Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1684: 1692

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In Los Angeles, with the westward shift of Hollywood center, more and more celebrities in the film and television entertainment circle tend to settle in Brentwood rich area closer to Malibu, rather than Beverly Hills, which was once hot.

Relying on her good friend's contacts, Annika seitel, who has quickly gained a foothold in Hollywood in recent years, recently purchased a villa of her own, located in Brentwood.

Although it is not the most golden highland area, Annika can only be satisfied with her own real estate in just a few years.

This is October 25th.


As soon as the morning light came on, Annika woke up, mainly because Lina Kane, who stayed here last night, began to get up first, which made Annika, who wanted to sleep in, have to sit up.

Even if the relationship between the two sides is very close, subconsciously, they are not willing to lose too much to Lina.

The two men left the bedroom after dressing and washing. In the villa, the waitress in charge of their daily work had been busy earlier.

Regardless of daily trivia such as breakfast, the two women came to the gym together, simply warmed up and stepped on the treadmill.

Pressing the jog button, Annika noticed that Lina next to her spread a comic book that had been turned over many times on the treadmill console, and began to use it two ways. She thought that she didn't follow the imitation anymore, but caught the topic by taking advantage of the situation: "this book, the catcher, was the first comic book that won the Hugo Award in those years, and its connotation was really enough. However, I always felt that Zach was a little unwise to choose this project."

The famous "catcher", which is a story produced by DC Comics in 1986, is independent of the mainstream superhero universe of DC. It roughly tells the story of a group of retired superheroes who can't enjoy a peaceful life and rise again under the background of the overhead cold war.

The cartoon discusses a very heavy and eternal topic: how to prevent war?

The story gives several answers.

The final one is to set up a common and powerful enemy for all people on earth, so that the world is always threatened and forced to unite and no longer fight with each other.

However, in order to teach mankind a profound lesson, there is a price for such a game.

Then again.

Will humans really learn a lesson?

Lena Kane, while jogging, leafed through the comics in front of her wholeheartedly, and did not turn her head when she heard the voice of her best friend around, "This is a work that many cartoon fans are looking forward to moving to the big screen, as well as the halo of the Hugo Award that year. In addition, with the success of biochemical crisis and Sparta 300 warriors, Zach has also accumulated enough experience, all of which are favorable conditions. Whether the film can succeed in the end is gambling. Who dares to guarantee success?"

Annika couldn't refute, paused and asked, "what about Simon?"

This time, it is obviously impossible for DC to transfer the copyright of the watcher to daenerys entertainment, even if it is made together. Therefore, after cooperating with daenerys entertainment on two projects, or after being praised by daenerys, Zach Schneider can only cooperate with Warner to make this project.

To some extent, this is simply betrayal.

You know, daenerys has three movie appointments with Schneider, and she has only completed two before. Therefore, if there is no let up, Schneider can't cross danilis' agreement and cooperate with other studios at all.

Lena nodded without turning her head. "Simon has agreed."

Annika was surprised: "when?"

It's too much to say that the two girls are inseparable, but they know each other quite well because of the intimate relationship deliberately kneaded by a man.

So, why didn't she know that a man agreed to this?

Lena finally glanced over and looked back, but she could see some smiles from her side face: "last night, when you were taking a shower, I emailed him, but I didn't expect to get a response immediately, and I also chatted online for a while."

Annika opened her mouth, and then her face, which was not sweating, blushed a little.

Last night, after taking a bath, she was quite active.

At that time, I only remember that Lena put her laptop aside, and then, of course, there was no time to talk about it.

After a while, Annika finally opened her mouth again, with a bit of half true joke jealousy: "hum, you actually flirted with other men while I was taking a bath."

Lina turned the page of the cartoon in front of her and said with a smile, "this sentence is strange. You can't say 'other men', because you're not a man, and if we really want to make a difference, you can only be a woman."

"Hum, you are a man, okay?" Annika speeds up the treadmill a little and sighs deliberately, "God, Simon westero actually likes men. This is really a big gossip."

Lena smiled, instead of continuing to talk nonsense with Annika, but said, "Simon also said he was looking forward to this project. I'm not surprised. How can my man not have this kind of heart?"

"Yes, my man's man."

Lina still didn't mind Annika's embarrassment and little mischief under the taste, and said seriously, "in short, there's no problem with danilis. Anne, do you want to try as a screenwriter?"

Speaking of business, Annika also restrained her expression, and had carefully read the cartoon of the catcher in advance. At this time, she shook her head and said, "I think the story of this cartoon itself has a high degree of completion. It can be directly used as a template for film and television, and there is no playwriting space. Moreover, I am writing death video while taking into account the new project of the Farrelly brothers. Where is the time?"

Under the strategy finalized by Simon, the development of sequels of many projects in the charge of Lina and Blair, whether it is Blair the witch or biochemical crisis, has been put on hold for the time being.

So we consider opening up new IP.

At the beginning, Simon gave Lena several ideas of pseudo documentary in her memory. After discussion, the two women chose the death video, which combines pseudo documentary and zombie elements. The original version is a Spanish film. The reason for making this choice is that this story is also very suitable for developing into a horror game.

The success of the previous biochemical crisis game is obvious to all.

Therefore, Annika started the construction of this series after the end of the summer vacation. Similarly, with reference to the biochemical crisis series, although the whole story starts from an apartment, the front and back related to this story, both the timeline and various details, are intended to be filled in.

The two women plan to set up a separate game studio to independently develop the game while setl entertainment and danilis cooperate to develop the film.

Of course, I didn't plan to fly alone.

Whether it's movies or games, the production funds are intended to be obtained from daenerys, and they just hope to get more income from it.

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Danilis is also happy with this, not because of the relationship between the two women and their boss.

It's still something Simon knew very early.

Complete self production and self marketing will only lead to the rigidity within the enterprise. Like the television industry, a certain degree of "separation of production and broadcasting" will be adopted, with enough initiative retained internally, fresh blood continuously introduced externally, and competition stimulated at the same time. Only in this way can a company maintain its vitality for a longer time.

Therefore, whether it is film, television or games, Simon encourages cooperation with third parties.

Of course, the premise is that the absolute initiative and the maximum share of income must be on the side of Westeros system.

Simon doesn't work for others.

Another project of the Farrelli brothers is another cooperation between the two sides after "I'm crazy for Mary".

Or comedy.

However, unlike "I'm crazy for Mary", which stubbornly resisted the reappearance of the butterfly effect, this time is a new project, called "the troubles of genius". Unlike the middle-aged people in "I'm crazy for Mary", who find love again, this time they take the route of youth comedy, which is closer to the kind of "American Pie", but the feature is still the joke like "Saturday night live".

The project is already being filmed and is tentatively scheduled to be released next Easter.

Two projects have occupied most of Annika's time. She doesn't have the energy to take on the screenwriting task of the catcher. However, the main thing is that she doesn't think there is too much room to play. Otherwise, she doesn't mind exercising in the new type.

Lena didn't force it when she heard Annika say so.

In fact, I am also worried about the adaptation of the catcher.

This story, since it can win the Hugo Award, has proved its excellence.

If "the catcher" is a super long cartoon, and it can be trimmed, it is a story that can be basically told in a movie. Therefore, there is really not much room for screenwriters to play.

However, if you can't make some changes to the story, will the audience feel that this is just an image of repetition in the future?

Until the end of the exercise, Lena couldn't decide.

It can only be discussed with Warner and Zach Schneider. In fact, she has no right to make decisions and can only give certain suggestions. Of course, because of a certain identity and previous success, the other two parties will not ignore her suggestions.

The two women had breakfast and began their day's work.

Annika is going to the crew of the troubles of genius. The project is filmed in Santa Monica, and she will stay there all day today.

Lina has a lot of things to do. After all, she is still an agent. She has more than 20 customers unknowingly. She has all kinds of trivia. If she doesn't train several assistants at the same time, and wma has been promoting the economic system reform similar to CAA, she may be too busy.

When arriving at wma headquarters in Century City, the first thing to pay attention to is the currently released "horror cruise".

Because the story structure is too complex, even if Beckinsale plays the leading role, new world film industry is still not optimistic about the performance of "horror cruise" in the theater market. Finally, Lina argued and won 7million publicity expenses. Moreover, taking advantage of the film's own characteristics, she launched a small-scale virus marketing on the Internet platform at a small marketing cost, and the core is' who is the murderer

To be honest, this marketing is not as successful as the original "Blair the witch". After all, if you want to arouse public discussion, you must disclose enough information, but this film reveals too much, especially a final secret, which will lose the biggest suspense of the film.

After all, it has attracted some attention.

With the release of the film, the marketing continues. The special story structure and the final truth have triggered more discussion than before the painting.

The result now is that about 14million in the first week is certainly no problem.

However, compared with the local box office forecast of 30million, Lina is more optimistic. Perhaps, this project is expected to impact the local $40million. At 40million, the total cost of production and publicity will be recovered, and the follow-up is to make money. Moreover, as long as the reputation is large enough, the greater potential of this project is obviously still in the follow-up family entertainment channels.

Therefore, after roughly understanding the latest box office data and market feedback, Lina contacted the new world film industry and hoped that there would be some additional publicity spending to make this project more popular.

It is certain that this project will make money, and new world pictures is also very proud. It plans to add another 3million US dollars to gather 10million publicity investment.

However, Danny Morris, President of new world pictures, who personally discussed with Lena on the phone, inevitably joked that more publicity investment and extension of this cycle will definitely affect the sharing time of this project.

Considering the conflict of interest, agents cannot get involved in film and television production.

However, the rules were destroyed by CAA's packaging strategy as early as the 1980s. Although she did not directly hold the shares of seter entertainment, which was temporarily fully owned by her best friend, Lina could still get a share of the profits from various projects cooperated by both parties.

Lena is not worried about it.

After all, everyone has a consensus that the main benefit of this project must be in the surrounding channels. What's more, the largest video rental chain in the world is under danilis entertainment.

After finishing this matter, she handled some other daily affairs. Near noon, Lina drove to Burbank Warner Brothers Studios on the other side of the Santa Monica Mountains.

At noon, we had a dinner with Alan horn, President of Warner Bros. pictures. Zach Schneider also attended. After getting the consent of a man, this noon, we officially finalized our cooperation on the watcher.

The meal lasted for an hour.

Things are basically settled.

It's a pity that we can't package this project anymore. However, it's just a pity. After all, such a super blockbuster with an estimated investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the superhero remake movie that Warner likes very much, and it's impossible for small workshops such as setel entertainment to win it alone.

Another satisfaction is that Warner gave Schneider $10million in director's remuneration, plus 10% of the global box office gross profit.

This double ten agreement, for a director who only shoots two films, even if both films are very successful, is actually quite generous. After all, even if calculated according to the total investment of 150million in production and publicity, as long as the global box office can reach 500million, it is expected that the director can get at least another share of 5million dollars, equivalent to the top salary of 15million dollars in the industry.

If it exceeds 500million, it will be as successful as other DC diffuse films, with a total revenue of $20 million or $30 million.

The income level of a single project of $20.30 million is already the treatment of super first-line directors.

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