Hogwarts Reimagined: Rebel Rebel

Hogwarts Reimagined: Rebel Rebel

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Hogwarts Reimagined: Rebel Rebel

Review: 8.3/10 from 15 ratings

Fanfiction is the nearest genre for this but this is one of those cases where the distinction between derivative fiction and fanfiction is relevant - I'm by definition *not* a fan of Harry Potter and that's a little more obvious if you read my main work, and derivative fiction when you're not a fan of the source material is inherently very different to derivative fiction when you *are*.
This is a spinoff of that main work, and will contain spoilers if you read the Chamber of Secrets section so probably best to read this after that. It's based on a 'what if' premise, as I wrote a scene where a werewolf Rhiannon came close to accidentally turning Ginny. So what if that scene went differently and she *was* turned, what would Voldemort do if he possessed the body of a werewolf? Obviously as a result, this does contain a lot of horror and angst, and *intentionally* writing horror-adjacent media is pretty new to me so I apologise if it's clunky.
This work also serves as a different character perspective, and as such a lot of the feelings shown do still translate to what happens in the main work and so it may be worth a read if that appeals to you, part of that involves the development of a romantic relationship in the main work that doesn't really get any screen time to show *how* it developed because it doesn't involve the perspective character in the main work but it does here! Events are different, but many of the feelings are the same.
Previously this was exclusive to AO3 readers, but as it stands completed I figured I may as well make it available to anyone who only reads on here. Enjoy, be horrified etc - I can promise that it at least ends in a fluffy bittersweet way. Unless I get bored and add more chapters because I think things that happen in the main work's future might be fun to reinterpret in here, consider it finished, it was only meant to be a oneshot anyway.

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