Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 30: CH 24.2

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Chapter 24 (2): Am I too late?

The incident happened when Xie Jisheng invited Rong Jing to go out but ended up going to the police station after being accused of harassing an Omega. It was also said that the harassed Omega was actually Xie Jisheng’s lover. The Omega said that Rong Jing took him inside a toilet, told him to take off his clothes so he could forcibly mark them. However, he was stopped halfway. There were several blurry photos that were taken that served as evidence. However, it was so blurry that it could not really determine if the person in the photos was really Rong Jing.

Rong Jing, at that time, was at a loss for words, insisting that he became delirious at the time, swearing that he would never in his life touch his brother’s lover.

The police conducted a lie detection test on Rong Jing. In a series of more tests, it was proven that Rong Jing was still an Alpha who had yet to mark anyone. Since he was a virgin, had no criminal record, and had clearly denied the accusations, the police decided to provisionally believe that Rong Jing had no motive to commit the crime but would take things seriously next time the same thing happens.

However, since the victim was an Omega, Rong Jing was given a 15-day detention as a disciplinary measure.


This disciplinary action was a big blow to Rong Jing. He didn’t know why he had to be punished when he didn’t even do anything wrong. It seemed that no one in the Xie family believed him.

During those 15 days in detention, Rong Jing became dispirited and weary, and fell into a depression.

The matter soon temporarily came to an end after both parties arrived at a mutual understanding. However, Xie Jisheng was not convinced, thinking that everyone was being partial to Rong Jing or that Xie Ling had tampered with the evidence to let Rong Jing get away with just a simple punishment.

Flmwyz byaayppxldv nyd sdzu cl qkzle sdnl y pwprlnv ekalnvzu yvvynjp y hknvkx. Rv oswze cl kxrsppkczl vs qkzl y nypl okvbswv pwcpvydvkyz lhkeldnl. Mbl rszknl byhl vyjld kv plakswpzu clnywpl vbl hknvkx oyp yd Xxlty.

Ebld Ssdt Kkdt nyxl cynj vbld, vbl qkapv vbkdt bl pyke vs Dkl Nkdt oyp, [Mbyv xyvvla eked’v alyzzu lde. Gald’v usw yqayke vbyv R oswze es psxlvbkdt osapl?]

Fkdnl Dkl Nkdt jlrv vbl xyvvla y plnalv qasx vbl rwczkn, dsv xydu rlsrzl jdlo ycswv kv. Fs obld Ssdt Kkdt oldv vs vbl cydiwlv, dsdl sq vbl twlpvp bye y ekqqlaldv yvvkvwel vsoyaep Ssdt Kkdt.

Gqvla yzz, Dkl Nkdt yde Dkl Hbydbsdt bye vs xyjl vbkdtp wdela nsdvasz. Mblu jdlo Ssdt Kkdt bye zsdt ldewale vbl cye valyvxldv sq Dkl Kkpbldt shla vbl rypv ulyap. Rd vbkp kdnkeldv, vblu olal ynvwyzzu ckyple vsoyaep Ssdt Kkdt. Tsolhla, sd vbl pwaqynl, vblu bye vs pbso vbyv vblu olal qyhsakdt ds sdl.

Mbl saktkdyz sodla sq vbl cseu eke dsv jdso yde oyp wdyoyal sq vbl xlydkdt clbkde vbkp ynvksd sq bkp qyxkzu yde zlqv vbl bswpl okvbswv y osae yqvla qllzkdt oasdtle yde ydtau. Tl oydvle vs nsxrzlvlzu plhla alzyvksdp okvb vbl Dkl qyxkzu.

Gzvbswtb Dkl Hbydbsdt oyp y flaj, bl esvle sd vbl tsatlswp-zssjkdt Tyd Nkydxlk. Tl eked’v ekpzkjl bla psd, Ssdt Kkdt, obspl qynl ryavknwzyazu qkvp bkp ylpvblvkn.

Rd saela vs qsanl Ssdt Kkdt vs nsxl cynj bsxl, bl qasgl yzz sq bkp nyaep, obknb zyvla zle vs y plaklp sq lhldvp.

“R jdso usw’al yzz fwpv vaukdt vs ynv zkjl usw’al sd xu pkel, vaukdt vs yrrlypl xl, cwv kd qynv usw vawpv bkx xsal! Mbyv q*njkdt yppbszl, Ssdt Kkdt, sq nswapl, eslpd’v jdso pbkv, cwv R’x ds qssz! Yu ryavdla oyp xszlpvle! Gde lynb sdl sq usw obs pkele okvb bkx kp blzrkdt y xszlpvla! Zsw’al yzz ekptwpvkdt! Mbkp qyxkzu xyjlp xl pknj!” Dkl Kkpbldt oyp ps ydtau vbyv bkp pnldv zlyjle swv. Dkl Nkdt pvyale yv bkx pkzldvzu, qllzkdt vbl czsse zwpv sq yd Gzrby.

His expression turned cold, “‘This family’? What do you mean by that? Aren’t you also a Xie? Say that again, and dare not to call me your brother!”


No one had noticed the hurt in Xie Ling’s eyes.

The people around them felt scared by the killing aura the two Alphas were exuding. It really shocked the mind and body of the people present, and they all felt scared to the bone.

Seeing the two having a dispute because of their little brother, they came forward to persuade them to make peace, pulling them away from each other to stop the altercation from becoming worse. 

The crowd surrounded the two and sent them to a room full of all the modern technological devices in a building that was situated at the top of a mountain. It was temporarily built using a lot of high-tech equipment, in order for them to have a place to rest when they came here to have fun. There were also a lot of games inside.

Xie Ling’s expression was stern. Xie Jisheng did not speak a word. The atmosphere between the two was cold.

One of the persons who persuaded them brought a bottle of sparkling wine from the freezer.

Xie Jisheng had also seemed to realize that he had said too much earlier. He took the wine, opened it, took two glasses that were also placed on the table beside the wine, and poured one for himself then for Xie Ling.

Xie Jisheng hesitated to hand over the glass of wine to Xie Ling. However, in the end, he remembered the anger in his heart, and handed it over.

Some things had just been long planned and thought over.

Perhaps it was when Xie Ling was chosen as the heir of Xie when the seeds of hatred started to fester in his heart.

He simply needed to make up his mind, to grab opportunities that would benefit him. An opportunity that would give him power.

Xie Jisheng apologized in a very sincere tone and bowed his head to prevent Xie Ling from seeing the current expression on his face, “I was wrong. I didn’t mean to say all of those things. Forgive me, please, brother.”


Xie Ling was still angry, he could feel his heart hurting. He didn’t know when things started to go wrong. He has always treated the two of his brothers equally.

Even when the cause of his mother’s death was because of this brother’s mother, he didn’t turn his anger towards him for he always knew that the child was innocent. The children should not be blamed for their parents’ mistakes.

Compared to Rong Jing, who was simply trying his best to avoid him, many of Xie Jisheng’s words and actions had really hurt him a lot.

However, as he looked at the glass of wine that he handed over, Xie Ling felt relieved, thinking that there was no disagreement between them that couldn’t be fixed overnight. Xie Ling took the glass of wine and did not notice Xie Jisheng staring hard, even his legs trembled slightly. 

This was Xie Jisheng’s first time to do such a thing. This person in front of him was once his beloved eldest brother, so he felt guilty and a bit afraid.

However, there was no turning back now.

Xie Ling looked at the sparkling wine and asked, “What flavor is this?”

Xie Jisheng answered, “Cherry.” It was Xie Ling’s favorite.

Xie Ling nodded. Oh, so it contains sugar.

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Because he drank too much at the banquet, his little brother asked someone to make him soup to sober him up. The two chatted in passing, and the little brother learned that his blood sugar was a bit high recently. The little brother told him that he was forbidden from anything sweet without medical advice.

Although Xie Ling didn’t take Rong Jing’s words seriously, it was the first time that Rong Jing showed that he cared about him. He had to give him face, otherwise it was just outright disrespectful.

Or I could just ask the family doctor. No need to remember that little brother’s nagging. Sigh… It is indeed annoying to have a little brother, Xie Ling thought as his mood began to change for the better.


He looked for his phone and realized that he didn’t have it with him at all.

Come to think of it. I think I parked in such a hurry that I forgot to bring it with me.

Xie Ling told the other person that he would come back to drink after making a call. Xie Jisheng turned pale, thinking that he couldn’t go back with his decision now that he has done it. He calmly said, “You can have a sip before you leave.”

Xie Ling explained, “My blood sugar’s a bit too high these days. I should ask my doctor first.”

Xie Jisheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Xie Ling’s face, making sure that he hadn’t noticed anything yet. He smiled and said, “Okay, then I’ll get you one that’s sugar-free. Again, I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. We’ll always be a family in my heart.”

The word ‘family’ touched Xie Ling.

Xie Ling was well-aware of his family situation. He didn’t look much for love. Seeing Xie Zhanhong’s history of marriage and never-ending line of lovers stopped him from seeking marriage. However, his family was the one thing that he had always wanted to be with. This family would always be where his heart would be.

Xie Ling soon reached his car, and sure enough, found his phone that had been vibrating on the driver’s seat.

There was an incoming call, and the name of the caller was: Little brother.

However, he somehow loses his balance and drops the phone in the gaps of the driver’s seat. Xie Ling looked at his hand and was puzzled. Still, he tried to reach for the phone.

Just then, a car nearly rear-ended his car as it turned a corner. The driver got out of their car and apologized to him again and again. It took Xie Ling a while to get his phone. When he finally got it, it showed that the battery only had 1 percent left. He remembered having it at 90% before he left the office.

Xie Ling looked for his charger, started the car then charged his phone. Then, his brother’s call came again, and Xie Ling finally managed to answer.


“Have you been calling me?” Xie Ling asked. He couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from turning up, as he asked this question. Who the hell now dares to say this little brother hates me, huh?

“Don’t drink⸺” anything, and come back now!

Rong Jing didn’t even say a greeting and almost stuttered to speak. He didn’t dare to delay or ask anything and just straight up told him what he wanted to say. He was afraid of another unexpected event because he and his brother were an existence that was destined to cease away in this story. There was no reason for the novel to keep them alive.

Also, if Xie Ling was still alive, Xie Jisheng, an important character, would not be able to sit on the throne of the Xie family at all. If his character setting changes, the novel would gain plot holes, deviating the story from its original course.

Which is actually a tragic one.

However, the call was cut off before he could even say more. Rong Jing tried to call again and again but all he could hear was the all-familiar voice of the female operator. Rong Jing suddenly loses his strength, and falls towards his bed.

He tried to pick himself up.

Am I too late?

Rong Jing clutched his throbbing head, anger rising in his chest. He was aware of the possibility of his big brother dying yet he was helpless and could not do anything. He lost control of himself, his sorrow accumulating. He looked at the hazy moonlit sky, opened the window and roared angrily, “Aaaaah⸺!!!”

Gu Xi, who had just fallen into his sleeping mode, almost jumped out of his bed in shock. He took his pillows to cover his ears.

Where the heck did that madman come from! At least let people sleep!

Xie Ling felt a bit baffled seeing the call get cut off halfway, and realized that he lost signal. He didn’t think much of it and put back his phone in his pocket. He couldn’t call his family doctor now so he probably should go back up now.

Well, I’m basically on the top of a mountain so losing signal is normal.

By the time he arrived, Xie Jisheng had already prepared a new wine, one that is sugar-free. Xie Jisheng guzzled down one glass of wine. Xie Ling was just about to do the same thing as well when he stopped and suddenly thought of what his little brother told him: Don’t drink.

Why did he tell me to not drink? Don’t drink what? Does he know something? Is he reminding me?

Xie Ling glanced at the wine glass and tightened his fingers around it slowly. A bad conjecture suddenly formed in his heart but he didn’t want to believe it. Fortunately, years of experience let him calm down quickly.

He glanced at Xie Jisheng and felt the other party’s tension.

Since the age of eighteen, Xie Ling has followed his grandfather Xie to various social gatherings and due to that, he became a very experienced actor.

He pretended to take a sip then said, “The doctor told me that my stomach’s been acting up these days. I can only take a sip.”

Xie Jisheng clenched his fists secretly. Well, I guess, one sip would be enough.

He told himself that he shouldn’t feel guilty. He no longer had the right to feel guilty. 

Xie Jisheng also wanted to talk more. However, the sound from a police car was heard from a distance.

When Xie Ling saw the change of Xie Jisheng’s expression, he became even more frightened in his heart. If he was only guilty of drag racing, his face wouldn’t turn this pale. He wouldn’t look this scared.

Taking advantage of the panic among the people around, Xie Ling dipped his finger in the wine and hid his finger behind him.

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