Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 36: CH 27.2

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Chapter 27 (2): Can’t you focus only on me?

As soon as Rong Jing arrived at the audition venue, his nose was immediately attacked by the scent of roses, much stronger than the scent from the Omega the other night. When he entered inside, he saw thousands of roses around. There weren’t many people who were gawking at the roses like him and some staff were already dealing with these flowers, moving them outside.

The roses were planted in pots. Someone asked the staff why they were moving the flowers outside. They answered that it was Gu Xi who requested them to do so. 

Other pots were placed outside while the remaining ones were given to those actors and actresses who had finished their audition.

Gu Xi told them that instead of letting the flowers occupy public space, it’s better to put them in a more meaningful place. Even though the people around were jealous of Gu Xi for receiving these many flowers, they couldn’t feel bad after hearing such a nice reply.

Gu Xi’s EQ was not low but the plot of the novel turned him into a sinful man. He had received so many harassments and attacks from other people, not only because of his pheromones.

Rong Jing attracted some attention for a while when he arrived because of his tall stature and alluring aura. When someone caught sight of him, that person shouted, “We’re here!”

Rong Jing looked over and found that it was one of his classmates. Almost all of his classmates attended the seminar that Gu Xi attended, so it was to be expected that they would audition as well.

Yspv sq vbl pvweldvp kd bkp nzypp olal bweezle vstlvbla, qllzkdt y ckv lxcyaaypple vs pll Ssdt Kkdt yde eked’v lhld jdso bso vs tallv bkx. Usxryale okvb vbl ekqqlakdt srkdksdp kd vblka wdkhlapkvu qsawx, xspv sq vblx jdlo vbyv vbl dlop ycswv Ssdt Kkdt clkdt aknb oyp vawl yp vblu pyo vbl lhkeldnl qkapvbyde.

Ebld Ssdt Kkdt oyzjle shla, Kk Nlrkdt pyo vbyv bl oyp tskdt vs tallv yd Gzrby nzyppxyvl yde kxxlekyvlzu alxlxclale bkp xkppksd. Tl zktbvzu rwpble vbl Gzrby swv sq vbl oyu yde pyv dlmv vs Ssdt Kkdt.

“Nlrkdt, vbl blnj yal usw…?” Fsxl pvweldvp vbswtbv bl oydvle vs bsze Ssdt Kkdt’p vbktbp1.

“Zsw esd’v wdelapvyde,” Kk Nlrkdt oyp kdelle bszekdt psxlsdl’p vbktb, dsv Ssdt Kkdt’p vbswtb, cwv psxlsdl okvb y ckttla yde pvasdtla vbktb.

Mbl dskpu yvxsprblal vwadle iwklv yqvla Ssdt Kkdt nyxl. Xdl sq vbl tkazp casjl vbl pkzldnl yde ypjle, “Ssdt Kkdt, R esd’v xlyd vs pswde awel cwv obu yal usw ralvldekdt vs cl rssa? Kwpv nwakswp.”&dcpr;

Mblu olal yzz nwakswp obu bl ynvle ps tldwkdlzu zkjl y casjl xyd qsa qswa ulyap. Mbyv’p qswa ulyap, 1460 eyup yde dktbvp. Ebknb rlapsd yxsdt vblx byp dsv blyae vbl pvsau sq Ssdt Kkdt lyvkdt sdzu obkvl aknl vs pyhl xsdlu? Fsxlvkxlp, rasqlppsap lhld wpl bkx yp yd lmyxrzl vs xsvkhyvl rlsrzl vs pvakhl qsa kxrashlxldv.

Rv vwadp swv vbyv vblal alyzzu olal aknb psdp kd vbl osaze obs oswze ts swv kdvs vbl alyz osaze vs lmrlakldnl vbl qllzkdtp sq vbl rssa.

Ssdt Kkdt vbswtbv sq y zsv sq alypsdp vs tkhl vblx. Mbl alyz alypsd oyp vbyv vbl saktkdyz sodla plhlale bkp vklp okvb vbl Dkl qyxkzu yde eked’v nsdvynv vblx qsa ulyap. Jwv vblpl nzyppxyvlp olal xlalzu yniwykdvle okvb vbl saktkdyz sodla ps vblal oyp ds alypsd qsa bkx vs pbyal vbl alyz alypsd. Gzps, kq bl pbyalp vbyv vs vblx, Dkl Nkdt oswze elqkdkvlzu cl vbl qkapv vs pnsze bkx.

The other reasons he had thought of were not good, so Rong Jing could only choose one randomly, “To experience the hardships of life.”

This bullshit of a reason was unexpectedly accepted by the people around. The other students who heard their conversation cut in and said, “Rong Jing, if you don’t like Class B, come to our Class A. We have a lot of Omegas. We’re all friendly here, we won’t ignore you.”

When the people in Class B heard those words, someone immediately answered, “What we do with Rong Jing is our business, you outsiders do not need to interfere.”

“Well that’s funny. Do you see some kind of Class B marking on Rong Jing’s forehead? Do you think he cares about you now, dumbasses?!”

Everyone in Class B stopped talking and looked at Rong Jing, but Rong Jing did not say anything to ease the atmosphere. However, it seemed like a silent answer to the question that had been asked.

The other student stared at the awkward faces of the students of Class B. The atmosphere turned awkward once more and no one spoke again.

The three classes in the acting department have long been at odds with each other. Because of the original owner, the students in Class B have always been ridiculed by the other two classes over the years. The original owner very much wanted to integrate into the family of Class B since it was a group of people with a very good relationship with each other. Such a good relationship would be impossible to have if they only wanted to benefit from each other.

The original owner envied their relationship but he knew that he would always be excluded. It was because of the incident that happened because of him. The three years of cold treatment from them was the result. No one could be blamed for this matter.

Rong Jing found from the original owner’s memory that he did not blame his classmates for acting this way. He knew his own problems very well and wanted to change for the better but his personality decided his fate. Many things could not be changed just because he wanted to.

Rong Jing could feel how his body relaxed a little when he and his brother reconciled. When he saved Xie Ling from almost dying, he felt that feeling again. It seemed almost like an illusion but he can actually feel the spirit being relieved.

Rong Jing sighed silently. Was it the original owner who pulled his soul to this body before he died? What was the point of letting someone else solve these problems? Wouldn’t it be good to solve it himself?

Back in his original world, he had a very good career, and a family that loved him. He was even about to go on a blind date.

Nevermind. This is all just speculation without any basis. Since I can’t find a way to go back, I can only move forward.

The particularly cold atmosphere in this corner was suddenly interrupted by the voice of a staff member calling a number. It was now the turn for the newcomers.

Rong Jing looked around and saw a few familiar faces. Some B or C-list stars were there. He even saw Xun Jiarui who had spoken with Gu Xi before but he left immediately.

Seeing Xun Jiarui’s complacency when he left, Rong Jing wondered if the role had already been decided? This kind of thing was very common. They would make the audition a big thing just for publicity even though they already knew the person they were going to cast.

One of the students beside them stood up. The others around gave encouraging words. However, only a few minutes after entering, the student came out wiping their tears.

“Don’t cry. Don’t bother now if they said no. Director Liu was supposed to be strict in picking people.”

“We have so many opportunities ahead of us. We’ve only just graduated. We should focus on gaining experience.”

The classmate was a female Omega. Once again, she burst into tears.

“No, no, it’s because Gu Xi’s such an angel. I didn’t realize that he would actually be there, so I got so nervous and didn’t perform well. He was so gentle and kind, he even acted with me. He comforted me and told me not to be nervous,” she wiped away her own tears, and was already out of breath from crying. Then she raised her head, her eyes full of stars, “He’s not human. He must not be human. He is an angel. No mortal being would look like that, he’s definitely an angel! Woooooo, why am I an Omega! I won’t be able to marry him! No, noooo, I want to marry him! I’m willing to give birth to a bunch of little monkeys for him!”

People around: ….

Forget that dream, girl, thoughts about an Omega-Omega love are futile. 

Turns out, she didn’t perform badly. She just saw an angel here on the ground.

After waiting for his classmates’ turn, soon Rong Jing’s turn came. Ji Leping patted his shoulder and said, “Good luck.”

Rong Jing nodded. His classmates from class B didn’t leave right away and looked at him in silence. Rong Jing nodded slightly at them, his face blank.

“Does he hate us?”

“Wouldn’t it be weird if he doesn’t?”

“Yeah. It makes sense. He’s endured all of that because he’s cultured. If I were him, I would have probably pushed us away already.”

“You guys are treating him now like a rich young master…”

“Honestly, when I found out his identity, I became afraid of his retaliation. But soon I thought, if he really wanted to retaliate, he had all those years to do that. Why would he wait until now?”

“Yeah. If it wasn’t for Leping, he might have still kept it a secret from us.”

“He wasn’t hiding it. He had no intention of telling us.”

“Actually, we didn’t really hate him, did we? Lu Jin just took on the lead of isolating him every day. But everyone was so busy doing their own thing. There wasn’t time to care about other things.”

“Speaking of which, what happened to Lu Jin?”

“He helped move books in the library the other day and hurt his back so he’s in the hospital.”

“He helped move books?! Next thing we’ll know, he has already changed his gender! This world is so mysterious!”

“Are we going to wait for Rong Jing?”

“Let’s wait. He might come crying out too.”

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“What about Qi Ying? Does he know?”

“I’m more curious about the expression he’s going to make once he hears the truth. It would be fun to keep a video of that.”

Rong Jing saw a row of people sitting in the room when he opened the door. The most eye-catching was Gu Xi even though his clothes were the most inconspicuous.

When Gu Xi met Rong Jing’s gaze, a line of fire seemed to dash almost invisibly. Gu Xi calmly averted his gaze and looked at the information sheet in his hand.

Rong Jing thought that Gu Xi had already forgotten about him even though they had met at the Film Academy before. Iit was only normal since the original owner was just a cannon fodder. It was normal not to remember someone as unimportant as him.

Rong Jing thought of the description of Gu Xi’s appearance in the book. The book was kind of explicit and talked about things that were technically legal but perhaps not respectable. All of the five leads were either scum or perverted. Whether the things they did were downright despicable is up for the reader to decide. 

He remembered reading the part after Gu Xi had suffered several blows that were caused by the male leads. His resistance was ineffective so he acted like he changed and feigned affection to later look for opportunities to escape.

No matter how much the novel is judged, there was no doubt that the author used a lot of pen and ink to describe the countless deeds that the other leads did to show their abusive love. However, the same thing could be said to describe this novel’s most beautiful character.

For example, his eyes that seem to have gathered all the stars in the night sky, his cold gaze that could make you feel blessed, his soft, kissable lips that make all the Alphas go crazy. He was the epitome of lust. An existence that could awaken the deepest desires in people’s hearts. In order to make his eyes stained with the warmth of love, one would want to sink their teeth on his bare skin and eat him alive.

Back when he was still reading this novel, he couldn’t imagine how a person described like that would look like. However, seeing the person personally in front of him now, looking like a pure immortal, he realized that the description made sense.

If it weren’t for his intimidating aura, a lot more people would surely go crazy for Gu Xi. Then he remembered that in the story, this kind of behavior was simply his outer shell, his protective wall against people. When he’s with his close people, he would discard this all away.

The Alpha gene in Rong Jing couldn’t help being attracted but there were two words that stayed in his mind: A man.

At the thought of these words, all the emotions that he felt flew out of the window.

Rong Jing noticed that after he had walked in, several judges who had been sitting casually sat up straight and seemed to attach a little importance to him. He knew that he wasn’t so important to be given this kind of attention so it was probably for a different reason that they were being like this.

Liu Yu asked him to introduce himself first.

As soon as Rong Jing said his basic information, he noticed the camera next to him. The young man, who had a very calm expression seconds earlier, suddenly trembled like a leaf.

Rong Jing found himself unable to restrain the body’s fear. It was the original owner’s conditioned reflex. Even he could not control this situation. The original owner was okay with ordinary cameras, but when he needed to act, that’s when things went bad.

The staff handed him the clip that he was supposed to play, and Rong Jing was able to understand the concept.

Rong Jing covered the three-inch scar on his chest. Some images crossed his mind, this body’s deepest fears, arguments, beatings, and pools of blood that stretched away as far as the eye can see.

Rong Jing’s state of mind was good, but the muscle memory of the body was engraved too deeply. Well if it wasn’t, the original owner wouldn’t have worked so hard and achieved so little.

Just as he was fighting the memories of the original owner, he suddenly heard one of the assistant directors not far away say, “Gu Xi, it looks like you’re going to lose. He hasn’t changed at all.”

Actually, Rong Jing’s situation has been much better than the original owner’s past actions. At least now, he only seemed to be standing awkwardly, sweating and looking a bit tense, but overall, it still looked quite normal. The problem was that it wasn’t really a suitable state for a person that is supposed to act.

Gu Xi ignored the teasing of the assistant director and looked at Rong Jing, “Can you do it?”

“I can,” Rong Jing tried to squeeze out a few words but everyone around could tell that he was in a really bad shape.

A person that would sweat profusely after seeing the camera. It was normal for such a person to be brushed off by the assistant director in this kind of situation.

“Alright, I’ll give you another fifteen minutes to calm yourself first. We’re going to call the next person for the meantime,” Gu Xi motioned for one of the staff to escort Rong Jing down.

Before Rong Jing left, the assistant director could still be heard saying, “Gu Xi, why can’t you just admit defeat? This kid can’t do it.”

Rong Jing himself didn’t want to get rejected. He’s had enough experience of having been nominated for awards only to lose in the end. Sure, he had won multiple awards for the best actor and being a Film Emperor later in his past life, but he had never once won a rookie award.

In his first five years of being an actor, he had always heard those same kinds of words behind his back.

The Rong family is great but their youngest’s a bit of a disappointment…

Rong Jing wouldn’t be able to do it. He’s different from the other members of his family.

He’s been doing it for five years, but only his sisters have won awards. This brother of theirs only has his face to be proud of.

Rong Jing, what a pity, he only gets worse every time.

Rong Jing always looked indifferent all the time but that didn’t mean that he didn’t want to do well. His family told him that his talent was in acting, so why was his brilliance not coming out?

The students who hadn’t left yet looked at Rong Jing as he came out of the door. They looked at each other when they saw that he didn’t look good.

“He still hasn’t gotten over it, has he?”

“I guess so. He’s worked all these years. I thought there was going to be a miracle this time.”

“I thought you didn’t pay attention to him. Didn’t you hate him before?”

“Nah. He caused a commotion in the first month of school, he got so many Weibo followers. Who wouldn’t pay attention to him? After that you-know-what incident, I actually wanted to make peace with him, but he thought I was playing with him. Also, that Qi Ying scolded me, didn’t even help put in a good word for me. So I didn’t bother anymore, who would want to be snubbed despite showing good intentions.”

“Oh so you made fun of him later because of that?”



“Oh, you think you’re not?”

“Well, at least he can come out of the room now by himself. He’s better now than before.”

“He definitely has no chance of getting in, unless his family is willing to invest…”

“That’s not going to happen. Brother Xie said that he will never invest, not even a single cent in Rong Jing’s acting career,” Ji Leping interjected, remembering Xie Ling’s resolute expression at that time.

“That’s so miserable. I suddenly don’t envy him anymore. Even rich people have their own problems,” They thought of the possible rivalry of the Xie brothers.

“Should we go over?”

“What? You wanna get snubbed? You think he actually wants to talk to us? He probably thinks of us as a joke.”

It was a reasonable answer. Everyone turned quiet once again.

Rong Jing declined the help of one of the staff. He went to the bathroom alone and tried to calm himself. When he looked at the mirror, he saw a reflection of a very frustrated man. You won’t be able to get results if I don’t move forward. You’ve been doing your best for years and you’re still afraid of this mere audition.

Rong Jing splashed water on his face to calm himself as quickly as possible. 

All you need is one more chance. This time you should be able to get a new result.

He didn’t notice someone coming out of the Omega men’s bathroom and walking towards the sink next to him.

“Can’t you focus only on me?”

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