His Little Kiss-addicted Wife

Chapter 921: 924

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Bella looked carefully. The marten was born in Europe. The certificate on it was in English. She didn't recognize many sentences and words!

In addition, there are several copies, such as the vaccine certificate, the health certificate, the injection list of insect repellent drugs and so on, which are all words she doesn't know very well!

Bite the lower lip, Bella that a pair of delicate eyes straight at Yunxuan: "Doudou brother!"

Yunxuan is stunned for a moment.

Glancing at her admiring face, she hurried forward: "Miss Shen!"

Bella opened her eyes awkwardly, moved a little bit to the side to let him come and stand, and said, "help me see."

Zhuo Ran is proficient in many languages, especially in training Yunxuan, so Yunxuan nodded, stood there and talked with the boss carefully, and took a piece of certificate to identify.

The face of adoration sank and sank, and the lips were tightly pressed, and there was no words.

When Yunxuan finished talking with the boss, he turned to look at Bella and said respectfully, "Miss Shen, the procedures of mink are complete, and there are exclusive pet passports. If you only raise it, you'd better always have professional mink food. The boss said he would give you two bags. The current temperature is not suitable for leading ferrets to play around, so it is recommended that you keep the air conditioner at home. If you need to travel for a long time, such as flying, you'd better buy this glass box. This glass box can be charged in advance, full of temperature and oxygen that can last for 24 hours at a time. Moreover, the pet air box on the plane, with temperature oxygen, is only recognized internationally One size. "

Bella nodded and looked up at the boss. "How much is this box?"

The boss smiled and said, "it's not expensive. The mink you bought in my shop will give you the original price of my box. Six thousand yuan!"

Bella scolded in her heart: NIMA, six thousand yuan is not expensive!

When they were leading the way in China, as long as they had 20 yuan, they could live for many days.

However, Bella's face was slightly smiling. Just about to open her mouth, her shoulders suddenly sank. She looked sideways, but she saw her adoring eyes looking straight at the shopkeeper in front of her: "take out the things needed by the mink in the breeding process, calculate them, and give a total number."

The boss smiled, "OK, OK."

"We just met the people in the price bureau. Now it's also an age of information development. No matter what brand of boxes or the origin of ferrets, the approximate price can be found. So, you don't think that we can buy profitably or smash money profitably. We don't want to do it. "

The boss was stunned for a while, squinting at him: "do you know the people in the price bureau?"

Adoration no longer pays attention to, just looked at the eye cloud Xuan.

Yunxuan immediately took out his mobile phone and checked it, saying, "yes, Li Jufang, director of the capital price bureau, I have my mobile phone number."

When Yunxuan talks, he intentionally reveals the logo of ZIWEIXING totem behind his mobile phone!

This sign is on the exclusive items of people who have been staying in the palace for many years since linglie emperor succeeded!

boss looked at the interview and thought Bella was young and ignorant, so she wanted to kill her for a long time.

Finally, he pointed to the price on the glass box and said: "that's the number. Take the ferret away. I sent the glass box! I'll send you another half year's mink food! "

Bella was surprised for a while, and then she realized that there was nothing wrong in the world but the wrong one. The boss only sold the little ferret, but he didn't know how much he was going to black her!

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and looked at the adoration. In this eye, there was no more warmth.

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Admiring the tight lips, the stiff arms on her shoulders relaxed naturally.

At the time of payment, adoration didn't stop Bella from swiping her card, but after they returned to the car with their suitcases, adoration slipped a gold UnionPay card into Bella's bag.

As for the password, all his passwords, from cell phones to computers, are the same, she knows.

The Shen family is rich, and Bella is not short of money, but her daughter-in-law gives her money, which is also a matter of course.

They had just returned to the palace with mink, and the car stopped on the edge of a military green pickup.

Adore picked under eyebrow, looked at army a word beginning pickup, immediately went down.

Yunxuan picks up the box, and Bella follows admiring.

On the Bank of the sparkling lake, as soon as the door of the pickup opened, a huge German army dog jumped out of the car, and Qiao Yekang followed it.

Greeting each other, admiring and smiling at the big wolf dog on the ground: "this is it?"

"Well, it's Jenny. It's the best of these dogs. They are just grown-up, literate, hardworking, and have the most professional training. They can guide the blind and help fight drugs. "

Qiao Yekang rubbed the head of the big wolfhound and watched the big wolfhound sitting at his feet. He said proudly: "his parents are all outstanding military power, and they have made a lot of contributions before retiring. It's genetically excellent. I drive to the base today to ask for it. Some of the colonels in it seem reluctant to give up. They always excuse that it's still small. I say it's the third highness's. they quickly change their words and say that it's the best to be picked up at this time. They can recognize the Lord early and cultivate feelings with the Lord. "

"Ha ha" ~ "

adored and laughed.

He squatted down and held out a hand to the big wolfhound, who ignored him but looked up at Qiao Yekang.

Qiao Yekang nodded his head, then he stretched out his long tongue and breathed. While cooling himself, he gently raised a front paw and placed it in the heart of his admiring hand, which is the meaning of handshake.

With a smile on his lips, he thought the dog was good. He stood up and thanked Qiao Yekang. Qiao Yekang also had military affairs. In front of the wolf dog, he gave the chain to him and drove away.

Adoration was playing with Jenny for a long time by the lake. Jenny seemed to regard adoration as her master. She was excited and excited. She was very clingy.

Bella is watching quietly.

To tell you the truth, she likes to watch Jenny open her mouth to show sharp teeth and pant with her long big tongue. But if she wants to borrow her body to think about it, she's a little incompetent.

When it was getting dark, I received a text message from Qingrong: "don't forget to act tonight."

Admiration immediately replied, "never forget!"

When it's light again, it's time to think about it.

Adore looked at Jenny deeply, then stood up and looked at Bella. She said seriously, "wife, there is a very important task for you."

Bella wondered, "what mission?"

Adore smiled, shook the dog chain in his hand: "I have something to leave with brother Doudou after dinner. You live in the small building tonight. Take Jenny with you. The medicine doctor will come back in the middle of the night. At that time, you will give Jenny to the medicine doctor."

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