Hollow Dragon Sect

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Loot and Elder

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Chapter 6: Elder and Loot

       Squelch. Jiao Xuan burst like a watermelon when Vasha stomped on it.

       “It’s a pity, but now you’re done,” Vasha said.

       “Senior Brother, thank goodness, an intruder…” One disciple came out to the pavilion and saw Vasha standing next to a corpse.

       “I know, I’ve taken care of him.” Vasha coldly said to the disciple.

       “Yes!” The disciple cowered under Vasha’s gaze.

       “You, inform the rest to give me an update on the prisoners inside the pavilion, and tell them to scour the surroundings of the building to see if he had any collaborators!” Vasha commanded.

       “And tell them to leave this body here.” Vasha stared coldly at Jiao Xuan’s corpse. He walked towards his headless body and picked up his saber.

       “Interesting, he was almost fully bonded with it. This spirit armament is probably wood or restorative water type. He must have had quite the fortunate encounter.” Vasha observed Jiao Xuan’s saber with interest.

       “Does he have any more interesting things on him I wonder?” Vasha bent down to thoroughly check Jiao Xuan's corpse.

       After scouring his entire body, he found nothing of interest except an oddly shaped amulet. When he was just about to give up, he spotted something by the corner of his eye.

       “Hmm?” Vasha moves closer to get a glimpse of it. It was a black ring embedded in the flesh of Jiao Xuan’s finger.

       “A ring?” Vasha easily tore the ring of Jiao Xuan’s flesh.

       He inspected it with interest and then decided to inject his Qi into it. The previously black ring began to glow with blood-red runes.

       “It’s a spirit armament after all.” Jiao Xuan smiled when he saw the ring respond.

       All of a sudden, Vasha felt intense pressure, and bloodlust descends upon him.

       A red light erupted from the ring and began to take the shape of a blood-red wolf head. It looked very menacing, its jaw was wide open with blood-red teeth ready to chomp on Vasha.

At first, he was terrified, but he quickly calmed himself down and coldly said.

       “Be still!” His Qi, carrying his aura erupted and flooded the bloodlust emanating from the wolf's head, easily dispersing it. If one looked closely, one would notice that Vasha’s red and blue eyes were glowing, and vague and scattered runes could be seen swimming within his pupils.

       “Huu” Vasha exhaled when the ring stopped emanating the bloodlust.

       “You little shit!” Vasha kicked Jiao Xuan’s lifeless body in anger, causing it to be flung toward a tree.

       ‘This spirit tool was probably blood bonded to him, maybe because he couldn’t utilize Qi when he first attained it? Either way, the blood bonding strategy and the eerie feeling I get from it means it must be a demonic tool.’ Vasha injected his Qi into it again and this time around, there was no backlash instead, a portion of his senses was dragged into a space in the ring where he saw a bunch of books and items.


       ‘I’ve got loot.’ Vasha started chuckling when he noticed the things inside Jiao Xuan’s ring.

       ‘I better put this away for a while and deal with my current problems.’ Vasha thought, deciding to check out his loot later.

       He gritted his teeth and coldly looked at the 3rd floor through the hole created by the recent fight.

       “That trickster, I’ll gut him myself!” Vasha jumped directly to the 3rd floor and landed gracefully.

       On the 3rd floor, kneeling next to the hole was Xiao Ming. She was still mostly naked except for a piece of a blanket covering her. She knelt there, by the hole looking dazed, and constantly muttering Jiao Xuan’s name.

       “Xiao Xuan.”

       “Xiao Xuan.”

       Vasha upon reaching the floor saw her dead eyes locked on the corpse of Jiao Xuan in the distance. He chuckled and cruelly said.

       “What happened? You look dead. Was he your lover? Oops, he’s dead? I killed him” Vasha said with a big grin on his face.

       “Xiao Xu… You!! I will kill you!!” Xiao Ming suddenly screamed and rushed toward Vasha with a knife in her hand.

       “Hmph!” Vasha snorted coldly when he saw her attacking him. He extended his palm out to receive the attack.

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       “DIE!!!” Xiao Ming screamed, and plunge the knife into Vasha’s palm but it shattered upon contact with the skin of his palm, after all, Xiao Ming was merely in the Great-Knight stage, she stood no chance against someone in the Beast-King realm.

       Xiao Ming looked at her broken knife in disbelief, but before she could recover, Vasha sent her flying across the corridor into the room with a single smack to the cheek with his knuckles.

       Vasha walked into the remains of his damaged room and saw Xiao Ming lying unconscious on the floor. Her face was swelling up and a few broken teeth and blood could be seen splattered on the floor.

       “Foolish girl, you could have used the opportunity to escape instead of seeing revenge. If you didn’t taste good and possess a gold-ranked talent, you would be dead by now.” Vasha spat on the ground and no longer spared her a glance.

       He walked up to another body that lay in the room. He glared at the body for a while before smirking evilly.

       He turned over the body lying on its stomach with his leg. He then placed his barefooted leg on the groin of the body and slowly applied pressure.

       “Poor Ah Jun, it’s a pity he's dead. He won’t be able to fuck handsome boys with this cock of his anymore.” Vasha suddenly applied more pressure to Ah Jun’s crotch.

       “Yeouch!!! Please stop Boss Vasha!” A pleading scream suddenly erupted.

       “What, that voice, it sounds like Ah Jun. Poor Ah Jun, I must be hearing the voice of his ghost.”  Vasha acted like he was lamenting while he continued applying more pressure to his groin.

       “Pl…ease… stop boss, it is me Ah Jun… ow… I am no ghost boss. It… Yeowch! Me. Pleasestopmynutsareabout toBUST!!!” Ah Jun screamed even louder.

       Vasha took his leg off Ah Jun’s groin and look at him with faked shock.

       “A…Ah Jun, you’re still alive? No this must be your ghost.” Vasha said with fake tears streaming down his face.

       “I am alive boss, only those who have passed the Demon Gate can truly become remnant spirits.” Ah Jun answered tearfully.

       Vasha took his foot off Ah Jun's groin. Ah Jun quickly started massaging it while crying in pain.

       “Oho, you were still alive, Ah Jun? Then do you mind telling me the reason why you played dead, while I was fighting the intruder? Or when this bimbo was attacking me, you pretended to sleep?” Vasha pointed to Xiao Ming’s limp body as his tone became more grave and serious.

       Ah Jun felt a slimy and cold feeling slowly wrap around him. The air around him felt heavy, and he began to suffocate.

       ‘Shit, his spirit is this strong? He is not even at the Demon-Gate, and he is already capable of using it to affect the mind of others?”

       Sigh. Ah Jun suddenly heard a sigh and the suffocating feeling and the slimy cold feeling slowly wrapping around his neck were gone.

       “Just remember who you work for, Ah Jun,” Vasha said with a tired expression.

       “Yes sir!” Ah Jun replied.

       ‘Humph, what a faker, I know who you work for.’ Vasha turned away from Ah Jun.

       ‘Fucking creep, I will make sure I fuck his corpse one day. Besides when the fuck did he enter the Beast-King realm? His growth is suspicious, does he have some treasure? I have to report this to Lady Sha when we get back.’ Ah Jun slowly got up while holding his crotch. If looks could kill, Vasha would have been dead over a thousand times with the way Ah Jun was looking at him.

       There was silence for a while then suddenly, Vasha spoke.

       “Ah Jun, I have suspect that the little mouse came from over there. There’s a possibility he must have met with the captives being moved to Little Garden, and freed them.”

       “What!? Oh fuck!” Ah Jun started sweating bullets when he heard what Vasha said. He understood the implications of Vasha's statement. He knew they were in trouble.

       “Quick Ah Jun, gather our remaining Great-Knights, and Grand-beasts. Head to the site immediately and confirm the status of the captives. If they have already escaped, search for them within a radius of 10km and capture as many as possible. I trust you to use your discretion for the intricate details.” Vasha quickly snapped and commanded.

       “Right away si…” Ah Jun said.

       Whoosh. A sudden gust of wind blew into the room.

       “No need, I have already taken care of them.” An old, wizened voice said.

       Thud, Thud, Thud. Several things were suddenly dropped on the floor. It was a bunch of heads, and among which was the head of Yun Kai, the senior disciple that Jiao Xuan had freed earlier. His face looked like it was frozen in time, filled with indignation.

       ‘Sick bastard sure took his time messing with them.’ Vasha looked up to see the owner of the voice which spoke earlier.

       There, in front of the room was an elderly man with a bald head, and patches of black and white beard long enough to reach his waist floating in the air. He was dressed in a black and red long-sleeved garment with dragon scales printed all over it. He wore a sash around his waist that read ‘Houyan’. Upon his neck were several amulets, and a purple scabbard hung by his waist which only served to project the image of an old, and valiant warrior.

       “Well, well, if it isn’t our esteemed Outer Elder Houyan Shi?” Vasha sneered upon seeing the man and greeted him mockingly.

       The man floating before them was an Outer Elder of the Hollow Dragon Sect.   

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