Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 142: 142

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Jonathan Friedman and others are still waiting for themselves at wma headquarters. In the afternoon, we are going to discuss the heroine of instinct. Simon has recently taken a fancy to a candidate for the heroine. After a few words with Amy, Simon leaves the office building of the company, and Jennifer follows the car with a stack of documents.

As SUV shuttles through the streets of Los Angeles, Jennifer hands Simon a meeting memo and says, "Dad held a conference call with sun executives this morning to confirm joining the board of directors of the company. So far, we've got board seats for 16 companies. Dad said that apple and other companies are also very promising. Don't you really plan to join them? "

Simon looked through the memo in his hand.

Sun's full name is Sun Microsystems Inc., which is a new technology enterprise mainly producing servers and workstations. The powerful Java language was developed by this company. In the memory of

Simon, SUN had a market value of over $200 billion at the peak of the Internet bubble. However, after the collapse of the Internet bubble, the company began to decline rapidly for various reasons and was eventually bought by Oracle.

During last year's stock price crash, westero began to make bottom selling when sun's market value was about $850 million. With the recent small-scale increase, Simon spent less than $45 million on sun's 5% stake.

If history does not change, this share will be worth $10 billion at the peak of sun's market value in the future.

However, sun's potential return on investment is obviously not comparable to that of Microsoft.

Simon bought 4.9% of Microsoft's shares last year with only US $56 million. In the latest increase, he unknowingly increased his shareholding to 3 million shares, which is just 6% of Microsoft's 50 million shares.

According to the peak of Microsoft's market value of $600 billion in 2000, the 6% share of Microsoft alone will increase Simon's personal wealth by $36 billion.

Therefore, whether it is sun or Microsoft, Simon will focus on increasing its holdings in the next few years. Simon plans to increase his stake in these companies to at least 10%.

Simon, by contrast, is less interested in apple today.

Simon invested about $150 million in Apple's 4.9% stake at the lowest point of about $3 billion market value last year, more than Microsoft and sun combined, second only to Motorola's $250 million and Intel's $170 million.

However, according to the information in my memory, Apple's market value in the next few years will rise and fall after breaking through $7 billion, and Simon naturally has no intention to hold it for a long time.

After carefully reading the minutes of the meeting, Simon heard Jennifer's question and said, "last time I made a promise to join the board of directors for three years. The money of westero company can't sustain for three years now, so we must choose to join the board of Directors now. "

Jennifer nodded and said something else: "and by the end of the day, we've bought 1.23 million new world entertainment shares, with an average price of about $7.50 and a total expenditure of about $9 million. The total equity of new world entertainment is 25 million shares, and we are just stuck at about 4.9% of what we need to report. After submitting the report to the SEC next Monday, as the news becomes public, the stock price will definitely rise. Dad plans to continue to absorb within $10, and then make a tender offer to new world entertainment. "

Due to the problem of capital chain, the share price of new world entertainment is far lower than the actual value. Simon and James previously discussed the acquisition plan, the final transaction price of a 50% premium ceiling.

Simon said: "it's OK for your father to follow the plan. There's no need to tell me all the details."

Jennifer answered, handed over another thick folder and said, "also, here are some aircraft information you asked me to collect a few days ago. The price on the documents is only the public offer of the airline. In the actual transaction process, buyers usually get a certain discount."

In order to meet the needs of work and travel for himself, Amy, James and others, Simon decided to buy a business plane a few days ago and asked Jennifer to collect some information at will.

Looking out of the window, Simon opened the folder and asked Jennifer, "do you have a favorite type? If you buy a plane, everyone can use it. "

Although the man next to her didn't look at her, she dodged and said, "it's up to you, of course."

Simon smiles, looking at the latest Gulfstream IV Business Aircraft Information in front of him, and says, "well, it's not official yet about that videotape. Thank you. If you have a type you like, I'll buy it according to your mind this time."

Listening to Simon's relaxed tone, Jennifer was a little dissatisfied and couldn't help saying, "it's yours too. I'm so insincere."

Simon glanced at Jennifer and noticed that she had tied up her hair again today, revealing her white neck: "if I change the ownership of this plane to your name, will your father think we have something, and then beat me up?"Jennifer felt Simon's eyes, shrunk her neck, shook her head and said, "my father won't, Miss Johnston will. Maybe I'll be beaten, too."

Simon pretended to hesitate, also shook his head: "even if it's OK, it's not worthwhile to get a beating though it's nothing."

Jennifer's face turned red and a picture came back to her mind.

He noticed that Simon turned his eyes to the information in front of him, so he raised his hand, carefully touched the back of his head, secretly pulled off the ribbon tied on his hair, and felt the scattered hair, which relaxed a little.

Thought he didn't notice, just about to quietly put the ribbon into the bag, her ear came a voice: "this is not good-looking."

Oh, my God.

Resisting the impulse to jump out of the car, Jennifer grabs her satchel and stares at Simon with courage: "I won't let you see it."

I feel that the girl's voice is full of soft tremors. Although Simon is still a little unclear, he doesn't tease any more and pays attention to the plane information in front of him.

Due to the loose aviation control system, the private aircraft industry in the west is very developed, and the price is not high.

According to Simon's information, the latest Gulfstream IV luxury business jet has a total passenger capacity of about 20 people, a cruising distance of nearly 8000 km, and the current official price is only $16 million. According to what Jennifer just said, the price can be discounted.

Of course, cheapness must be relative.

According to the latest media statistics, Simon's wealth of about $1.6 billion is enough to make him into the top 50 of this year's Forbes rich list. What's more, most of Simon's assets are stock assets that can be quickly converted into cash, which further enhances the gold content of his personal wealth.

In contrast, many of Simon's billionaires may not be able to easily spend $16 million in cash to buy a private plane.

Looking over some small business aircraft brands in front, Simon soon saw some models that he was more interested in.

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Boeing 747-300, priced at $120 million.

That's Simon's ultimate goal.

At present, the Boeing 747-400 is still in the research and development stage, and the Boeing 747-300 is the latest model in the Boeing large aircraft series. As for the data such as passenger capacity and cruise distance, if it is transformed into a private aircraft, it is obviously unnecessary to pay attention to it. It's enough to connect any two places on the planet when it's full of gas. The six story fuselage is 70 meters long, and the interior space is spacious enough to build a swimming pool.


Simon can only look at it now. Although the cost of $120 million is almost twice as cheap as that of the same type of large airliner more than a decade later, and he can afford it, he can't buy it now.

Too much publicity.

If Simon bought it now, he would be drowned by the spittle of the whole North American media.

Even if Simon doesn't care about it, he'll be in a mess about buying such a big Mac, parking and maintenance. In the final analysis, it's still a question of the inside information. If the Rockefeller family bought such a plane, even if it would still be criticized, more people would take it for granted.

As for Simon westero.

All right.


When the car stopped outside wma headquarters in Camino street, Simon had made a wise decision to buy a Gulfstream IV first. Compared with large Boeing, the delivery time of this small aircraft is also very short, and it can be delivered in three months after the order is placed.

Take Jennifer to wma headquarters. Jonathan Friedman, Brian De Palma and others are waiting for Simon.

For more than a year, Simon has changed from what he used to be, but the internal turmoil of wma has never stopped.

At the beginning of the new year, ed limato, one of the vice presidents of wma, went to ICM with a large number of stars in his name, such as Mel Gibson, Steve Martin, Denzel Wharton and Michelle Pfeiffer. This move once again made wma lose its vitality.

In Simon's view, this is almost inevitable.

Wma is still firmly controlled by Norman Broca and other old men, and ED limato can't go any further in the short term. However, the gold medal agent hopped to ICM and immediately won the positions of partner and co president of ICM.

After ED limato's job hopping, Jonathan, who used to be a small number of vice presidents, has become the next president of wma unconsciously because he is acting for a group of top filmmakers such as Brian De Palma, Robert De Niro, Robert Duval, Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock and Simon, as well as the support of wma Chairman Lu Weiss It's a hot choice.

Simon is actually very interested in the talent agency industry.

However, due to the restrictions of California's talent agency act, agents can not get involved in the production field, and film companies can not get involved in the talent agency industry. Simon can only slightly interfere with the pattern change of talent agency industry according to his limited influence, but it can not affect the overall situation.In a large conference room at wma headquarters.

Simon greets everyone one by one, and soon comes to a tall black haired actress, who is Linda Fiorentino, Simon's heroine of instinct.

In the original time and space, Linda Fiorentino's most well-known role is the female forensic doctor in man in black.

However, Simon chose each other because she starred in another film, the last temptation, which was originally a 1995 film in time and space. It was obviously a thriller erotic type following instinct. Linda Fiorentino's snake and scorpion beauty skillfully plays the men around her in the applause.

After the release of the last temptation, Linda Fiorentino's performance almost won the unanimous praise of the critics. It was only because the film was first broadcast on HBO television and did not meet the criteria for the selection of the Oscar that the actress regretfully failed to get the Oscar nomination that year.

Simon and Linda Fiorentino shook hands and sat down around the table.

The other day, after Simon picked Linda Fiorentino from a group of actresses, he arranged an audition for her and Michael Douglas. The effect is also very satisfactory.

Today, Michael Douglas didn't show up for the audition video, and Brian De Palma approved it. We discussed the details of the film and the contract with Linda Fiorentino's agent, George Lipton.

A few big men are discussing enthusiastically, some husky female voice with obvious dissatisfaction, said: "no one wants to ask my opinion?"

Simon and others looked over together. George Lipton, Linda Fiorentino's agent, said: "Linda, you can go back first. I'll call you after work."

Linda Fiorentino glanced at her agent, didn't speak, reached out and seemed to feel in her jeans pocket for a moment, took out a box of cigarettes, completely ignored George Lipton's almost demanding expression, continued to take out the lighter, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, spewed out green smoke, and then looked directly at Simon: "Mr. westrow, resume George handed it to me. I didn't say I was going to play the part

Simon looked at the woman's style with great interest, and suddenly remembered some rumors about the actress in his memory, but he just said with a smile, "then you didn't refuse anything, and you cooperated with the audition?"

Linda Fiorentino said: "I just want to try to play with a big star like Douglas."

Simon had a good temper and said, "well, now?"

Linda Fiorentino flicked her ashtray skillfully and said, "your script is very good, but there are more naked scenes. If I can delete some scenes, I can agree to play."

Simon made a gesture of convenience and said, "Ms. Fiorentino, if that's your request, you can go out now."

But Linda Fiorentino didn't move, didn't show a guilty expression, took another slow puff, looked at Simon and said, "Mr. westero, as far as I know, instinct will start shooting next month, and the schedule is very tight. You can't find a better actor than me in a short time. "

Simon shook his head and said, "in fact, I already had a very suitable candidate in my heart before you, but I hate each other more, so I don't intend to use her. So, you want to be more annoying than her? "

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