Hold His Hand

Chapter 49: 49

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Xie Chengze joined the operation to arrest Zhaojun in order to understand the situation as soon as possible.

Anyway, he didn’t have a liaison person recently, so he didn’t need to provide information, therefore he didn’t have to worry about revealing his secrets. He just has to work with the Secret Service to investigate ‘Zhaojun’.

Maybe it can lead people from the Secret Service to suspect others.

Xie Chengze planned well, but he never expected that after investigating Zhaojun for a few days, Zhaojun had provided another important piece of information to DaQi just a few days ago…

Yan’s long-planned encirclement and suppression operation against the Self-Defense Regiment suddenly failed. They were even ambushed by the Self-Defense Regiment in turn, causing heavy casualties.

And according to the news sent back by the spies they placed at the top of the DaQi, their battle plan was sent to the DaQi after Zhaojun got it.

In addition, Zhaojun also stole another important piece of information, which can be said to have alarmed all the senior officials in DaQi, but the specifics are not clear.

There are many insiders in Yan Country that know about the information that Zhaojun stole before, but this time is different!

Few people know about this battle plan!

Zhaojun can even steal such information…Is he a high-ranking general or a combat staff officer?

For a period of time, Yan Country hated this Zhaojun to death and made up their mind to catch this Zhaojun!

Bureau Chief Li and Xie Chengze were found together by their boss, telling them to catch Zhaojun as soon as possible.

Xie Chengze discussed this matter with the officer in fluent Yan’s language, which made Bureau Chief Li beside him a little confused.

Both the Secret Service and the Inspection Office are attached to Yan’s Intelligence Bureau, but Bureau Chief Li has never been here with Xie Chengze before.

It was the first time he knew that Xie Chengze spoke Yan’s language so well, as if…he was from Yan Country.

Wait, this Xie Chengze, wouldn’t really be from Yan country, right?

Compared to him, those Yan people trust Xie Chengze more, is this the reason?

But…Didn’t it say that Xie Chengze, like him, also betrayed DaQi, and he was even the son of an official from DaQi?

Bureau Chief Li had a lot of thoughts, but when he saw Xie Chengze talking familiarly with other people from the Intelligence Bureau, he started scolding Zhaojun too.

Those Yan people have always looked down on him, but they are so friendly to Xie Chengze, an ugly monster…Xie Chengze must have a background!

Bureau Chief Li had been very dissatisfied with Xie Chengze before, and wanted to pull Xie Chengze down, so it would be better to control the inspection office. However, now he feels that he must have a good relationship with Xie Chengze, so as not to offend Yan’s people.

Xie Chengze did this on purpose, just to prevent Bureau Chief Li from suspecting him.

As for why he has such a good relationship with those people from Yan country…Those people from Yan country thought that he was also from Yan country.

But in fact he is not.

His nominal father, an official from DaQi Dynasty surnamed Xie, was a spy who had been placed in DaQi by the Yan people very early on.

The people of Yan State began to covet DaQi many years ago. They had arranged for many people to come to DaQi. Some surveyed the terrain in various places in DaQi, while some lived like ordinary people in DaQi, looking for opportunities to get information.

The map drawn by the former is more perfect than the map drawn by the DaQi’s people themselves. As for the latter…There are many Yan people who came to DaQi at the beginning, now they had become DaQi officials.

Xie Chengze’s father was one of Yan’s spies who came to DaQi.

He replaced a child from one of DaQi officials and grew up in DaQi, then married a wife and had children in the DaQi Country. He even took the imperial examination to become an official in DaQi.

This man looked down on his Han wife. He was polite outside, but he beat and scolded his wife as soon as he got home. He vented all his negative emotions on her, even when his wife was pregnant, he never stopped.

Later, while he was away, his wife gave birth prematurely to a stillborn baby.

This woman was afraid that her husband would blame her, so she picked up another child, who was abandoned because of his ugly face, and simply took him home and raised him as her own child.

That day, when the spy returned home and saw that his wife had given birth to such an ugly child, he, who already didn’t like his wife very much, disliked the child even more.

Because of this, Xie Chengze had a bad life since childhood. At that time, all he wanted was to take his mother away from his father.

When Xie Chengze was eight years old, Yan Country arranged a special liaison for his father. His father, who had been lurking in DaQi for many years, officially became Yan’s spy and began to provide information for Yan Country.

His father was very excited because his value of life was realized. His attitude towards him was also much better, he was determined to train him to be a qualified spy for Yan country.

This man instilled the thought of being loyal to Yan Country into Xie Chengze, forced Xie Chengze to learn Yan’s language, and taught Xie Chengze various fighting skills…

Xie Chengze is very smart, so he learns everything very well, which gives this person a great sense of accomplishment. His demands on Xie Chengze were getting higher and higher, and as long as Xie Chengze failed to meet the standards, he would be punished with flogging.

Xie Chengze didn’t know his identity at first. He hated this person and also hated this person’s blood that was flowing in his body.

In the end, it was Xie Chengze’s mother who couldn’t stand it anymore.

From the beginning to the end, this woman didn’t know that her husband was from Yan country. She just couldn’t stand to see Xie Chengze being beaten all the time, and she couldn’t stand such a life, so she plan to sell her jewelry and run away with Xie Chengze.

In order to let Xie Chengze leave without any pressure, she also told Xie Chengze about his birth.

Although Xie Chengze was extremely excited, he hid his little thoughts very well after receiving years of teaching from his adoptive father, so he did not reveal anything unusual.

However, he hid it well, but his adoptive mother showed her feet. His adoptive father saw that something was wrong, then his adoptive father killed his adoptive mother.

That year, Xie Chengze was sixteen years old.

His adoptive mother did not tell his adoptive father that he was not his adoptive father’s child, so his adoptive father instilled in him some ideas such as that his adoptive mother was a Han and was inferior to them, and then began to train him again.

Xie Chengze gave up on running away, but he contacted Hei She, who was not that powerful at the time, and told Hei She about his adoptive father and his life experience.

Afterwards, Jinyiwei arrested his adoptive father, and he acted out a scene with Hei She, fleeing to Chongcheng, then entered Yan’s Intelligence Department.

In the outsiders’ view, he is a Han, but Yan people think that he is their own people. It’s because of this that he has secured the position section chief in the Inspection Department and got a chance to give out a lot of information to DaQi.

His initial contact person was not Hei She, but one of Hei She’s students.

More than half a year ago, Chongcheng Command Station was taken over by the Secret Service, so his liaison officer was also targeted. In order to avoid revealing his identity, he could only kill his liaison officer.

The people from the Secret Service had followed his liaison officer for several days, trying to catch a big fish, but suddenly died…The Secret Service couldn’t help being annoyed, but there was nothing they could do about him.

He killed his own people, but he didn’t regret it. These spies were instill to commit suicide when they couldn’t escape and were about to be caught. Because if he was really caught, he would most likely confess, and if he didn’t confess…there was only death waiting for them, and he also had to suffer all kinds of torture before death too.

Something happened to his liaison officer, so more than half a year ago, Hei She came over to preside over the work in person.

He was in the Inspection Department, so he could get a lot of information. For example, before when Chongcheng Command Station wanted to assassinate some people, he provided them those people addresses.

In addition, because he amassed a lot of money and established relationships with many Yan people through money, he could also get some information from them.

In addition, there is the Secret Service Bureau. He has always let his subordinates keep an eye on the Secret Service Bureau, and even placed people in the Secret Service Bureau in the name of the Inspection Office. Naturally, he also knows some things about the Secret Service Bureau.

Xie Chengze is confident that the information he provided before the past six months is more valuable than the information provided by the other hundreds of people in the Chongcheng Command Station combined.

But…why now that Hei She is dead and he has no liaison officer, how did DaQi still receive information from ‘Zhaojun’?

What they received was also information that he had no access to at all with his current status!

Before, he was worried that his identity would be exposed, but now…In this short period of time, no one will definitely suspect him.

The leader of the Yan’s Intelligence Bureau scolded Secret Service’s Bureau Chief Li for not catching Zhaojun. In the end, it was Xie Chengze who helped to speak that Bureau Chief Li had a chance to atone for his sin.

Because of this, Bureau Chief Li specially invited Xie Chengze to dinner to make friends with Xie Chengze.

Of course, Xie Chengze doesn’t mind having more friends. Someone like Bureau Chief Li, sometimes a casual sentence can be a piece of information.

While Xie Chengze was building a relationship with Bureau Chief Li, Lu Yanzhou sneaked into that clinic again at night.

It’s just that the one who opened the door for him this time was not the doctor he saw last time, but Zhou Duzhong who he wanted to see in the beginning.

Zhou Duzhong looked about 27 or 28 years old, ten years older than Lu Yanzhou. He looked a little thin too.

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As soon as he saw Lu Yanzhou, he bent down and saluted: “Sir Shancha, we can’t repay you for your great kindness!” The information provided by this Shancha in front of him saved tens of thousands of their people from deaths!

The most important thing is… the medicine preparation method provided by Sir Shancha. After they found someone to try it, they found that it was really useful!

Although it was not yet ready for mass production, they have overcome so many difficulties before, so they will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty too!

“You don’t have to do this.” Lu Yanzhou said.


“I have some information here, do you want to hear it?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Zhou Duzhong stands upright, waiting for Lu Yanzhou to speak.

Lu Yanzhou has the original owner’s memory, therefore he knows what will happen recently, so he will describe it one by one.

This information is not necessarily useful to the Self-Defense Regiment, but it is helpful for the Self-Defense Regiment to understand Yan Country’s situation.

Lu Yanzhou also talked about the international situation: “Xi Country is at war with other countries, so their troops have been transferred back, therefore they won’t control this side. This is why Xie Chengze went to Xi’s territory to kill people. There is no one in Xi’s occupied area, that’s why there is not much reaction in Xi’s occupied area. Sooner or later, the safe Xi’s occupied area will no longer be safe.”

Zhou Duzhong held his brush as if it’s flying, writing it down one by one.

After Lu Yanzhou finished all he could say, he asked, “Do you…do you want weapon design drawings?”

Zhou Duzhong: “!!!” How could he not!

Seeing Zhou Duzhong’s shocked expression, Lu Yanzhou lowered the brim of his hat and smiled lightly.

In the first small world, he concentrated on studying medicine, but in the second small world, he also studied other things besides medicine.

There was a period where Xie Chengze was transferred to study new weapons because he was good at computers, so he also began to learn the related content.

He is inferior to Xie Chengze in terms of innovation, but he also has advantages — he has a photographic memory.

So now his mind is full of weapon blueprint, the only problem is…the current level of the domestic technology. Even if there are blueprints, it’s impossible to produce such weapons.

Lu Yanzhou handed a thick document bag to Zhou Duzhong.

There are steel making methods, blueprint of many weapons, and some ammunition deployment methods, all of which are very practical, and some are very advanced.

It takes time to draw this thing, so he basically spends his days and nights drawing this.

This is what he drew specially for the Self-Defense Regiment, and it’s also very suitable for the Self-Defense Regiment. As for DaQi’s side, he intends to give out Yan Country’s various weapon designs during this period.

It’s not that he treats them differently, it’s mainly because there are some things that he can’t explain to DaQi’s Imperial Court.

Moreover, Yan Country planted many spies in DqQi. He was also afraid that what he gave would eventually fall into those Yan people’ hands, which would instead increase their combat effectiveness.

“Zhaojun and I bought these things from Xi Country at a great price. You must keep them well. You should destroy the blueprints rather than let them fall into those Yan’s people.”

“We will!” Zhou Duzhong nodded seriously.

Lu Yanzhou continued: “I’ll give you a way to contact me. As for your side…If there is urgent information, how can I give it to you?”

Lu Yanzhou has made some arrangements these days, like arranging a way for Zhou Duzhong to contact him.

This kind of contact method should also be available on Zhou Duzhong’s side.

After exchanging contact information, Lu Yanzhou quietly left the clinic.

Zhou Duzhong was very excited. Like the previous doctor, he didn’t sleep all night.

It was also a coincidence that early the next morning, the travel-worn doctor knocked on the door of the clinic.

After sending the preparation methods of the medicine to the rear, the doctor stayed there for a few days. He first verified the preparation methods, then returned to Chongcheng without resting.

There’s many things to do in Chongcheng.

The doctor is so busy these days that he doesn’t have time to take a bath. When he entered the clinic, he immediately wanted to take a bath, but Zhou Duzhong stopped him: “Instructor, Shancha came last night!”

The doctor immediately forgot about bathing and asked eagerly, “What did he say this time?”

Zhou Duzhong answered: “He told me a lot of information, the most important thing is…he gave me some weapon blueprint!”

“Weapon blueprint?” The doctor turned pale with shock.

“That’s right, he said that he and Zhaojun bought it from Xi’s people. It’s guaranteed to be practical.”

“Show me.” Said the doctor.

The two of them looked at those weapon blueprint together. After looking through them, the doctor grabbed a handful of his hair that was infested with lice and fleas on the train, and said directly: “I want to go back immediately, I will leave today!”

Forget whatever washing or something, he is in a hurry to go back!

For such an important thing, he must send it back to the rear as soon as possible!

The doctor came and went.

Seeing him leave again, Zhou Duzhong sighed. He didn’t study medicine, so now the clinic can’t be open!

Still, it’s a good thing!

Shancha and Zhaojun are really good people!

Lu Yanzhou had a good rest some time ago, so staying up late occasionally did not affect his physical condition the next day.

He asked Hu Zi to change his clothes, then sent another weapon blueprint from Yan Country to Chongcheng Command Station, pretending that Zhaojun had stolen it.

He did not contact Xie Chengze, but he has been providing constant information to Chongcheng Command Station.

Like this, it’s guaranteed that no one would be able to guess Zhaojun’s real identity.

One of Chongcheng Command Station strongholds, the pig slaughtering farm.

Looking at the newly sent information, Zhu Haifeng gasped.

In the previous six months, although Zhaojun was very powerful, he never provided so much valuable information in less than a month!

Right now, the value of the information provided by Zhaojun alone almost exceeds the value of the information obtained by DaQi’s entire Intelligence Station!

Yan Country’s weapon blueprint, including tanks…This is something that they can’t even get by spending countless manpower and material resources!

Who is Zhaojun? Could it be that he has become someone with a very high rank in Yan country?

Also, since he provides such precious information, will something occur?

Zhaojun is so important, Zhu Haifeng feels that even if the command station in Chongcheng is destroyed again, even if they all have to die, Zhaojun must be alive!

The people at the Chongcheng Command Station acted immediately. They also arranged for people to send the information back.

In fact, it’s very difficult to send important information such as stolen weapon blueprint because the party that has their blueprint stolen will notice that something is wrong, and then arrange people to track it down.

But this time the design was drawn by Lu Yanzhou out of thin air, so Yan Country didn’t notice anything, so naturally it was impossible for them to send someone to intercept it.

Both pieces of information were sent out smoothly.

But at this time, Lu Yanzhou’s classmates approached him and encouraged him to join the association and do something for those Han people living in difficulties in Chongcheng.

After Lu Yanzhou transmigrated, he has been doing good deeds to accumulate merit for Xie Chengze.

Now there is this sassociation that was established to help poor people, he gladly joined.

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