Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 109: 109

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Beverly Hills.

In a cafe near wma headquarters in Camino street, Simon and Jonathan sat down after seeing off the other two.

Looking at the novel "dancing with Wolves" in front of him again, Simon looked at the figure of the paparazzi shaking outside the glass window and said with a smile to Jonathan, "ICM must be nervous. You just signed Robert De Niro, and you're going to attack their stars again."

ICM (innovation international management company) is Hollywood's talent agency after wma and CAA. It has Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy and other famous stars, and its strength can not be underestimated.

The two people who left just now are Michael Blake, the author of dancing with wolves in Simon's hands, and Kevin Costner.

Before Simon's rebirth, most people's impression of Kevin Costner was probably the role of Jonathan Kent, the adoptive father of Superman in Superman: the body of steel. But in fact, Kevin Costner is one of the hottest superstars in Hollywood in the 1990s with a series of blockbusters such as dancing with wolves and bodyguards.

Kevin Costner is now a customer of ICM. Although he is not as famous as later, he has a small reputation.

Jonathan Friedman has successfully signed with Robert De Niro last week. Hearing Simon say this, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Kevin and Bob are both introverted actors. I'm not as greedy as CAA. Just sign one. Simon, with dancing with wolves, you've already bought eight copyrights. Do you want to continue

Simon felt the dissuasion in Jonathan's voice, but said: "if there is something positive, of course it will continue."

Even so, Simon felt helpless.

Among the eight novels, remakes or original scripts that Simon has acquired, only two are in his favor, dancing with the wolf and Forrest Gump. The rest are just random collections for making smoke bombs.

Due to technical limitations, "Forrest Gump", which won the best special effects Oscar, will not be shooting in a short time.

Forrest Gump was published only last year, and its author, Winston glum, is well-known in the industry. However, compared with the author's other works, the sales of Forrest Gump can only be described as a failure.

Since last year, Forrest Gump has sold less than 10000 copies.

After Jonathon's contact with each other, Winston glum initially put forward various conditions. But when Simon raised the price to $200000, westero won the film adaptation right of the novel within 10 years.

As for dancing with wolves.

In the original time and space, the film not only made a huge box office of more than 400 million US dollars in the world with a production cost of 22 million US dollars, but also won a series of heavyweight awards such as best picture, best director and so on.

Dancing with the wolf does not have the technical threshold of Forrest Gump.

Simon, however, was also unable to jump start the project.

Danylis film has no operational strength to support a global $400 million box office blockbuster, and Simon can no longer transfer the distribution rights of this project to other film companies.

During this time, Jonathan was mainly negotiating with Michael Blake, the author of dance with the wolf, about the copyright term.

Michael Blake was encouraged by his good friend Kevin Costner to write the novel. For this reason, the other side insisted that Kevin Costner be the hero, and even stressed that the clause should be written in the contract.

In addition, if the copyright is sold to westero, Michael Blake and Kevin Costner naturally hope that "dancing with Wolves" can be shot as soon as possible.

That's not what Simon can say.

After several weeks of negotiation, the two sides barely reached an agreement. Danielis pictures bought the three-year adaptation right of dance with the wolf for $100000. In terms of copyright price, Michael Blake doesn't have a lion's mouth. However, if daenerys pictures can't start the project according to the agreed terms within three years, it will need to pay Michael Blake $500000 after the contract expires.

Besides Forrest Gump and dancing with the wolf, many other movie copyrights in Simon's memory can't be obtained or found.

What's more.

Simon can't do it too much, he can only eat it a little bit slowly.

Eight copyrights actually cost Simon more than $1 million. Jonathan's mind flashed over the tens of millions of dollars that the young man had accumulated at this time. Seeing that he didn't listen to his advice, he stopped saying anything and said, "Simon, I'm thinking, since Sally can't give it to Sean, can she try the role of Mary, Sally's good friend ?”

Jonathan's Sean is obviously "Rachel" Sean young in "Blade Runner".

Some time ago, Simon just decided to make "when Harry meets Sally", Jonathan recommended Sean young.Simon had a face saving talk with Sean young, and had an affair with him. However, Simon has already had his own plan, and Sean Young's impression on Simon is not good, so the matter is not over.

At this point, Simon said: "Joe, isn't she joining Oliver Stone's" Wall Street "crew?"

Oliver Stone won the Oscar for best director in March for "platoon." last month, he started filming another new film, Wall Street, a commercial film invested by Fox pictures.

Jonathan nodded with a wry smile and said, "Sean plays Michael Douglas's wife in the movie. However, both Oliver and Michael don't like her very much. Originally, she was just a small role with less than 10 minutes. In the future, the scenes in the film will be cut even shorter. "

"Sean is too pretty for Mary. What's more, Joe, you don't think she'll be able to get on well with everyone in when Harry meets Sally, do you Simon could only shake his head and refuse. After thinking about it, he said, "in fact, sandy, Liz and Nicole all have great potential. Joe, Sean's mean and perverse personality is not suitable for this circle at all. You don't have to spend too much time on her. "

Seeing that Simon didn't mention Courtney Cox, whom he first met, Jonathan could not help but feel some emotion, but explained: "Sean's father, Donald young, was a TV producer. I was a good friend with him when I was still working in New York, and Donald helped me more than once."

Human feelings are exhausting.

Simon thought so, but he couldn't let go and put in a character who might make the whole crew uneasy.

After chatting for a while, Simon and Jonathan said goodbye and rushed to the headquarters of de Laurentiis entertainment company, which is also located in Beverly city.

Today is May 13.


After more than a month of intense late, "blood corpse night" officially completed the final cut, Catherine called yesterday to invite Simon to see the film.

Simon wanted to do something for Katherine in the later part of blood dead night. However, after he broke up with Janet, the woman seems to have done something bad. During this period, she has been politely refusing Simon's help, but occasionally she will contact him by phone with some problems.


Simon hasn't seen each other in this period of time or the two most familiar women in this era.

Less than five minutes after leaving Camino street, Neil Bennett parked the Chevrolet SUV under a three story office building in Alden street.

Before Simon got out of the car, he noticed another wine red range rover parked in front of his car.

Compared with its own Chevrolet SUV, the range rover, which is known as the British Royal field vehicle, is definitely several grades higher. The bright wine red body is likely to be customized.

Most important.

It would be a failure if Simon couldn't find out Janet's preference for wine red.

Sure enough.

After getting out of the car, Simon steps forward to find Ken Dixon, who is sitting in the driver's cab reading a newspaper. This is the bodyguard Simon and Janet left behind after they "shared their property" last month.

Noticing Simon's presence, Ken Dixon pushed the door to get out of the car and said, "Mr. westrow."

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Simon nodded at each other and asked, "where's Jennie?"

Ken Dixon pointed to the office building by the road and said, "Miss has entered."

When the two said this, it was obvious that the paparazzi who had noticed the "important situation" had gathered around them. They slapped Simon who was talking with Ken Dixon. Neil Bennett came forward in time to separate the paparazzi who wanted to come up. Ken Dixon also skillfully blocked Simon's other side.

Ignoring all kinds of messy problems in a group of paparazzi photo studio, Simon quickly walked into the office building of de Laurentiis entertainment company, but he couldn't help thinking that he would never get rid of these guys, would he?

Simon enters the office building and is met by blood dead night producer Edward Feldman and another tall blonde in her mid-30s. After introduction, Simon learned that the blonde is Martha Schumacher, President of de Laurentiis entertainment company.

After a simple greeting, Edward Feldman noticed Simon's inquiring eyes and offered to explain: "Catherine was just there, but she was pulled in by Miss Johnston. Simon, let's go upstairs. "

Simon nodded and followed them upstairs.

In a spacious office on the third floor, Janet and Katherine were sitting on the sofa in the reception area talking in a low voice. When Simon came in, the two women stood up immediately.

Edward Feldman smiles and says he's going to prepare for the demo. He leaves with Martha Schumacher. Catherine hugs Simon and finds a reason to disappear.

Soon Simon and Janet were left in the office.

After everyone left, Simon looked at Janet, who was still standing in the same place. Today, the woman had a big wave of curly hair, a wisp of long bangs in front of her forehead, a long blue shirt with a wide lattice and white casual pants, and high-heeled sandals on her feet.After being looked at by Simon for a while, Janet finally couldn't stand it. She stepped forward two steps, slightly raised her chin, stretched out her hand to Simon and said, "hello."

Simon glanced at the beautiful little hand, raised it and took it, but he held it directly on Janet's white wrist.

Suddenly Simon grabbed her wrist. Although the man didn't exert any force, a feeling that she was almost engraved into the bone marrow suddenly came to her heart. Janet's whole body was a little soft, her face turned red, her eyes were full of water, and her voice was soft and waxy: "you bully me, little bastard."

Simon just wanted to scare Janet. He felt that the woman was going to be so soft, so he hugged her. Janet immediately wrapped up like a koala and slapped her sandals on the ground.

Simon, holding Janet's soft body, felt the woman's delicate face rub and rub between his neck, with a thick obsession, and finally nibbled at his neck like a mouse, as if to confirm something.

So he said in a low voice, "do you still want to break up?"

Janet didn't answer the question. Her voice was still soft. "Little bastard," she murmured

Simon takes the woman to the sofa and wants to put her down. Janet's hands and feet around Simon are tight, and she doesn't want to separate from Simon. Simon had to turn around and sit on the sofa with his hands around the woman's waist. He tried his hand feeling and said with a smile, "I'm fat. It seems that I don't miss you at all this time."

Janet changed her posture and put it on Simon, with a little dissatisfaction: "don't think about you little bastard who does bad things all day."

Simon said, "I didn't do anything, really."

Janet's head went back to Simon's neck and said, "it's useless."

Simon can only smile, smelling the woman's good smell, said: "go to my place tonight?"

Janet twisted slightly and said, "no, to palisade."

Simon nodded: "good."

With such a quiet embrace, Janet took the initiative to find a topic: "what do you think of Noah?"

Simon shook his head honestly: "not familiar. What about him? "

Janet said, "when you met last week, he called me and said you were very difficult to get along with."

Simon turned to put a sticker on Janet's side face and said, "I don't know what's going on, but I just can't get along with him."

Janet pauses, suddenly laughs, grabs Simon with her little hand and says, "lion."

Simon didn't understand: "hmm?"

Janet raised her face from Simon's neck and looked at him with bright eyes. Her face was full of smile, but her voice was still soft. "A lion king can accept many females around him, but she will never tolerate another adult male lion threatening his status in the territory."

Simon helpless way: "is this kind of truth?"

Janet came up, opened her mouth, bit Simon's lip, and said, "don't you notice? You don't even have a same-sex friend of the same age, and you obviously prefer to get along with girls. "

Simon knew that Janet had just bitten her lip, obviously suggesting something about Sandra. In the last scandal, a paparazzi caught the details of Sandra biting Simon, which was very exaggerated.

He also bared his teeth to the woman in his arms. Simon said, "I think it has nothing to do with lions. On the contrary, it's like a guy in an oriental novel."

"Who is it?" Janet said curiously

Simon said with a smile, "you don't know. However, the guy's theory is that women are made of water and men are made of mud. He feels very happy when he gets along with women, and he feels uncomfortable when he sees men. "

Janet's eyelashes flashed and said, "really, ha ha, just like you. I'll take time to read that novel. You can find it for me

Simon nodded, "OK."

Janet pecked Simon's lips again, buried her face between Simon's neck and enjoyed the feeling of her ears rubbing together. A moment later, she changed the subject and said, "Noah called me again this morning. Little bastard, have you really bought 3700 S & P long contracts? "

Simon nodded, "yes."

Janet obviously laughed again and said, "Noah says you're crazy."

Since last week, the S & P 500 index has been basically maintained between 270 and 275. Simon has been instructing Noah Scott to continue to buy the S & P 500 index futures long contract in September in recent days.


With 3700 contracts in total, Simon has consumed more than $50 million based on the margin of about $13 600 per contract. If you don't include the $20 million loan that is still reserved in his personal account, Simon's current position ratio is as high as 67%.

The contracts of stock index futures are divided into March, June, September and December. Simon didn't buy the latest June contract, but the September contract four months later, just for the long term.Noah Scott clearly saw that as well.

Most stock index futures speculators tend to keep their long-term positions within 30%. Simon directly increases their positions to 67%. Even with the current loose futures trading rules, it is easy to lose money.

No wonder people think they're crazy.

These thoughts flashed through his mind. Simon stroked Janet's soft body and said, "do you think I'm crazy?"

Janet nodded, "well."

Simon abandoned himself and said, "well, it seems that I'm really crazy."

"Ha ha," Jeanette chuckled, her arms tightly around Simon, with undisguised determination, and said, "you're my boyfriend, little bastard. How could Janet Johnston's boyfriend be normal? "

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