Hold His Hand

Chapter 35: 35

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After the water boiled, Lu Yanzhou filled a thermos bottle, scooped out some for washing, and then added rice to the pot to cook.

The original owner had a complete set of things, including thermos bottles and toothbrushes, but they were all the same, so these days, he and Xie Chengze use the same toothbrush to brush their teeth.

Xie Chengze was lying on the bed before, so he didn’t know much about this matter. Today, he saw Lu Yanzhou brushing his teeth with the toothbrush he had brushed and his face turned red.

He also had a sense of reality, Lu Yanzhou really planned to live with him.

Xie Chengze sat behind the stove, looking at Lu Yanzhou who squatted by the door to brush his teeth. The morning sun shone on Lu Yanzhou, making Lu Yanzhou look very handsome. He won’t get tired of looking at him.

Then Lu Yanzhou turned his head and said to him: “The weather is good today, shall I take you outside to bask in the sun?”

Xie Chengze: “???” What did Lu Yanzhou say?

Most people in the village can’t speak mandarin, and they use dialects for daily communication. The dialects they speak here are quite different from mandarin…

Xie Chengze couldn’t understand Lu Yanzhou’s words, so there was an impulse in his heart — he must learn mandarin, he has to understand what Lu Yanzhou said!

At this time, Xie Chengze didn’t know that when he finally spoke mandarin fluently, Lu Yanzhou would start speaking English to him…

Lu Yanzhou keeps his word, he won’t use dialect at home from now on.

After all, one can learn from talking. Lu Yanzhou talked for a few days…Xie Chengze was able to understand the general idea, and also followed Lu Yanzhou to learn first grade knowledge.

In the previous world, Xie Chengze was not interested in studying, but in this world Xie Chengze is different. He learns things very fast and works hard, which makes Lu Yanzhou very pleased.

Lu Yanzhou read first grade books to him several times, and wrote each word several times for him to read, so he would be able to read and write by himself.

There was not enough pen and paper at home, so Lu Yanzhou made a sand table for him.

Xie Chengze sat on a bamboo chair, placed a stool in front of him, and put a sand table on it, and then he took a wooden stick and practiced writing on the sand table.

Everyone in the village lived close by, so when Xie Chengze was sitting at the door like this, someone would naturally come to take a look.

They didn’t think Xie Chengze was studying, they thought it was because Lu Yanzhou was afraid that Xie Chengze would be bored so he asked him to play with sand.

Xie Chengze who heard other people’s comments: “…” He didn’t play with sand!

Adults always learn things faster than children, especially when the adult is determined to learn.

By the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, in just half a month, Xie Chengze had already learned a lot of characters and even started to learn mathematics.

There was no need to go to work these days, but Lu Yanzhou was not idle. He flipped through all the newspapers he brought back, and then wrote a few papers.

It’s not easy to submit articles in this era, and the wording in newspapers is completely different from that of later generations. Fortunately, he used to be in the system, wrote official documents, and has experience in this field. Of course, he must be careful when writing, so as not to involve politics.

He didn’t like to write this kind of writing at the time, but now he has to write.

After the manuscript was written, Lu Yanzhou went to the town and sent it out, leaving Xie Chengze alone at home.

“Where’s my brother?” Lu Hongxing came in carrying something, and asked with a frown.

Xie Chengze, who was practicing writing on the sand table, said, “He’s gone to town. What’s the matter?”

“Mom and dad asked me to bring him something.” Lu Hongxing said angrily.

Lu Hongxing lived at home for half a month and just came back today.

This time when he went back to celebrate the New Year, Lu Yanzhou not only sent fish and meat to his family, but also didn’t want money from his parents. In the past half a month, his parents told him how sensible Lu Yanzhou was every day and asked him to learn from Lu Yanzhou.

His parents also prepared a lot of things for him to bring to Lu Yanzhou.

Even if he ignored that, his parents also didn’t give him money this time, saying that his brother didn’t ask for money to support Xie Chengze, and since he was alone, he shouldn’t ask his family for money.

Father Lu and mother Lu didn’t give the two of them money because they actually thought that Lu Yanzhou and Lu Hongxing were not little kids and would get married in a few years, so they planned to save some money.

But Lu Hongxing didn’t know, so he had another complaint about Lu Yanzhou.

“Brother Yanzhou should be back soon, do you want to wait for him?” Xie Chengze asked.

“No need, I’ll just leave the things here for him.” Lu Hongxing took out the things in the basket and put them aside, then gave Xie Chengze a sympathetic look before leaving.

Xie Chengze was a little confused — why did Lu Hongxing give him a sympathetic look?

Of course, Lu Hongxing sympathized with Xie Chengze for a reason.

He couldn’t figure out what was going on with Lu Yanzhou, so he went to his little childhood friend for advice. The two of them thought about it for a long time, and finally found a reason.

Lu Yanzhou did this mostly for the sake of having a good reputation!

Lu Yanzhou himself graduated from high school, and if he does some good deeds, he might be able to get a good job!

Lu Hongxing thought about it carefully, and felt that this was the case.

When he didn’t go to the countryside before, Lu Yanzhou didn’t know how to help people at all. He was usually studying, and then went around trying to find a job.

In fact, with Lu Yanzhou’s ability, he could find a job, but others won’t allow all the children to stay in the city, so with some means, they had to go to the countryside.

It was also after coming here that Lu Yanzhou did good deeds everywhere. Now everyone in the village is praising Lu Yanzhou. If there is any job opportunity in the future, they will definitely recommend Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is too treacherous!

After figuring this out, Lu Hongxing began to pity Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze regards his brother as a good person, but his brother only regards Xie Chengze as a tool!

When his brother finds a job, he will definitely use the excuse that he can no longer stay in the village to get rid of Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what his brother was thinking.

On the way back, he met a hunchbacked old man carrying a basket of things. Seeing that the other person couldn’t carry it, he helped him carry it and sent him home.

The old man went to the town to pick up rubbish. His basket contained the grass he cut in the town, and some small stones, rotten wood and so on.

Small stones can be used to build houses in the future, and rotten wood can also be used to light fires.

In the eyes of people in this day and age, almost nothing is really garbage.

After such a delay, Lu Yanzhou came home a bit late so he was in a hurry to cook when he saw the things Lu Hongxing sent.

There are noodles, rice cakes, dried bamboo shoots and seaweed, all of which can be eaten.

“There are noodles…” Xie Chengze swallowed when he saw the noodles.

Lu Yanzhou made him black fish noodles before, which were very delicious, but before that, he had never eaten noodles.

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He has no chance to eat things that can only be bought with money and food tickets.

“I’ll make noodles for you at noon today.” Lu Yanzhou smiled, then took out a small piece of sesame cake wrapped in newspaper and gave it to Xie Chengze: “This is the sesame cake I bought from town, you eat it first.”

They give gifts or something here. This kind of sesame bread called ‘big cake’ with red bean paste inside is very popular.

However, although the bread is only as big as a ping-pong racket, few people buy the whole bread, so stores usually cut it into eight slices and sell them one by one.

Lu Yanzhou bought a slice for Xie Chengze and asked him to taste it.

“You eat first.” Xie Chengze said without thinking.

“I don’t like sweets, you can eat them. Don’t be reluctant to eat them and end up spoiling them.” Lu Yanzhou stroked Xie Chengze’s hair.

He bought Xie Chengze a bag of yunpian cake at the beginning, although he kept urging Xie Chengze to eat it, but Xie Chengze was always reluctant to eat one piece a day, so in the end mold grew on it.

After he found out, he threw it away, which made Xie Chengze feel bad for several days.

Xie Chengze held the big cake in his hand and didn’t speak.

This food is delicious, how could anyone not like it. Lu Yanzhou just wanted to leave it for him to eat!

After taking a small bite, Xie Chengze began to practice writing with great energy.

He actually wants to learn something else, but Lu Yanzhou said that he can find a good job only after he learns to read…

Time flies.

By the summer, Xie Chengze had already learned all the literature and language and mathematics knowledge in elementary school.

At this time, there was not much knowledge in elementary school, but it was not easy to finish it in such a short time. Lu Yanzhou was very happy, so he went to the town early in the morning to buy meat, and prepared a pot of stewed meat as a celebration.

At the beginning of the year, Lu Yanzhou sent several manuscripts to the newspaper, and one was selected for publication at that time. Later, Lu Yanzhou wrote some more one after another, and a total of three articles were published.

The manuscript fee is not much, but he still has some money. Knowing the future situation, Lu Yanzhou doesn’t save money like others. Basically, he spends money when he has money…

Because of this, he and Xie Chengze lived a very good life.

He would give Xie Chengze an egg every day. After a while, he would buy some meat to eat, so he finally made Xie Chengze a bit meaty.

Xie Chengze, who stopped basking in the sun and doing farm work, has become much fairer and his skin has become finer. If doesn’t look at anything else and only his face he is now the most handsome guy in the village second only to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou said he wanted to stew a pot of meat, but in fact he only bought a catty of meat. If he put more soybeans in and stewed it, the pot would still be full.

Lu Yanzhou, who was returning home from work, was cooking while teaching Xie Chengze to recite the junior high school literature and language books. The two of them were reciting when someone came.

“Lu zhiqing!”

“Lu Zhiqing, thank you very much!”

It was a middle-aged couple who came, holding a seven or eight-year-old child in their hands. They thanked Lu Yanzhou repeatedly when they saw Lu Yanzhou.

Last night Lu Yanzhou went to fix the bones of old man Zhou who was injured in a fall in the next village. When he came back, he met a child who fell into the water and helped the child. It was the child’s parents who came to thank him.

In the past six months, Lu Yanzhou has been helping the people around him, accumulating merit, and even learning some medical skills from the barefoot doctor in the village under the pretext of being interested in medical skills.

At this period, there were very few doctors, and the barefoot doctors in the village were simply trained ones. After Lu Yanzhou ‘learned’ with him for a few days, he even dared to ask Lu Yanzhou to give injections to patients!

Because of the ‘importance’ of a barefoot doctor, Lu Yanzhou became a half-doctor in the village. Sometimes if the barefoot doctor had something to do, everyone would ask him to help take a look.

He can also straighten the bones, which makes him even more popular.

However, the only doctors that Lu Yanzhou can get in touch with at this stage are the barefoot doctors in the village. The doctors in the town hospital don’t care about him, so he can’t even meet the more knowledgeable doctors.

Lu Yanzhou has accumulated some merit by treating people’s headaches and fever.

But even if he has been helping people, yesterday was the first time he saved a life.

“You’re welcome, you should take good care of your children in the future.” Lu Yanzhou said.

It’s hot in summer, if the parents don’t look at them closely, the children can’t help but go down the river, which is prone to accidents.

“Yes, yes!” The parents thanked him again and again, then took some eggs and gave them to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t intend to accept it, but they ran away after putting it down. They ran so fast too.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Seeing this scene, Xie Chengze couldn’t help laughing, Lu Yanzhou reluctantly put away the eggs, and said to Xie Chengze, “I’ll make scrambled eggs for you tomorrow.”

“Mm.” Xie Chengze nodded with a smile.

At this time, the villagers who had dinner gathered at the gate of the village committee compound, chatting about Lu Yanzhou while enjoying the cool air.

“Lu Zhiqing is really a good person.”

“Yesterday, that kid from the Zhou family, if it wasn’t for him, he might have died!”

“I accidentally cut my leg while harvesting rice, and he sent me to the barefoot doctor.”

“The last time I was uncomfortable, it was he who took a look at me.”

“He also helped fix the roof on my house.”

The people in the village admire Lu Yanzhou!

Lu Yanzhou has done many good things, the most famous is he took care of Xie Chengze!

How many people in this world are willing to take care of a person who is not their relative whose lower half of his body is paralyzed?

Even if they take care of those people, they won’t take care of people so well!

Lu Zhiqing is a great kind person.

While everyone was talking, the village head came from a distance with a happy expression on his face.

“Village chief!” The villagers greeted one after another.

“You’re all enjoying the shade!” the village chief laughed.

“Village chief, is there a happy event?” Someone asked immediately when he saw the village chief like this.

The village chief didn’t hide anything: “It’s a happy event! I went to town today, and I was told that someone will come to interview Lu zhiqing tomorrow!”

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