thank you."

He took it and put it casually on the seat between him and tilt Yu. It didn't mean to open it.

Tilt feather bit lip, eye bottom float a layer of tear light, don't cross face.

Qing Rong feels that her sister should be sober all the way.

Finally, the car stopped at the gate of Jiyuan.

Because it's the first time I've come here, I didn't plan to drive in, but I'm going to show these little guests around.

Tilt feather to open the door quickly!

Because she was afraid of being late, tears came down.

Pour to allow to also hurriedly go down, stride to catch up with younger sister, afraid her accident.

In the car, only Ji's brother and sister are left. I think I turn my head to look at my brother and find that he raised his hand and gently picked up the brocade box on the seat.

His fingers were as beautiful as a balsam jade. When he opened the box, he was stunned.

In the brocade box, there is a long-life lock, which is made of gold. But it is decorated with various precious agates and gemstones. It looks like the beautiful murals in the Louvre.

This girl, give yourself a long life lock.


"She knows you may have inherited kidney disease." Think about confessing to jixuehao: "she clearly knows that she still insists on coming to see you and giving you something to encourage you, but you are so hurtful to others!"

Think about it and get out of the car!

Everyone gathered at the door. Ji Qingchen and his wife met Ji Xuehao and asked their daughter, "where is Xuehao?"

After thinking about it, she smiled and said: "the princess said yesterday was Xuehao's birthday, so she brought him a present. I was in the car just now. I don't think Xuehao had a good time to watch it. Now, he is hiding in the car alone. "

Smell speech, tilt feather dim Mou light all of a sudden bright bright rise, naively asked: "really? Is he really looking? "

"Of course it is!" Think about nodding and laughing at her: "he has been watching for a long time and is still watching. He should like it very much."

"Ha ha, ha ha ~" Qing Yu just giggled.

I'm not happy.

He was just about to find an opportunity to say to his sister, let her die.

Ji Xuehao's elder sister, just came out to make trouble!

He suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "Miss Ji, what's your full name?"

Think of a change of face and stare at him: "I won't tell you!"

Ji Qingchen and his wife smile.

Ji Xuehao got out of the car. He broke a small backpack, and he didn't know if the gift was in it.

It's just that he heard my elder sister tear down his platform just now.

So when he passed by, he said, "my sister's name is Xiang Rong. It comes from Li Bai's" cloud wants clothes and flowers ". Rong is the name of your highness. Since I fell into the lotus pond and went back to China, I changed my name

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